
Haruki Odyssey

Haruki, a college student, finds himself abruptly transported to another world alongside high school students he encountered on his way home. However, Haruki soon realizes his lack of combat skills in this unfamiliar realm. Gathering his courage, he approaches the king, humbly requesting permission to leave the castle due to his deficiency in combat abilities. Surprisingly, the king grants his plea. Now liberated, Haruki sets out to live life to the fullest in this new world or will he? ______________________________________ This is my first novel so yeah don't expect too much from me also there is a lot of reference from the novel I'm not really the demon god lackey. and more thing thid story is an a.i. assisted, the story is mine and the a.i. enchance the description and my grammar

_Judgement_ · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Haruki's Life On Earth

In the dream, I couldn't help but choke back tears as I muttered, "Ah, this dream again." It was as if the past had come rushing back with a vengeance, flooding me with a bittersweet cocktail of nostalgia and heartache.

The memory of my parents' separation when I was just 5 years old hit me like a tidal wave. At that tender age, I didn't fully grasp the magnitude of the event, but it had haunted my dreams ever since—a constant reminder of the fractured love that had once defined my world.

Being left in the loving care of my grandparents had been both a blessing and a curse. While they imparted valuable life skills like cooking and cleaning, they couldn't fill the void left by my parents' absence. Their absence had been a void in my heart that no amount of time could mend.

As the years went by, my parents gradually faded from my life. The financial support dwindled, and it was clear they had moved on to new families. The hurt ran deep, but I refused to let it break me. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, my world crumbled again when my grandparents passed away, leaving me feeling utterly alone and lost.

I had no choice but to take up a part-time job through my grandparents' acquaintances just to survive high school. Each day was a relentless struggle, and the weight of my circumstances felt unbearable. But I persevered, clinging to the memory of my grandparents and their unwavering love.

Years later, as I headed to college to take an entrance exam, fate played a cruel trick on me. I saw my mother, a figure from my distant past, holding a child that was clearly part of her new family. My heart ached with a mix of longing, anger, and sadness, as I realized how far we had all drifted apart since that heart-wrenching separation in my childhood.

As I watched my mother with her new family, a bittersweet smile played on my lips. In that moment, I found solace in the thought that she had found happiness, even if it was without me. I raised my gaze to the sky, as if seeking guidance from the universe.

But just as I was lost in my thoughts and the vastness of the sky, the announcer's voice broke through, pulling me back to reality. "The entrance will start in 10 minutes. Please proceed to your designated area."

With a deep breath, I collected my emotions, knowing that I had an important journey ahead—one that would shape my future, regardless of the scars of the past. I turned away from the sight of my mother, determined to face the entrance exam and the challenges that lay ahead with resilience and determination.

Standing before the grave of my grandparents, the weight of my recent success mingled with the sorrow of their absence. I gently replaced the aging flowers with fresh ones, a small gesture to honor their memory.

"Grandma, grandpa, I passed the exam," I whispered, my voice quivering with emotion. "Just a little more, and I'll achieve my dream." Tears welled up in my eyes as I continued, "I also saw Mom with her new family."

It was my way of releasing the pent-up emotions that had been haunting me for years. Yet, deep down, I knew there was no way they could hear me. Still, the act of sharing my thoughts and feelings with them, even in silence, provided a sense of closure and connection to my roots. With a heavy heart, I took a step back, grateful for the strength and guidance my grandparents had given me, even in their absence.

"Goodbye, Grandma, Grandpa. I'll be going home. I hope you watch over me," I said softly, feeling a sense of closure as I turned away from their graves.

Back at home, I needed a moment to unwind after the emotional visit. I started by taking a long, soothing shower, allowing the warm water to wash away the weight of the day. The familiar scents of home comforted me.

As I stood in the kitchen, I decided to cook dinner. The aroma of curry filled the air, a dish that reminded me of the lessons I had learned from my grandparents. Preparing and enjoying it was a way to keep their memory alive.

After a satisfying meal, exhaustion washed over me. The events of the day had taken their toll, both emotionally and mentally. I crawled into bed, grateful for the comfort of home, and drifted into a peaceful sleep, with dreams of a brighter future ahead.

Waking up at the early hour of 4:30 a.m., I embarked on my morning routine. I swiftly prepared a simple meal of fried eggs, the sizzling sound providing a comforting backdrop to the start of the day. After finishing breakfast, I headed to the bathroom for a refreshing shower, the warm water helping to wake me up fully. Dressed in my uniform, I sat down to enjoy my meal.

Then, an unexpected interruption came. My phone rang, displaying an unfamiliar number. With a sense of curiosity, I answered, "Hello, who is this?"

The voice that replied sent a chill down my spine. It was my father. I couldn't help but wonder what had prompted him to call after so long.

