
Haruki Odyssey

Haruki, a college student, finds himself abruptly transported to another world alongside high school students he encountered on his way home. However, Haruki soon realizes his lack of combat skills in this unfamiliar realm. Gathering his courage, he approaches the king, humbly requesting permission to leave the castle due to his deficiency in combat abilities. Surprisingly, the king grants his plea. Now liberated, Haruki sets out to live life to the fullest in this new world, or will he? ______________________________________ This is my first novel so yeah don't expect too much from me also there is a lot of reference from the novel I'm not really the demon god lackey. and more thing third story is an a.i. assisted, but the story is mine and the a.i. enhanced the descriptions and my grammar

_Judgement_ · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Kaito POV

As the older member of our group departed from the castle, Renjiro couldn't help but wear a sly grin.

Renjiro: "He left like a coward."

I nodded in agreement, understanding that his departure was inevitable, given his lower stats compared to the rest of us.

Kaito: "But let's be honest, his stats were far lower than ours. It's for the best."

Sakura, always quick with her reflexes, chimed in:

Sakura: "Yeah, there's no way he could've kept up with us."

Hana, the more empathetic among us, offered a more sympathetic perspective:

Hana: "Guys, we shouldn't be too harsh on him. We're all from the same world, after all."

Ayumi, the tactician of our group, analyzed the situation from a strategic standpoint:

Ayumi: "Regardless of where we're from, it's clear he wouldn't have been much help."

Our conversation was interrupted by the arrival of King Avalon, his presence commanding our attention.

King Avalon: "Have you finished your discussion?"

We quickly refocused on the king, ready to discuss the matters at hand.

King Avalon: "Very well. Let's move on to more pressing matters."

Kaito: "Sure, King Avalon. What's on your mind?"

King Avalon's gaze held a hint of urgency as he presented us with a weighty proposition:

King Avalon: "I have a deal to propose. I'll reveal the way for you to return to your world if you agree to defeat the demon king, who threatens our land."

Kaito: "We accept. We'll defeat the demon king and bring peace to this world."

King Avalon: "Very well. Are you all prepared for this?"

As a united front, we replied, our voices filled with determination:

Heroes in unison: "Yes, King Avalon. We're ready to face any danger to protect the hopes and dreams of this land."

With our pact sealed, the destiny of our group, now the world's last hope, was set in motion.

Following this agreement, we were led to our individual rooms, which were surprisingly elegant and beautiful. From my window, I could see a bustling celebration taking place among the people, further fueling my resolve to protect this world.

After a good night's rest, we were introduced to General Alexander, a striking figure with blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. His aura exuded strictness and discipline.

General Alexander: "Starting today, I am your training instructor. I will teach you how to fight and protect yourselves. Be prepared; this training won't be easy."

We replied in unison: "Of course, as heroes, we're ready to face anything."

General Alexander nodded in approval.

General Alexander: "Good. Now, one of you stands out. You with the hero attribute, you'll receive special training."

He pointed at me, and I couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness.

Kaito: "I'm ready for the challenge, General."

General Alexander: "Very well. Training begins today. Brace yourselves, heroes."

In the months that followed, our training was intense, and our stats continued to grow. We also mastered the unique skills granted to us when we arrived in this world. With every passing day, we became more formidable, ready to confront the looming threat of the demon king and protect this land.

After a month of grueling training, King Avalon summoned us with a grave mission: to eliminate the demon army in the West and clear the way for their advance.

Guided by the king's advisers, we were led to a towering structure where mages gathered to perform teleportation magic. This magic would transport us to the West battlefield, where our mission awaited.

As we stepped onto the intricate magic circle, a surge of energy enveloped us, and in an instant, we found ourselves in the heart of the West battlefield. The sight that greeted us was horrifying – a landscape strewn with the lifeless bodies of soldiers and the groans of the injured.

My friends and I stood in shock, fear gripping our hearts as we took in the gruesome scene. The reality of war had struck us like a bolt of lightning.

It was then that General Alexander, a man with a stern countenance and a firm resolve, stepped forward. He assured us that we would not meet the same fate as those unfortunate souls lying before us.

General Alexander: "This is the harsh reality of war, heroes. But I promise you, we will not let you become casualties. We are here to bring an end to this terror and protect our people."

His words filled us with determination, and we steeled ourselves for the battles to come. As the heroes of this realm, it was our duty to bring hope and peace, even in the face of such grim adversity.

As we joined the battle, we were immediately confronted by a grotesque black blob creature. It writhed and oozed, spewing acidic liquids that sizzled upon contact with the ground.

Ayumi, ever the tactician, stepped forward, staff in hand, readying a powerful attack magic. Her incantation filled the air as her spell took form. At the same time, she cast a protective magic barrier that enveloped all of us, shielding us from the creature's corrosive attacks.

