
Harry Potter: Woke up as a cat

Luke was an ordinary 25 years old guy with nothing special about him. Well he may not have been special but... Stuff happens. He may have been ordinary human but is he ordinary cat? (Disclaimer. Furries will be dissapointed. Think about that before you decide to read please.) If you want you can support me on patreon.com/marcelll3214. I am not making anybody to do it. It is just if you want. There will not be content for patreons but i will take your opinions of what you want to happen into consideration. I would not mind some money for a cup of coffee after hours i spend on each chapter :D

marcelll3214 · Movies
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20 Chs

England, here i am

It took Luke about three days to arrive at the airport. *Sigh. "It is really hard to move long distances with this cat body. Longest i can stay in human form is one hour. I have not made any progress in two months. Am i missing something?" For the last two months Luke was having trouble. Not only could he not get rid of his ears but he could not prolong his transformation. "I need some books or something. Hope England has answers i am looking for."

Luke decided to check if his disguise is in working order. After multiple transformations he noticed that he looks like a kid between 7-10 years old. It has not been his focus when he transformed. He was more worried about transforming than looks. He had 135 cm and very kinda handsome face. "I have to get rid of at least these cat eyes." Luke grumbled. He had to wear sunglasses all the time when transformed or people would notice.

"I hope villagers will forgive me for stealing from them." Once Luke knew he was capable of transforming he started stealling clothes, money and sunglasses from the villagers in preparation for this moment. It caused a lot of arguments in the village. Blaming each other for some pervert stealing boys underwear. Thank god it was freshly bought.

Luke made a very simplistic and minimalistic plan of how to get to the England. "Get to an airport, check. Get in as a human child, check." Since he did not know which plane was which he had to ask some wrokers here. "Find the plane flying to London, check. Transform into cat and stealthily get into baggage compartment, check. Wait for us to arrive, I am on it."

Plane ride was uneventfull. It took a few hours but he was finally here. "So what to do now? Hmm, there are two most important things right now. Learn how to stay human and get admited into an orphanage to be able to get to Hogwards. I doubt there is any other place where a nobody like me can learn magic that easily."

Geting into orphanage will not be that hard. He is just a kid so what are they going to do with him? He does not have an I.D.? But he is just a kid. There are no records of him? He don´t know he is just a kid. Any and all problems will be solved for him by the adults and authorities. He just has to act cute and be quiet. "But how and where can i learn about animagi?"

If he did not find a way in three years it would f*ck up a lot of his plans. "Why can i not remember where that broken Cauldron pub was?" It is really hard to remember details like that when you have existential crisis for 3 years. "Well i at least remember the name of King's Cross Station. I can at least find that. Just need to get my hands on some tourist map... Ah, there it is." Right in front of airport there are a lot of vendors selling uselles garbage to tourists and among them there are maps.

If there is one thing Luke is thankfull for from his cat curse, it is that he keeps some traits even in his human transformation. All his senses are still fully active. His hand to eye coordination is almost perfect. When he focuses, his perception of his surroundings is so amazing that even mosquito can not get close to him without him knowing. And one of the greatests in his opinnion. He keeps his dexterity and agility. It is like mini strenght and speed boost.

His stealth training in the forest combined with these traits and him having practice with villagers made stealing the map very easy. "I am not gonna waste all my hard earned money on overpriced tourist map. I still need to eat dammit!"

"I don´t feel like dealing with all of this today. Better find somewhere to sleep."

;3 days later;

"Fu*k, sleeping outside in England is torture even if it is summer. Why is it always rainning? God dam it is cold." Luke felt on his own fur how unfriendly weather in England is to hobos. "I have to do something about this cat situation really fast because i am not gonna be pet to another family. I feels sick just thinking about it." Luke shivered and went into King´s Cross station. He knew that the main trafic here is when new year of school starts for children but he decided to try his luck. Who knows there could be some wizards movement here. It is only place he knows how to get to so he can only hope.

;1 month later;

"I am not mad. Really! What would i be mad about? That i had to sleep in cold warehouses? Or that i am always wet? Or that wizards are so lazy that they never use their legs to move around? Fuc*ing floo network. Wizards really use Hogward´s expres only to get kids to school once a year. There is not even any maintanace workers here! What if something brake? I will sue their asses."

It has been a month since he arrived here and finally it was September 1., a day when all cool wizarding kids go to school.

"There is nobody i know here. I hoped i would at least see Dora. She is only not mob character that i know goes to school right now. Well whatever, now i just need to latch on some wizards and stalk them until they decide to go to Diagon alley."