"What's your business?" I asked, my voice guarded.

He hesitated briefly before saying, "I heard that Mom and Dad passed away, so I thought about bringing you to my house to be with your new sisters. What do you think?"

Without hesitation, I replied, "No, that's okay. I can manage myself, and besides, there's no point going to your house, Dad, because I've already passed the college exam here."

He simply responded, "If that's what you want, then fine," and abruptly ended the call.

As the line went dead, a mix of emotions welled up within me. I couldn't help but think, "I don't need your support now, anyway. I can live on my own. Didn't you already abandon me? What's the point of calling me now when I tried to reach out to you years ago, and you didn't even respond?"

The conversation left me feeling resolute in my decision to carve my own path, despite the complicated history with my father.

With determination in my step, I checked the time and noted, "Hmm, it's 5:00 a.m." After tying my shoelaces, I locked the door of my house behind me. With my backpack slung over my shoulder, I embarked on my walk to school.

After a brisk 10-minute walk, I arrived at the school. Taking a moment to gather my thoughts, I inhaled deeply, steeling myself for the new challenges that awaited in college. It was a different league from high school, and I was determined to give it my all and not falter.

With a sense of purpose, I pulled out my phone and located the message detailing my assigned class. "I found it," I muttered to myself with a hint of relief, "it's Class 1-B." Armed with this information, I made my way to my designated class.

Choosing a seat near the window, I settled in and decided to pass the time by scrolling through my social media feed. As I glanced at the clock, I realized it was already 7:00 a.m., and the start of class was imminent.

Moments later, the teacher arrived, and I put my phone away. With a warm smile, he introduced himself as Aiko Suzuki, our math teacher.

As Mr. Suzuki delved into the intricate world of mathematics, I soon realized just how complex and demanding this college course would be. His explanations were thorough, but the subject matter was, as he put it, "freaking damn complicated." I diligently took notes and tried my best to keep up with the material.

After what felt like an eternity of lectures, the school bell finally rang, signaling the end of the day. I hastily packed my belongings, eager to escape the confines of the classroom. With a sense of relief, I headed straight to the café where I had been working since high school.

The café owner greeted me with a casual "Yo, you're finally here."

I glanced around and noticed that the café was adorned with festive decorations. "What's the occasion?" I inquired, curious about the sudden change in atmosphere.

The owner chuckled, "Ah, it's Valentine's Day, my friend. I decorated to attract more customers."

"Is that so?" I replied, taking in the sight of heart-shaped decorations and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. It seemed that the café was ready to celebrate the day of love, and I was ready to jump into action to assist with the festivities.

With the café adorned in Valentine's Day decorations, I quickly changed into my work apron and headed to the kitchen. Cooking had become second nature to me over the years, thanks to the skills I'd acquired while living with my grandparents. Today, I had a special menu prepared, featuring heart-shaped pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream, as well as a variety of delectable desserts.

As I sizzled bacon on the griddle and whipped up pancake batter, the sweet aroma filled the air. It wasn't long before the first couple of customers arrived, a young pair dressed in matching outfits.

They exchanged affectionate glances and smiles, clearly immersed in the romantic atmosphere. I couldn't help but smile as I plated their heart-shaped pancakes, adding a final touch of powdered sugar.

"Here you go," I said cheerfully, placing their order in front of them. "Enjoy your Valentine's Day dessert."

They thanked me, and I continued to serve other customers who had begun to fill the café, all eager to savor the special Valentine's Day treats. As I moved about, I couldn't help but appreciate the contrast between the complex world of college lectures and the simple joys of working in the café, where love and warmth filled the air.

As the morning turned into afternoon, the café bustled with customers celebrating Valentine's Day. I worked tirelessly, serving delicious treats to couples and friends alike. The hours seemed to fly by, and before I knew it, it was closing time.

The café owner approached me, handing over my well-earned salary. "Great job today, Haruki. Happy Valentine's Day."

"Thank you," I replied, counting the money and feeling a sense of accomplishment. With my earnings in hand, I bid farewell to my colleagues and left the café.

Back at home, I decided to unwind with a long, relaxing shower. The warm water washed away the fatigue of the day, and I emerged feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

With hunger gnawing at my stomach, I headed to the kitchen to prepare a simple yet satisfying dinner for myself. Tonight's menu consisted of stir-fried vegetables and rice, a meal that brought back memories of my grandparents' home-cooked dishes.

After dinner, I settled down with my textbooks and notes. It was time to delve into the complex world of college coursework once more. I knew I had to give my best to succeed in this new chapter of my academic journey.

Hours passed as I immersed myself in my studies, determined to master the challenging material presented by Mr. Suzuki earlier in the day. With every page turned and every concept understood, I inched closer to achieving my dream of a brighter future.