
Ildauland the land of the Fae

As a blinding golden light enveloped the party, they felt a strange tugging sensation, pulling them somewhere. They instinctively closed their eyes against the bright light as it spirited them away to an unknown place.

Xinya thought that the teleportation would be instantaneous, but it wasn't, no matter how he wished it was. Instead it was quite long and frightening, if he had to liken it to something, he would say it was similar to riding a roller coaster.

When he was younger, his mother allowed him to ride one using a virtual reality device. She had told him that it had been her most favorite pastime and he had begged her to let him try it. However, his experience riding that virtual roller coaster was completely different from what he imagined. 

The experience he had was an unequal mix of terrifying and exhilarating, with terrifying winning out over the other. He could still remember how his stomach churned, and the cold sweat he had after it was over.