

It's camping y'all. Hampton High School in Virginia embarks on a 30 day camping trip, but it isn't exactly what they anticipated. Luna Jenkins though, might be left out, because her parents insist she stays put. Would Luna listen to her parents, missing out on the adventures, and her one chance of getting a boyfriend? Would she let it slide, and be an obedient teenager? Or would she do what every desperate teenager would have done? 14 year old Luna, and a junior student in Hampton High is caught up in a world of pain, deceit and mystery. Her life is shit looking at it from a teenager's point of view. As she struggles to get her first boyfriend, that first kiss, and her first make out session, she discovers there is more to life than camping and boys.

Manuel_Ncjr · Teen
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31 Chs

Chapter 25

Original vampires were known for their ruthlessness. Not that everyone knew vampires exist, or that original vampires were different from regular vampires. But the few who were aware knew how merciless the original vampires were. Their emotions are automatically turned off, making them cold blooded, ugly creatures.

Since there were about 400 humans they could feed from. They took their time, sucking from their prey slowly and in a fun way, progressing from one person to another. Roberto stood at a spot, grinning widely, and feeling impressed that he was able to throw the feast again.

One of the original vampires moved speedily to the podium, grabbing Tristin and the others, flinging them to the dance floor, to join the party.

Johnny was helpless, he couldn't use his vampire powers tho, because of the others. Besides, it would do no good. They were at the hands of 10 cruel original vampires. Just one regular vampire wouldn't make a difference.

Johnny glued his eyes closed, letting them have fun with him, sucking his blood slowly and at a constant pace.

The original vampires were having fun, and they intended to keep it that way for a while, until their prey had nothing left.


(Luna and the other vampires)

"Okay, so how do we get to paradise?" Luna asked, directing the question to nobody exactly.

They were currently in the woods, weaving through the obstacles, and bushy forests.

Abubakar paused, sniffing the air present, and then, looked back at the rest.

"We go south" he instructed.

"What the hell man. My friends could be dead by now, and you're doing some lame sniffing act to decide where to go. Seriously? South. What the fuck" Luna complained.

(Everyone glances at Luna in disgust except Abubakar)

"We are the ones helping you newbie. Looking at it from our point of view, we have nothing to lose if your friends die. Paradise isn't a place that's easy to find. It's a place protected by magic, and since we have no sorcerer among us, we can't get there ourselves" Abubakar informed.

"How do you intend to take us there then!?" Luna asked

"I get it newbie. You're scared, we all are, because we could die too in this mission. Your friends would be fine. The original vampires don't drain off their prey at once. They like to feed on 'em slow and steady until there is no blood left. Right now, we are headed to a friend of mine"

As they moved swifly across the muddy ground, Luna was bothered.

(Let's just get to this friend of his, first) she concluded.


The atmosphere here reeked of swamps, and the scent of clay. There was a hut before them, a small hut in the center of the forest, it was surrounded by bushes.

"We're here" Abubakar signaled for all to wait, so he could go get his friend.

He moves to the door, and gives a loud bang on it.

The door opens by itself, due to its weakness, and also because it had been around for a long time.

"Shola!" Abubakar called out from the entrance.

(A man with long, unkept dreads leisurely walks out of the hut)

"Abubakar! How you been man?" he said.

"Oh I've been you know, doing vamps stuff. What can I say? Ha ha"

"This one wey you kon see me today" Shola said, speaking with a different accent.

"I just get one small problem jare" Abubakar replied, with the same funny accent.

(Shola laughs)

"Kilo shele gan gan" Shola uttered with a different language.

Luna and the others could hear everything, making Luna stare in confusion.

"What is he saying?" she asked one of the vampires.

"What's the exact problem" The vampire translated for Luna to understand.

"It's one of our native languages, back in West Africa" another vampire contributed.

Abubakar leans forward to get a clearer view of Shola's face.

"We need your help man to get to paradise"

"What, why!?" he asks.

"It's urgent man. No time for explanation. A lot of people are in danger"

"I get it now. It's Roberto right? He is throwing one of those feasts of his, and you want to stop him, all because of that newbie vampire staring weirdly at me" Shola discovered, after using his physic powers on Abubakar.

"Yeah. I told you to never use those powers on me man!" Abubakar yelled.

"Relax okay. I had to know what you're getting into. I would help you get to paradise" he said, stepping out of the hut to join the others.

(They all leave to continue their quest)

"Wait here y'all. I can sense a great deal of magic here. I can access such powers to make the door that leads to paradise pop up" Shola informed.

