

It's camping y'all. Hampton High School in Virginia embarks on a 30 day camping trip, but it isn't exactly what they anticipated. Luna Jenkins though, might be left out, because her parents insist she stays put. Would Luna listen to her parents, missing out on the adventures, and her one chance of getting a boyfriend? Would she let it slide, and be an obedient teenager? Or would she do what every desperate teenager would have done? 14 year old Luna, and a junior student in Hampton High is caught up in a world of pain, deceit and mystery. Her life is shit looking at it from a teenager's point of view. As she struggles to get her first boyfriend, that first kiss, and her first make out session, she discovers there is more to life than camping and boys.

Manuel_Ncjr · Teen
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Chapter 24

(Back in the tents)

The day sped swiftly, it was only a matter of time before night time came again.

"Party time, y'all" Roberto yelled, addressing the well dressed students before him.

Everyone cheered, feeling excited they were going to party all night.

"We should get going" he instructed for all to hear.

"Yeah, about that. Where the fuck we going Roberto" Shane assertively asked.

"The woods, Shane. There's a special structure erected for parties out there in the woods. We gon' have so much fun" Roberto flashed an evil smile.

"What's wrong with back here? We could have a lit party right here too" Shane insisted.

Roberto sensed a great deal of fear in Shane, at the same time, confidence. He discovered Shane was a rare human who could be really scared, and put up a calm face at the same time.

"What's the matter Shane?" he asked in a soft tone

(Shane raises his voice for all to hear)

"The wood's crazy y'all. A lot of spooky stuff going on in there. Having a night party there, is going to freak us out, rather than give us fun"

Shane's words were clear, and comprehendible. A babble of protest swept across the whole place, students whispered among themselves, contemplating about going to the woods or not.

Roberto had the feeling that his plans could be ruined all because of some two-faced teenager. So he did what every psychic dude would have done.

"Shane shane, don't tell me you're scared. Oh, the little boy is afraid of ghosts" Roberto jeered, getting Shane pissed.

"What the...I'm not a boy, and I'm not scared. Shit, I'm Shane. Hot, confident, I'm anything but scared. Who gives a fuck if the woods is a spooky place. We are going in there. Let's have that party y'all" Shane encouraged all the students.

His words surprisingly had a huge impact on these Hampton High students, fostering them to change their mind.

"Yeah, and besides we folks go into the woods at night to have fun too. Nothing really eerie about the place" one of the students supported Shane

(Roberto smiles)

"Now, let's get to the woods, y'all!"

They all rambled around, following Mr. Roberto into the woods.

Slow and steady they moved with constant speed, chattering and bickering through the woods.

They walked for a long while, making a few stops on their way.

"Aren't we there yet?" Shane asked.

"Just a little further, y'all" Roberto informed.

Everyone got on their feet, summoning up their strength, walking with the little enthusiasm they could muster.

Hours went, and they were still strolling across the muddy woods, immersed with trees, and sounds of nature. Slow steps turned to really slow steps.

"We aren't there yet?" Shane spoke up again.

"I see you're their mouth piece Shane. Good thing we're here though" Roberto said.

"What! Where!" Shane protested.

"Relax Shane. We go through this door y'all" He pointed to a door, which was erected out of no where, but students were too tired to notice.

Everyone scurried through the opened door into Paradise. They couldn't explain it, but as soon as they all walked through that door, a fresh wave of strength drifted across the environment, making contact with whatever and whoever was present. Their cells seemed awakened, like it had received a fresh breath of energy.

"Holy shit!" Shane wowed, admiring paradise in its beauty.

The whole students of Hampton High stared at the whole place in pure amazement.

"This shit can't be real" A student uttered.

"Yeah, it's crazy. Crazily amazing. Words can't describe how beautiful this place is. Mr. Roberto, you didn't mention Moore's creek had such a beautiful place, hiding in the woods" Ashley commented.

Shane looks around, trying to figure out who made that comment.

"Hey, Luna's friend. No one needs your endless chattering here. Although, this place is amazing" Shane said.

Mr. Roberto turns to his guests.

"Do you now see why I insisted we throw the party here y'all?" He asked.

"Yeah, but we don't see any structures. I mean, where the hell is the music? And...the drinks, and you know...party stuff?" Shane questioned.

(Roberto is impressed by Shane's boldness)

"Y'all chill, okay. Those will be provided in a giffy"

And just like that, in a twinkle of an eye, in what seemed like a second, the party stuff came in - the music, the drinks, the dance floor, and well, the make out spots.

"Whao, how did you, what's going on?" Shane asked, speaking for everybody.

"Relax Shane. You take things too literal. Y'all might be wondering how these party stuffs came in, in just a giffy, but you shouldn't. Let's just say it was programmed to show up, you know, artificial intelligence and its perks. Now, let's party!" Roberto yelled.

