
Have some Originality scrub

Have something new instead of the same ol powers and the same old worlds.. It's boring to copy the same world over and over. And I'm not here to write stories for you I'm here to get that thing you call a brain moving. I'm here to give original ideas not books.. work it out yourself.

Sanguis_Alexandra · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Perhaps my last MHA idea for a while..

Y'know.. I really like Undertale yet it's not often you find them here.. I get that the fandom is... How to put it.. disgusting?

Anyways.. let's turn our MC into Gaster... Human form.. male female.. whatever.. And have them experience all they did but keep parts of their personality so it isn't cut and dry.. Let's keep them in the void as well.. How do they get out? Well our Quirkless Bean of a character Izuku happens to find a grey door in their hall and being a kid.. y'know.. And meets our goopy glitchy mc.. Being the hero worshiper they are.. they would run over and try to help.. Only.. our MC "Technically fuses" with them.. Still 100% fused.. but Can separate and walk around and all of that.

The idea here is that they are a.. Symbiotic case where they can control magic hands and a certain bean has to deal with learning magic.. Now let's make this magic available to all but just. quirks and the fact it's a myth keeps it from being learnt. This means no magic users around.. Wouldn't be fun for that to happen.. Maybe ONE villian or we can drag a neutral Chara into the mix with magic as well and we can make them they main... "Interest" but a problem to hold back as we give them hate and have them try to keep control..

Look this is the closest to a story I can make for y'all to get writing.. Don't get used to it.