
Hateful Agreement


passionfruitjuice · Urban
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Chapter XXI ۞ Thays ۞ Part II

"I LEFT THE US AS SOON AS I GRADUATED at 18, then I moved to Berlin for 6 months, as I decided to spend sometime living in the countries I wanted to situate some hotels and resorts. After all, I would need some trustworthy people, and half year was enough to pick the right ones. From Berlin, I went to London, then to Paris, later to Sicily, Tokyo, Madrid, Bangkok, Beijing, Seoul, and my last destination before permanently moving to this country was Mexico City. Always for 6 months."

"5 year. 10 countries. Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Japan, Spain, Thailand, China, South Korea, and Mexico. Meaning you lived in 13 countries in your 27 years, counting Brazil, the United States, and New Zealand. And are you fluent in all of those 9 other languages besides Brazilian Portuguese and English?" Quick thinking.

"Mm-hm, I am. All of this, plus Hindi, Turkish, Greek, and Latin. Although those four I'm not fluent enough, but I can speak, understand everything, and even read books written on them," I rolled my shoulders softly, grinning. "It was a good experiência, and something I needed."

"I've traveled the world, but I've only lived in England, the US, and here. But traveling was enough for me. I always wanted to settle in here, since I love the country," I get it.

"New Zealand is indeed amazing. I remember studying about it when I was 14, and dreaming on settling here. After all, I didn't want to live in a country where there was a chance of me encountering any snakes while doing outdoors activities. Since I'm terrified. And this is the place."

Aaron grinned, "Yeah." Then he took me to a YSL store, "Come. Saint Laurent has some dresses and heels that will look amazing on your body."

I felt my face burn and followed him inside. When we came inside, a male and a female attendants came to us, and I couldn't ignore how the girl stared at him. Very shameless when she's seeing we holding hands. "Are you two a couple?" The boy asked.

"What do you think?" Aaron answered in a rude tone, while passing his hand around my waist and bringing me closer to him.

Can't he just say yes? "Yes," I said simply and glared at the girl who were red as a tomato.

"Right, what can we help you with, Sir?" She asked him, still with a flirty smile.

Is she ignoring my existence or what?

Aaron guided me to a fancy couch and sat me between his legs, still holding my waist, "Bring all the pieces of your newest collections for my girlfriend. And all the new shoes in size 6." Did he look my size when we were on my closet earlier?

Nodding, they both began to separate all he asked, and I felt his hot breath above my hair. "Why are you acting like this?" I whispered stoically.

"That man was eating you with your eyes," oh?

I blinked, "He was? I didn't even see it."

"Yes, he was. Shameless. He saw me holding you kept staring at you with such hungry eyes. I can't let that happen."

My eyes went to him as he came with two pairs of high heels, and I analyzed him. He was around 6'1, pale, straight blonde hair, sharp cheekbones, thin lips, light blue eyes, and a good-boy air around him.

"Don't stare at him, Thays!" He pinched my waist.

As if I would give any chance to a blond dude like him. Ew. Hell no. I'm allergic to blondes. "He's definitely not my type, Aaron. At all."

"That's what you say," he mumbled and even though I wasn't looking at him, I know the bastard was rolling his eyes. "I can't be sure," he whispered near my ear, making a shiver spread down my entire body. "So, don't look at him, okay?"

I don't know how, but I managed to sigh, "You don't have to worry. I won't look at anyone else like this until the end of our deal. More than 200 books are on the line after all."

His big hand caressed the side of my waist, and I had to bit my bottom lip not to gasp with the sudden touch, "Sounds good. I'll do the same for you. It has to be an equal deal." He whispered and I gulped.

"Hm," I mumbled and when I looked down I realized the enormous length difference between my legs and his. "Why are your legs so long?" I muttered.

A raspy low giggle crossed my ears, "I'm blessed!"

"You are arrogant. That's what you are."

"We both are," he countered. Then he got up with me when the two came back full of boxes in hands. "Is the private changing room clear or is there someone in there?"

"It's clear, Sir," the girl said in a sweet tone. Waaaay too sweet to be natural.

"We'll use it. So, you can stay here!" I said firmly glaring at her, and with my hand over the one hand that was still around my waist.

"It must be good to have a boyfriend buying such good things for you, Ma'am," she exclaimed softly, but there was some poison in her tone.

Aaron's grip tightened around me instantly, as if he was afraid I would jump on her, "Mind your words, girl, you might regret what you are saying later. Now, the changing room!"

The guy gasped, "We have to be there to be sure that nothing will disappeared from here, my Lady. It's the protocol."

"I'm the firstborn of the Vaughn-Solomon empire, you really think I would steal anything from here?" Aaron scoffed offended. "Boy, you should mind your words. I want to be alone with my girlfriend while she change clothes and show them to me. It's called privacy. Or do you expect her to change in front of you?"

They both shared a stunned gaze and then turned back to the big man holding me, "I'm sorry Sir, he didn't mean it," she tried to cover it up. "You and your girlfriend can follow me," then she gave him a disapproving look and went inside, then we followed her, and I stared at her back annoyed by her attitude. "Here we are," she stopped at a wide and luxurious changing room with a private cabin, lots of mirrors and a caramel leather couch in the middle. And the boy came right behind bringing everything to us, then leaving. "If you need anything, Sir, you can call me."

Can you believe she dares to wink at him? Like, what the hell? Where's the respect?

"That won't be necessary," he exclaimed looking at the clothes they chose. "You can leave now, when we are done, we'll go back and pay for it."

When she left, she had the audacity to give me a head to toe dirty look, as if she was evaluating me and coming to a conclusion that I wasn't worthy of a hot man like Aaron. Of course, she's also blonde, with light green eyes, and a lot taller than I am, with pale skin. Those people are annoying.