

82Chapter 3: Sex in the Stands (Hermione)

A/N: Hey guys, in this chapter I decided to do something never seen before in any Futa content (At least from what I've read). Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. Stay perverted my lovely readers!

Quidditch practice was just finishing up when Harry noticed Hermione in the stands.

"Go on ahead guys, I'll meet you back in the tower," Harry said to his team.

"Alright, see you mate" Fred and George replied simultaneously.

Harry shook his head, not bothering to wonder how they do that, and flew up into the stands,"Hey Hermione, what's up?" He asked.

"Oh, I just thought I would come to watch the rest of your practice since I finished my History of Magic essay in the library," Hermione replied.

"How was I?" He asked as he turned around, noticing her eyes snap back up to his face.

"O-oh, good as usual" she stammered, her face becoming slightly flushed.

"Thanks," he replied, "want to head down?" he asked.

"Sure" she replied.

"Ladies first," he said.

Harry and Hermione started to head down but Harry pulled her under the stands and pushed her up against a wall, his lips centimeters from hers. "I hear Ginny's been talking to you?" he asked.

"Y-yeah," she replied, "But I don't know Harry, I-I've never-" was as far as she got since Harry made the move and kissed her, softly, letting her get used to it. She was startled at first but eventually relaxed into it and started kissing back. Harry ran his tongue along her bottom lip, begging for entrance, and Hermione parted her lips allowing him in. She wrestled tongues with him for a while before her dominant side kicked in.

She pushed him up against the post and started to nibble on his lip. She turned him around and started to pull off his robes and trousers. Once his boxers were down she licked his ring and liberally coated his arse hole with saliva lubrication. She started to work a finger in and out to loosen him up for her, "Ooohhh yeah Hermione that feels great!" Harry groaned.

After managing to get 4 fingers inside, Hermione said,"OK, I think you are ready.". Harry just grunted from the pleasure and Hermione giggled. Hermione used the same spell Ginny used, "Ginny taught it to me the other day when we were talking". Hermione whipped out her girl-cock, Harry noticed that it wasn't quite as long on Ginny, but was substantially thicker. Harry quivered with anticipation as she put it up against his arse hole. Harry groaned and Hermione moaned as she started to push in that thick girl cock inside his sphincter.

A "shlick" later and the head of her cock was resting inside his arse. "FUCK Hermione, that is stretching me so much." Hermione grabbed his hips and started to insistently push forward, After a long moan from both Harry and Hermione, two came together as one. "Oh my god Harry my cock is completely buried in your ass." she said, "Kind of obvious don't you think Hermione?" he replied cheekily, "Shut it you," she said as she slapped his ass hard. He grunted from the mix of pain and pleasure.

Hermione pulled all the way out and slammed her girl-cock all the way in, making her giant balls slap against Harry. "Ungh" Harry grunted as a dollop of precum escaped his cock. Hermione continued to pull her girl-cock all the way out and repeatedly slam it back into Harry's arse, continually making his cock weep precum.

She bent her knees a little bit to ram his prostate at a different angle. This was the final straw for Harry, "Ahhhhh" he moaned as his cock twitched and spurted all over the post he was using for support. "Oh fuck Harry, you're squeezing my cock with your whole arse. You are going to make me cum soon if you keep doing that." Hermione kept ramming him to continually milk his cock, extending his orgasm.

"Ohhh fuck Harry I'm cumming!" Hermione moaned as she came, spurting large cum wads against the walls of his arse. Hermione kept pumping and ramming effectively pistoning her cum deep into Harry's bowels. Harry looked down to see his stomach expanding in order to make room for all of her girl-cum.

Hermione grabbed her wand and transfigured Harry's clothes into a large goblet and put it under his arse hole while taking her cock out. "Stay right there Harry," she said. While that goblet filled up with his arse-cum, Hermione transfigured another goblet and once the first was full, switched them out. Once his arse finished leaking ass-cum, she stood up and handed him the goblets. "Bottoms up," she said with a smile.

As Harry brought the first goblet up to his lips, his mouth started to water with the smell of that hot, fresh, creamy girl-cum that just came out of his arse. He gulped down her cum, relishing in the feel of it coating his throat. Just watching him gulp down her girl-cum made Hermione hard again. As Harry finished the second goblet, she pushed him down onto his knees. "Oh Harry, I want you to lick all of the cum off of my cock and taste your arse," she said.

Harry happily obliged, he licked her cock from its base to the tip and licked inside the slit of her cock. Harry had to open his mouth all the way, extending it past what he normally would and Hermione's cock entered his mouth with a "pop" from Harry's jaw. "Mmmm fuck I want you to take it ALL," Hermione said as she began to push at his throat. Harry tried to protest but to no avail, he was in no position to do anything with Hermione's giant girl-cock knocking at the entrance to his throat.

Harry had to swallow the precum that came from her cock but managed to time it right as Hermione was ramming her cock in his mouth. Hermione's cock entered Harry's throat. "Oh!" Hermione said as she continued to push Harry's head further down her cock, further aided by the liberal coating of girl-cum in his throat from earlier.

Finally, Harry's nose touched her untamed pubic hair, and his chin rested by her giant ballsack. Hermione moaned and pulled his head back, to where the head of her cock rested in his mouth. He only had about a second to get a breath of air before she slammed his head down back onto her cock.

"Oh my god Harry your throat is divine." Hermione moaned as she continually thrust in and out of his throat, effectively choking him were it not for the small breaths of air he got from when he came back up. She gave a longer breath than usual and finally gave a final moan of pleasure as she thrust her girl-cock all the way back into his throat and made him look into her eyes as she came down his throat, and into his stomach.

She pulled her cock back out of his throat and let him suck all the rest of the cum out of her cock, "Don't swallow that last bit, Harry," she said as she helped him stand back up. She pushed her lips against his and licked his bottom lip, he opened up and they both swapped the cum back and forth between each of their mouths, before finally swallowing it all.

"That was..." Harry said, "Amazing." Hermione finished for him. They slowly started putting their clothes back on, which had long since returned back to normal after the transfiguration canceled out. "So, do you um, want to do this again sometime?" Hermione asked, unsure of what his response would be. "Bloody definitely" Harry responded, a smile returning to Hermione's face.

Harry and Hermione both returned back to the tower slowly, pondering what may come ahead in the future.

A/N: So there it is! Hope you all liked it. I had a bit more time to write this one, which is why it is almost three times as long as chapter two. It's really fun writing these, and if you want to see any specific characters in a specific location, do let me know and I might just write about it considering I write these every night without any planning!