
Harry Potter You are my Cosmic Connection.

Just Suppose Harry hadn't heeded his godfather's advice, and actually lost his temper at his trial? Time travel fic and title is 'Back to the Future' joke. ———————————————————— . . . Subscribe to my Patreon for more advanced content... more than 50 chapters in advance , in addition to other stories ,and I publish more than 5 chapters a day .. Link to my profile on Patreon : https://patreon.com/Laracrofs Or look for me by my name on Patreon "Lara Croft. S". There is also the complete novel and others in PDF files ...

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Harry PotterYou are my Cosmic Connection.

Chapter : 22

Amelia then removed Snape's wand and fitted magical restraints on him. Severus was left looking at Albus for answers.

"I warned you, Severus, but you couldn't let it go. It would appear your hatred for Harry's father far outweighed the love you professed to have for the boy's mother. You brought this on yourself, thinking the rule of law didn't apply to you. It's one thing to give someone a chance to redeem themselves, it's quite another to turn a blind eye to their continual flouting of that chance. No more, Severus. That will apply to everyone, as your friend Lucius just discovered. The changes happening in Hogwarts will be reflected further afield."

As Severus was led out, Albus turned to face the rest of the school board. "Since you are now a member short, I would like to propose someone who I can honestly say has the best interest of Hogwarts and the castle's students close to her heart. I propose Minerva McGonagall as a member of the school board."

Draco was carrying the mop and bucket to his next disgusting cleaning job, ignoring the old fart Filch's rantings as they walked the corridor. Instead, Draco's thoughts were dwelling on the upcoming apology Dumbledore was going to be forced to make. Draco's letter home had resulted in his parents' rage at the muggle-loving headmaster reaching new heights. When his father got that angry, someone always paid for it.

His pleasant thoughts were disrupted by the sight heading toward the Malfoy heir. Draco recognised Madam Bones, the pair of aurors with her were also recognisable as such by their uniforms. It was the fourth member of this group though that shocked Draco, or rather the fact Severus Snape was in restraints and being marched out of the school.

"Professor, what's going on? Didn't my father get you reinstated as the Head of Slytherin?"

"Your father was voted off the school board and I'm being arrested. Blasted Potter's fault..."

Snape never got to say any more, he was hustled along and away from his godson. Draco was soon being prodded to move along too.

"I bet you'll think twice about breaking a school rule again, won't you, eh?" Filch said, leering at the now despondent young boy. "Oh yes… hard work and pain are the best teachers if you ask me… It's just a pity they let the old punishments die out… hang you by your wrists from the ceiling for a few days, I've got the chains still in my office, keep 'em well oiled in case they're ever needed…"

Draco once more tried not to listen as he trudged to the next toilet needing cleaned. It was much harder to do however without the thoughts of an impending Dumbledore apology to buoy his spirits. Instead he started to think about getting even with the person responsible for all of this - Potter!

Draco wasn't the only one who spotted Snape being led out the castle by aurors. By breakfast time, that news was all over Hogwarts. The first years were standing in the corridor, waiting to enter their first class of the day, when Draco couldn't hold his anger back any longer.

"My father was voted off the school board and Professor Snape got arrested. This is all your fault, Potter."

They had of course all heard about Snape. Discovering Lucius Malfoy was kicked off the school board too was a very welcome bonus for the pair of time travellers. Harry had an instant reply for the spoiled and angry boy. "Draco, if I really had that much power, don't you think I would have used it to get rid of annoying and whiny little blond gits like you?"

This generated a lot of laughter amongst their peers. As much as they enjoyed the pompous Malfoy heir getting the wind knocked out of his sails, a fair proportion of that laughter was because of who was delivering the verbal blow. Harry had surprised Hermione by introducing himself to all their year mates just after they traveled back in time. She had asked him about this, since he hadn't done that last time, nor given the impression this was something he was comfortable doing - even as an eighteen year old. His answer had surprised Hermione, and showed again she was dealing with a much more mature person.

'Hermione, this is a second chance at everything. I've never been good at making friends, holding my hand out and saying hi just might change that a little.'

It actually had, and destroyed a lot of the mystique surrounding the boy-who-lived too. People from the other houses were getting to know him as just Harry, something they were both very happy with.

Seeing Draco ready to explode again saw Harry react. He didn't want there to be any way he could be blamed for provoking another attack. "Let's look at this logically, Malfoy. I've never met your father, nor anyone else on the Hogwarts school board. How then am I supposed to be responsible for them voting your father off? I didn't even know the first thing about it happening until you just told me a minute ago. As to Snape, Hermione and I were interviewed by Madam Bones while you lot were listening to Binns. She seemed to think there were criminal charges for Snape to answer. You of all people should know the trouble it can cause if you don't keep your wand in your pocket."

That Harry had introduced himself, and also shook her hand, gave a rather shy Susan Bones the courage to speak out. "Madam Bones is my aunt, Harry. If she's arrested Snape, then auntie will already have a strong case against him."

Neville felt as if he just got an early Christmas present. "My Gran's on the school board. If Snape gets found guilty, no matter what he's then sentenced too, that automatically means he can't be a professor at Hogwarts."

There were now looks of awe in their direction, though it was Ron who mouthed what three-quarters of them were already thinking. "You got rid of Snape? There will be a plaque with your names on it in three of the common rooms…"

Their classroom door opening saw them heading inside, leaving a still livid Draco standing there on his own. Even the other Slytherins were giving Draco a wide berth. Snape was apparently gone and Dumbledore wasn't letting anyone get away with anything. Until Draco accepted this new reality, the rest of his house would be staying away from the boy who was nothing but trouble. Dumbledore seemed to be working on an increasing scale of severity regarding misbehaviour, no one wanted to be on the receiving end of any more punishments.

Seeing Hermione with a definite spring in her step during their potions class pleased Albus immensely. While he couldn't ask her any questions, and had sworn to himself he wouldn't stoop to reading Harry's thoughts for information, that didn't mean he wasn't going to use the girl as a barometer to try and avoid the approaching storm. Judging by her demeanour today, after hearing the news about Snape and Malfoy, Albus could only think his actions had knocked some of the wind out of the storm - for now.

He would have a chat with them in a few days to see if they were still considering to look elsewhere for their education, or whether his actions had changed their minds. Albus didn't know he would have another meeting before that.

An enraged Minister of Magic was pacing up and down in front of Dumbledore's impressive desk. Albus himself was impassively sitting behind the mahogany masterpiece, watching while Cornelius' temper grew and grew. Those pinstripe robes were flapping about his body and his favourite green bowler was taking a mauling while his hands angrily gripped it for reassurance. Fudge finally gave vent to his feelings in the headmaster's office.





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