
Hateful Agreement


passionfruitjuice · Urban
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Chapter XXII ۞ Thays ۞ Part III


I clenched my jaw, and pushed him aside when she finally disappeared from my sight, "We are alone now, no need to be so close," I muttered, frustrated, and turned to the organized pile of clothes and boxes of shoes. "Chose my first look."

He didn't even look at me before doing exactly that. Aaron takes fashion more seriously than I first thought, and that's weirdly attractive. His seriousness while doing it, as if it was something actually extremely important to him, made it all more amusing.

The first dress he chose to me was a crimson red one that would definitely be tight on my curves, and would go up to my ankles, with thin sleeves that fell on my shoulders, and had a small cut on the cleavage, so the focus of it wouldn't be on my breasts. And for it he chose a golden high heel with a 5 inches stiletto, that would make it all more fancy. "It's formal for a dinner in Christmas season," it was all he said while handing it to me.

I left my bag and phone with him and entered the cabin, then I stripped from the Chanel look I was in.

"What's your password?" What?

"Of my phone?"

"What else?" He mocked.

I rolled my eyes, while taking off my bra, since I can't use if on this dress, which is cool too. "Rice with eggs 777. All together and in caps."

Aaron chuckled as I knew he would, "For real?"

"Try and you will see," it was all I said, while getting into the dress. "Why do you want it, by the way?"

"Just wanted to snoop on it," as if I would believe that. "Why is the gallery locked?" Oh, so he's trying to see my photos? Hell no.

"To protect my up from people like you," I mocked and stood up after finally getting into the dress, and he was right on choosing this one. "Can you help me with heels? I don't think I can put them on while on this dress," then I opened the door and walked towards him, whose eyes traveled from my top to bottom.

Getting up, he towered around me and kneeled down, then helped me put on the shoes and tied them both. "Walk around, you have to be sure that the dress feels comfortable on your body."

"Fine," sighing, I adjusted my posture and walked around, and when I turned to him, he has the camera of his phone turned to me. "What are you doing?"

"Taking photos, of course. Then in the end you will be able to chose all the ones you want," why do I feel like he's lying? "And I have to have as many pics of you in my phone as possible."

I glared at him, "Why? Were you the type of boyfriend who does that stuff?"

"Yes," he didn't even seem embarrassed.

I don't understand how his ex had the audacity to cheat on him. How dumb could she be? Seriously. "Whatever. Let's do what we have to."

"You are really beautiful on this look."

Gulping, I stared up at his eyes and there wasn't a hint of mockery on them. He isn't joking. "I know," as I answered I let the grin take over my lips, so I took his phone from his hand, "I'm good at taking pictures, so," I turned my back to his chest, and brought him closer, then I switched the camera to us, and his hand circled my waist again. "Let's try to look as natural as possible," it was all I said before smiling and began to taking some selfies of us.

"As normal as possible," he mumbled and pushed us to the mirror. "Let's take one like this then," his voice was low and deep and too close of my ear again.

Trying to look as unbothered as possible, I ignored my crimson cheeks, and posed with him, feeling the warmness of his huge body behind me thanks to the small distance.

Collide by Justine Skye and Tyga played on the speakers of the mall as I switched to another look of his choice.

This one was a dark green dress that also went up to my ankles but was of silk and had sleeves falling on my shoulders and a more sexy cut on the cleavage, that showed the upper point of my tattoo. And the heel was a 7 inches black platform that also finished the look perfectly.

I really like this one.

"I knew this color would look good on you," he whispered, but his eyes went to the sexy cut showing a bit of my breasts. He's probably wondering about what might tattoo might be, but I doubt he'll have the guts to ask about it, since it would make things heavier than they already are.

And we made an agreement.

"You have a good taste," I turned around, admiring myself in the mirror.

"I certainly do," he whispered coming closer, so we could take more pictures together. "Dark colors look amazing on you. Black, crimson, navy, forest green. But some light colors do too, such as white and gold."

"Since when do you like fashion?"

"Since forever, I think," he took by the waist again and the sensation began to feel more familiar than anything. "I like this one, is soft to the touch."

Deus amado, my mind is too dirty to be near this walking temptation of a man. It'll be really hard. And the hatred I feel for his personality makes him even more sexy, which is infuriating. "Hm," I licked my lips.

I dressed the black little dress next, with a crimson red high heel. Then the gold one, and later the dark blue. He also chose a silver dress that surprisingly looked amazing on me, and I'm not usually a fan of silver.

At the end of it, I got in my dress again and ended up choosing ten dresses and eleven shoes. "You think it'll be good if you are able to unlock my phone with the biometric or the facial recognition? I would definitely share them with you. My password is the number 1. Ten times."

"Because you were born in the 10th month?"

"Yes. So, what do you think about that?"

"Alright, but I won't use your phone, so you don't have to worry. Put your digital and add your face recognition on mine too. You already knows my password," I rolled my shoulders and took my bag again, making sure I had brought my unlimited black debit card. "Shall we go?"

"Yes, sweetheart," he put his hand on my waist again and guided us out of the changing room. "We'll be taking 10 dresses and 11 heels," he announced to the blonde, since the guy was attending another customer.

"Yes, Sir," she smirk flirty and I felt nauseous. "You can pay for your girlfriend's clothes here," she guided us to the balcony.

"I'll be the one paying, though, so you should be taking to me, not with my boyfriend, girl," I said firmly, glaring at her and handing her my card.

"Sweetheart," he seemed surprised, but I squeezed his hand. "I wanted to give it as a present."

"You can give me another after we leave here, darling," then I winked at him, and he had the decency to blink. "How much is it?"

She clenched her jaw, "50K dollars," as expected.

I grinned mischievously, "And I thought this store was supposed to be expensive. Just 50k?" The girl gasped in disbelief. "Alright," I handed her my card again.

And her eyes went straight to the name on it, and when she looked up at me, they were wide open, "Rossetti?" Oh, does she knows now? "Are you the…" she gulped. "The CEO from the Rossetti hotels and resorts?"

"Yes. Why?"

"I had no idea that you were living in New Zealand," she's really audacious.

"And why would you know? Are you the heiress of Saint Laurent?" I looked around and then back to her. "I guess not. So why would someone with no importance in the business world need to be aware of where I live?"

When a visible shiver ran down her spine, I felt greatly satisfied. She asked for it. "I… I'm sorry if I offended you, Miss Rossetti."

"Are you though?" I shot a glare at her. "Hurry up, kid, pass my card. Don't hold us here. Me and my boyfriend have other places to be."

With shaking hands, she nodded and looked down to the card machine, then she proceeded to pack everything, and when she gave me my card back, I had a predatory grin on. Without saying a word about just happened, Aaron took half of my packages, and I took the other half.

As we left, I couldn't even dissipate the smirk on my lips, the satisfaction of putting her in her place was tattooed on me.