"Okay sorcerer dude. Do your thing" Luna said in amazement.

Shola took out his tools from the bag he was carrying, and placed them on the muddy ground.

He knelt down, closed his eyes, and concentrated on the powers present in the atmosphere.

(This is too much, it could destroy me. But I have to help an old friend) he says in his mind.

Shola lets out his mojo, connecting with the powers outside, around him. He whispers some words of sorcery continuously. He keeps this up, closing his eyes, knees on the ground, hands on the mud.

Lightning flashes, sound of thunder fills the whole place, the darkness grows, becomes thicker. The ground starts to shake, making everyone except Shola hold on to something.

Shola keeps whispering the words, his eyes brought out water, blood came out of his nostrils.

Lightning drifts across the sky, making a huge creepy sound that freaks everyone out.

(The door shows up)

The ground ceases to shake, lightning stops, everything turns back to normal, and Shola falls to the ground.

Abubakar hurries to Shola, taking him up in his hands.

"Shola, Shola" He yells.

"Ju--st gi--ve me a litt--le bit of your blood. I'll b--e f-ine" Shola stammers.

Abubakar cuts part of his wrist, and feeds Shola his blood.

(Shola coughs, almost choking)

"Just go. There's no much time. I'll be fine" Shola said.

Luna, and the others, including Abubakar, scurries through the door.


"Whao, this is actual paradise. No wait, I thought it was just named paradise for the fun of it. Crazy!" Luna exclaimed, constantly tapping the arms of a vampire beside her.

"We have a mission to save your friends, and end Roberto. No time for admiration newbie" The vampire rebuked Luna.

"Oh, yes. Right. So where's the party at?" Luna asked, glancing around.

"It should be somewhere here" Luna added.

"Or maybe it's here" Abubakar said, sounding ridiculous.

(Luna laughs her eyeballs out)

"Don't get pissed Ab. But this is no time for jokes, you kno..." Luna paused as she noticed something.

The atmosphere around them suddenly transitions from flowers, and beautiful fruit bearing trees, and green grasses, fresh and smooth, to a place surrounded by humans, and ugly creatures.

It was the frigging party!

"Holy shit. Where we at now?" Luna asks, feeling frightened.

"We're here. Those should be your friends"

Luna looks around, realizing she was surrounded by the students of Hampton High who were being fed on by original vampires.

"Not just my friends. Those are my teachers over there" Luna points out.

(Hell, this shit is serious)

Roberto focuses on his new guests.

"Good thing to see you Luna, and well the others. I don't give two fucks about your names. Well, I felt your presence, so I decided to let you in. How you doing y'all? Oh, you're just in time for the party. You can either join or be part of the food served. Personally, I would prefer you choose the latter, coz I perceive my vampires need more food. Vampires!?" Roberto calls their attention.

The original vampires faced Luna and her vampire friends, leaving the humans. As soon as they left the humans, they all slumped to the ground. All of them had lost so much blood already, and could barely stand.

Everyone human collapsed, leaving just Johnny, Luna, Abubakar, and the other vampires standing.

"Quick, everyone grab an original. Keep them busy while we get Roberto. Newbie, let's go get Roberto" Abubarkar instructed.

"Johnny, follow us. We need all the help we can get" Luna said.

"No, I would focus on healing the others. There are about four hundred folks to heal, and hell, that would take some time" Johnny sped off to where the humans were lying.

(Luna and Abubarkar search for Roberto)

"Hey, I'm right here!" Roberto pokes Abubarkar's ears.

He turns to the direction, but sees no one there.

"This dude is a freaking ghost too!" Luna yells, feeling a rush of frustration.

"Don't be a coward Roberto. You were here a minute ago. Show yourself, and fight us" Abubakar bellowed.

"Ha ha. What's the fun in that?" Roberto whispers, swiftly moving to Luna, grabbing her legs, and throwing her to the ground.

"Shit" Luna yells in pain, getting up from the floor as quickly as she could.

Abubarkar rages, gets his fangs out, and roars, his bellow fills the place.

"Roberto!" He shouts, turning around, throwing a punch to every direction.

"Quit that Ab. Roberto is just messing with us. Let's mess with him too"

"How?" Abubarkar asks.

(Luna smirks)

"Hey Roberto. Don't tell me just the two of us lame asses got you hiding. Come on man, thought you were some pyschic teleporter dude who has vampire powers. You're just as lame as the both of us, if you can't face us" Luna mocked.

"Come on newbie. We're not lame! At least I'm not" Abubarkar protests.