Hana, with her expertise in magic, chanted incantations of her own. She cast a buff that granted us resistance to the poisonous aura emanating from the blob. Another spell transformed our skin into an almost metallic texture, providing an added layer of defense.

Renjiro, the fearless shield-bearer of our group, and I, Kaito, charged in together. Renjiro raised his shield, blocking the creature's acidic spray as I swung my sword with all my might. The blade struck true, slicing through the vile mass.

Sakura, nimble and observant, circled the creature, her eyes searching for a weakness. Her agility allowed her to avoid the creature's dangerous attacks, and she continued her investigation.

Ayumi: "Keep the pressure on! We need to find its weakness."

Hana: "Stay within the barrier! Don't let the poison weaken you!"

Renjiro: "Kaito, be ready to strike when we create an opening!"

Kaito: "Got it! Let's finish this!"

Our coordinated efforts paid off as Ayumi's attack magic began to wear down the creature's defenses. Sakura's keen eyes spotted a peculiar, pulsating core within the blob. She signaled to us.

Sakura: "Its core! Aim for the core!"

With determination, we focused our attacks on the core. Renjiro's shield strikes created openings, and I, with precise swordplay, targeted the weak point. Ayumi's magic bombarded the core, causing it to sputter and spasm.

As the creature writhed in agony, it let out a deafening screech. With one final, concerted effort, we struck the core with all our might. The blob convulsed and then disintegrated into a pool of black sludge.

We stood victorious, panting and relieved.

Hana: "Good job, everyone. That was a tough one."

Sakura: "Indeed. Teamwork pulled us through."

Ayumi: "Let's be cautious. There might be more challenges ahead."

Renjiro: "We can handle whatever this world throws at us."

Kaito: "Yeah I'm sure we can but our mission isn't over yet."

With renewed resolve, we continued our journey, knowing that even greater trials awaited us in this fantastical realm.


General Alexander's eyes gleamed with pride as he observed the heroes' triumph over the poisonous blob. With a satisfied nod, he immediately issued orders to his troops.

General Alexander: "Excellent work, now then soldiers send the messenger bird to the palace at once. King Avalon must be informed of this victory. He will be pleased with the outcome."

The soldiers acknowledged their commander's command and swiftly sent the messenger bird on its way to deliver the news to the palace.

Days passed, and the messenger bird reached the palace, delivering the tidings to King Avalon. The king's expression brightened as he received the message, revealing his satisfaction with the heroes' success.

King Avalon: "I see, I see. They are even more useful than I initially thought. With them, we can expand our territory and perhaps even conquer the entire world. Their powers are a valuable asset that I cannot afford to let slip away. You there!"

King Avalon called upon a knight stationed near the door, his eyes filled with determination.

King Avalon: "Summon the wizard of the tower. I require them to prepare an enslavement spell for the heroes."

The knight, ever loyal to the king, responded promptly.

Knight: "Of course, my king. I will notify the mages immediately."

With the wizard's preparations underway, King Avalon had set a plan in motion, one that would bind the heroes to his service, ensuring their powers would be harnessed for his kingdom's ambitions.


As we sat around the campfire, our thoughts drifted to the missing member of our group—the older man who had initially been transported to this world with us. It had been months since he had left the castle, and we had no way of knowing what had become of him.

Renjiro, always one to speak his mind, voiced his concern. "I can't help but wonder about that guy who bailed on us. Do you think he's alright?"

I glanced at the flickering flames, my worry mirroring Renjiro's. "I hope so. He may not have had the stats we do, but he's still one of us from our world."

Sakura, ever the realist, chimed in. "Well, if he couldn't handle it, he's probably long gone by now."

Hana, the empathetic one, offered a different perspective. "Let's not be too quick to judge. We don't know the challenges he faced."

Ayumi, always the tactician, added, "In any case, we need to focus on our mission. We have a kingdom to save and a way to get back home."

We fell into a contemplative silence, our thoughts divided between the missing member of our group and the daunting task that lay ahead. Little did we know that our journey was about to take a dark and unexpected turn, one that would test our bonds and resilience like never before.

We also noticed how happy the soldiers are because we arrive and save day but amid the camaraderie of the soldiers, Renjiro grinned and said, "Well, it seems like we've become local heroes, huh?"

Sakura, ever observant, chimed in, "I can't help but wonder what other creatures and challenges we'll face in this world."

Hana, who had been quietly reflecting, spoke up, "I just hope that older guy we met at the start is okay. This world can be unforgiving."

Ayumi, always the strategist, added, "Regardless, we must stay focused on our mission. We're here to defeat the demon king and find a way back home."

Just then, General Alexander approached us with a stern expression. "Heroes, I have a new mission for you. The demon king's forces are gathering to the east, and we need your strength once again."

Without hesitation, we nodded in agreement. Our journey was far from over, and we were determined to face whatever challenges came our way, united as a team, and driven by the hope of finding a way back to our world.