He moved through the crowd, listening in on conversations, hoping that somebody has plans to visit Diagon alley in the near future. After few minutes of hearing married couples talking how they can finally fu*k their brains out when kids are in school he found them. "Do you want to go to Leaky Cauldron for some butterbear? I want to vent." Said one of the witches. "Yeah sure we can even go shoping for something nice. I heard there is a special discount today for parents of kids that buy school robes from Madam Malkins shop. I guess sales were good haha."

"Target aquired." Luke zeroed in on them and started stalking his prey. Since people can not arrive with Flo in the station he knew that folowing them will not be a problem. "They are not taking a car?" Luke was suprised that both woman just started walking into the muggle city. He thought that maybe they had some Flo nearby. He was prepared to use it if he had to. "Just throw some ash and say where you want to go. Easy."

But all those thoughts went away soon after. "No way." Both woman suddenly turned and started walking into an old looking pub. "It was here the whole time??? " Luke was really pissed. He spend so much time as a hobo because he though there was no other way. But if he just went to explore a little every day he would have a big chance of finding this place. He could move on the roofs after all.

Leering a little at the pub he quickly followed both woman in. "I don´t want to waste any more time. I have to get to Diagon today!" Once in, he just hiden in the corner and waited for somebody to open the passage. There was no need to risk transformation and being asked a ton of questions.

In ten minutes he saw his walking keys and quickly followed. "Huh why is that cat following us?" Asked one of the walking keys. "What are you talking about? It is just cat. Probably hungry or something. Leave it alone." "Okey jees i was just saying. There is no need to get your nipples twisted about it."

Luke was just waiting for the passage to open completely ingoring both fellows. "Thats right! Defend my honor you plebian." One of the keys got unknowingly promoted to plebian. Good for him.

"So i am here, but what now?" Luke decided to just move around the alley and map his surroundings. He is really impatient at this point, but he is not so reckles to just do whatever he wants.

After a few hours he pretty much had all of the important places remembered and found even some escape routs if needed. Most of the people ignored him but there were a few that thought that cat trying different routes of climbing the building is strange. But they moved on after a while like the rest of them. "Hm, stewpid humans dont understand my greatness."

"Here goes nothing." Transforming into little kid with his hood up and sunglasses on, he walked into Flourish and Blott. He knew that he will not find the exact spell for animagus transformation but he needed at least some scraps at this point.

"Hello Mr. can i look at some of your books? Mommy told me that if i find something that interest me she will buy it for me." Luke said in childish voice.

"Of course boyo but where is your mom?" Asked the man a little suspiciously. It is not every day you see kid walk alone into book store with sunglasses on. "She is very bussy. She went to buy some parfumes or something. Told me if i stop being annoying she will buy me whatever i want. I decided that i want some books." Luke said with his childish smile.

Clerk started feeling a little bad for the kid so he decided to let him look. "Oh i am sure she did not meant anything bad by it. Moms just get frustrated sometimes." Clerk smiled and continued. "What book would you like to see? We have some amazing stories here. From knights killing dragons to wizards saving the world."

Luke pretended to get offended and said. "Do i look like a little kid? I want to learn how to do magic, not save some princesses!"Clerk laughed a little bit. *Cough cough. "Of course of course so let me show you where i hide some school books for students. But you can just look, if you want to buy them your momy has to allow it first okey?"

"Kaaay."Said Luke. "I would like to know more about animagi. Do you have some books about them?" Clerk started to think about it. It has been some time since somebody asked about them. "Oh you want to transform into animal? Hehe you have to be older to try! Magic can be dangerous."

Luke understood that the man was making sure he understood to not do magic. "Don´t worry momy already told me all about that. I don´t even have my wand yet. How could i do magic? I just want to know more about them. I think being able to transform into animal is so cool. Just imagine being able to become dragon." Said Luke with a lot of hand gestures and transformer noises.

"Hehe what a smart kid. If you want to just look a little, come here. This is the only book that have mentions of animagi in my store." Said the man and showed Luke the book.

"Thank you can i read a little? I will make sure to make momy buy a lot of books when she comes here." Luke said as he was already searching for the information he needed.

"Yeah you make sure to do that. I will give you 10 minutes okey? Any more and i can open library." Said clerk and walked behind the counter.

As soon as Luke was alone he intensely focused on the book. "I really hope that you will be helpfull. For your own good." Threatened Luke. "And for mine."

Okey we are finally getting to the story. I am not sure if you noticed but i tried to be really minimalistic with the story until now. I wanted mc to have some backstory in this world to estabilish him as a resident but not too much. There is not much to go before i will change the tone of the story a little bit. When we start Hogwards there will be more focus on interactions with other characters and actuall plot will begin.

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