(Roberto becomes visible)

"I see what you're trying to do Luna. Also, I perceive some different cells in you. Omg, you're a vampire, which means, this will affect you then" Roberto says, fixing his eyes on the both of them, doing some weird shit with his eyes and mind.

Pain creeps into both Luna and Abubarkar, excruciating pain that traveled from their heads to their feet. The pain was paralyzing too, making it unable for them to move.

"Wh--at ar--e y--ou?" Luna managed to say.

"Oh me. You actually thought you could stop me even when you didn't know what I was. Your vampire friends didn't tell you? Foolish newbie vampire who thought she could save her friends from Roberto, the camp counsellor. The pain should have paralyzed you by now. Oh, right. I should just rip your hearts out right now, rather than staking you both. It's easier, and well, a lot more fun" Roberto makes an evil laugh.

Luna and Abubakar could utter nothing. They were paralyzed, numb as hell.

"Perhaps, I should put you in more pain, uh?"

The pain aggravates, causing Luna to sweat profusely. In fact, both their bodies were dripping in sweat now, because of the intense pain they were feeling throughout their body.

Roberto tortured them with his mind, putting them in great deal of pain. The torment creeped into their brains, almost pulling its strings out.

"The fun is over. It was nice getting to meet a newbie though" Roberto moves towards Luna and Abubarkar to take out their hearts with his bare hands.

(A familiar presence shows up. It was three people who Abubarkar was glad to see)

"Let them be, Roberto!" Shola sends an enormous amount of wind towards Roberto, flinging his ass to the wall.

It doesn't take long for Roberto to get back on his feet.

"Shola! We meet again, yeah" Roberto grins.

"Except, this is the last time" Shola moves his hands again, sending the wind against Roberto.

(Roberto dodges)

"You're no match for me Shola, you know that"

"Yeah, I used to say that, but not anymore. I was able to access the external powers without it destroying me. I'm stronger now"

"Oh, yeah. Who gives a fuck about the external. I'm Roberto. You can't fuck with me"

"I can. You're hybrid, while I'm full sorcerer"

(Shola quickly gets Luna and Abubarkar out of the torture, waving his hands, using a few spells with his mind)

"Thanks. Sholar" Luna says.

"It's Shola. Well, never mind. Quick, y'all rush towards Roberto, while I direct these spells to him"

Roberto figures Shola might have actually gotten a little stronger, so he uses his full power to get past Luna, Abubarkar, and the other two, facing just Shola.

Roberto, without warning, hurls some dangerous spells at Shola, which met up with the spells Shola also threw at Roberto. Their collision caused a huge bang which swept through the atmosphere, making the walls budge.

"Quick guys, distract him, while I throw these fireballs at him" Shola instructed the others who were behind.

Shola used all the powers he could muster, to make powerful fireballs quickly, while the others distracted him. He hurled the balls at him continuously, making no stops.

Roberto loses balance, almost falling. Luna, Abubarkar and the other two vampires were using all their vampire skills to attack him, while Shola threw powerful fireballs at him. He tried to focus, and gain back control, but he couldn't.

Shola accompanied his fireballs, with a dangerous spell he sent towards Roberto, which caused him to get dizzy.

Roberto becomes really confused, losing focus, losing balance.

Shola keeps up, also signaling for the others to continue what they were doing.

Roberto falls to the ground. Shola still continues, sending more spells, and then he realizes it was time.

"Now. You too. His heart, now!" Shola barked.

The two vampires who went to fetch the only metal that could kill Roberto, took out the metal, giving it to Abubakar. They figured, it would be best if Abubarkar takes him out.

Abubarkar grabs the metal without hesitation, and thrusts it deep into Roberto's heart.

The metal pierced through Roberto's chest swiftly, getting to his heart.

"Guys, what the fuck is happening?" Abubarkar asks.

"He is supposed to have turned to ashes by now" Shola stares with an hazy expression on his face.

Turns out the metal didn't end Roberto, it just made him unconscious.

"Guys, he would wake up any minute now. He's still breathing. We have to do something" Abubarkar suggests.

Luna glances around, seeing how messed up things were. Her other vampire friends who were supposed to distract the original vampires were lying on the ground. They got their asses beaten.

Johnny was also thrown away, and the original vampires resumed their feast, feeding from the humans Johnny healed with his blood. Actually, he was able to heal everyone before getting flinged by an original vampire.

"Do what" she cries, and continues, "This shit is a frigging failure. This quest is damned. The instant Roberto gets up, we are all fucked"