"Yeah!" Shane and the others exclaimed.

The music was loud, and full of vibes. It got anyone listening to make a few or more moves. The drinks were cold, and numerous. Everyone grabbed a drink, some grabbed two, and well, the others just wanted to get high that instant, so they grabbed as much as they could.

Minutes passed, and about half the population had already gotten high. They rushed to the dance floor, showing off some crazy moves. The light was just right, dim and full of different colours, giving them the feeling that night parties should give.

"This party's lit!" Ashley said, dancing towards Shane.

"I know, right. Hey, we should go over there, and have some more drinks, yeah?" Shane proposed.

"Holy shit. Shane Jenkins is asking me to have a drink with him" Ashley's excitement rushed to the surface, causing her to grin ridiculously.

"Yeah, don't make a fuss about it" Shane ridiculed.

Even in her drunk state of mind, she recalled Shane wasn't a nice person, and that he was always a dick to her. She leaped, following him to the bar, where drinks and tables were placed.

"Take a seat"

"Yeah, sure. Let's have fun Shane Jenkins!" Ashley blabbed, not sure of what she was saying at the moment.


Roberto went to the others, to get them to join the party.

"Hey, y'all. Good news. It's party time"

"Oh yeah? The party where you make your vampires drain us off? How is that good news?" Tristin demanded an explanation.

"Relax y'all. I know you're pissed at me. But you gotta chill. Go have fun, coz, well you know, after this, you gon' be forced to sleep for a very long time"

"You're crazy, you know that. A horrible, ridiculous old man" Carlos commented.

What Carlos said was supposed to piss off Roberto, but it didn't.

"I know right? But you're the one getting drained off, not me! Ha ha. Also, don't bother telling your other friends about my plan. Escaping is not possible, because there is no way out. That door you saw me pass through Johnny is just as crazy as I am. Let's just say normal humans like y'all can't get the door to show up" Roberto explained, making them lose hope.

"Shit. We all gon' die" Aidan cried.

"Shut up Aidan. We aren't dying" Johnny encouraged.

"Didn't you hear the crazy man? No way out, no way we are getting out of this shit alive" Harold cried.

"Let's just go party first" Tristin suggested.

"Yo, man. What the fuck. You're not helping. We're screwed, and all you could suggest is we party?" Carlos barked.

"We're certainly not going to get away from this by getting our souls crushed all because of some lame shit Roberto said. Let's go party, y'all. Maybe we would figure out something" Tristin said.

Tristin's words encouraged them slightly, getting their asses up, in attempt to follow Roberto.

"Where's this party?" Tristin inquired.

"Follow me. And have fun finding a way out. Oh, there isn't any. Ha ha" Roberto said, gesturing for them to follow him.


As soon as Roberto got them to the party to join the others, Tristin observed the whole place, giving no fucks about the beauty and sophisticatedness. He noticed a podium like platform where he could address everyone. He walked straight to the podium.

Carlos had already turned off the music, causing a huge stir of protest among students.

Tristin quickly cleared his throat, calling the attention of all. There was a microphone, erected just a few steps forward. He rushed to grab it.

"Hey y'all. It's Tristin as y'all know. I have something really important to tell you. It's as important as fuck, so y'all need to listen. Relax, the music would be turned on after my speech, that's if you still want to continue with this lame party. Well..."

"Get on with it already. Jesus! So we can get back to the music" Shane yelled from the bar.

Everyone cheered, supporting Shane.

"We were treasure hunting through the woods. It led us to a place called the deserted. We found the box full of treasure eventually, but couldn't get out. While we were scratching our heads, thinking of ways to get out of the deserted, Roberto shows up. He gets some ugly creatures known as Vampires to capture us and bring us here. This isn't a party y'all. It's a feast Roberto throws annually for his vampires, where humans like us are drained off our blood. Roberto said so himself" Tristin ended his speech.

Silence sweeps across the whole place. No one says anything, until Shane spoke up.

"Bullshit! Let's get on with the party, y'all!" Shane roared.

Everyone still supported Shane, cheering and roaring.

"What the hell is wrong with y'all?" Tristin bellowed.

(Johnny, Aidan, Carlos, Harold, and the others join Tristin)

"Y'all gotta listen. We are in real shit here" Johnny informed.

"More than that. We all gonna be vampires food" Aidan said.

"Listen to us, save yourselves now!" Carlos ordered.

Roberto is standing there, witnessing the whole act. He laughs so loudly, everyone could hear.

(He strolls to the front, to have a clearer view of all)

"It's too late to save yourselves now. Vampires!?" Roberto ordered.

His shout fills the whole place, causing the vampires lurked in the darkness to jump out of hiding.

"Holy mackerel!" was all Shane could utter.

The vampires were not numerous in number, about 10, but they were originals, so they had no issues taking control of the 400+ humans present.

They moved in speed, taking places beside and around the students.