
Harry Potter: Woke up as a cat

Luke was an ordinary 25 years old guy with nothing special about him. Well he may not have been special but... Stuff happens. He may have been ordinary human but is he ordinary cat? (Disclaimer. Furries will be dissapointed. Think about that before you decide to read please.) If you want you can support me on patreon.com/marcelll3214. I am not making anybody to do it. It is just if you want. There will not be content for patreons but i will take your opinions of what you want to happen into consideration. I would not mind some money for a cup of coffee after hours i spend on each chapter :D

marcelll3214 · Movies
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20 Chs

Are we there yet?

;Police station next day;

"... and then *sob* i lost them... For the last week i could not find my of friends. I was *sob* so hungry... My friends always gave me food *sob." Luke was selling his story to the silently crying officers. The story was full of hardship, friendships and betrayal. (I have talent.) Thought Luke.

"Ohh you poor thing. You are really brave coming to us. Don´t worry we will take care of everything. I am sure you will soon have a new home." Police officer turned around and belowed at his coworkers. "What are you looking at huh? Go bring the boy some soup and clothes... Lazy bums."

After eating his fill and policeman contacting closest orphanage he was waiting to be picked up. "Do you need anything?" Asked a very nice older woman police officer. After Luke said no she continued with filling up the paperwork. "So what is your full name? You told us that you don´t have one. Since you said you don´t know your parents we will have to make you one. Don´t worry we just need it for the papers. You are not in trouble."

After seeing him panic a bit the nice woman quickly reasured him. But he was not panicing because of that. (Dammit i knew i was forgeting something.) Luke started to beat himself up. (All that thinking and i foget something so basic.) You can not really blame him. He was called Murko for 4 years, and after that the only other person that used his name was Harry. Kids and friends don´t address each other with their last names.

Thinking fast he decided to make a name that will not allow him to back down from his chosen path of adventure. He was afraid that he will choose the easy path again when things get hard. "Ye.. yes my name is Luke Mudblood." Said Luke with determined face.

"Are you sure that you want that to be your name? You know, you will be called by it for a long time. Probably until you are adult or somebody adopts you. Having blood in your name may close some doors for you. How about Candy? Sounds nice to me." Woman tried to see him reason and even called her coworkes to try to persuade him. It did not work.

"No! My name is Luke mudblood." He reminded them of his story and how his friends sacrificed their tears and blood for him. "Ok ok calm down. I will write it down for now but it will not be official yet. I think you need to talk to some people first." It seemed like the kid needed some therapy first. "Okey." Said Luke knowing what awaits him.

;1 week later;

*Exhale.* (Finally!! This was unnecesarily complicated process.) Mused Luke to himself. He was currently laying on his bed in the orphanage. He has been here a week already, but the paperwork and visits from dotors and psychiatrist did not end until now. Since he did not know exactly how old his body was he let the doctors check. Based on his hight and other factors they decided to make him 9 years old. Psychiatrist on the other hand tried to make him reconsider his name and checked him for some trauma, but in the end decided that he was mentaly healthy and recommended officials to let him keep the name. (Heh as if i would change my mind after words of a few so called doctors.)

Luke managed to convince everybody that he is sane and that Mudblood is completely normal and necessary last name for him. (So many victims to my sob stories... Don´t be sad! Your tears served greater purpose. I am sure that my name will make some heads turn.) Luke smiled. His smile looked a little deranged. Thank Merlin nobody saw him. Especialy his psychiatrist. He may have reconsidered his diagnosis a little.

Well not that somebody could have. It seems that his roomate was adopted a little before he arrived, so he had room to himself for now. (I hope they don´t put some snoring kid to be my roommate. Nobody wants any accidents to happen...) Room was quite simple. Two beds, two cabinets, one window, one sink and one toilet. Common showers were on the first floor of the building.

Even though orphanage was doing good for itself, as seen by the luxurious toilet, every child had a limited time for the shower. Nannies were even showering little kids (2-6) at batches of five to save water and time.

(Well i was hobbo until now so this is an upgrade for me.) Even though some kids were a little weirded out by his last name a lot of boys thought it was cool. As for the girls? His face was enough to breach the ice. They all saw him as a funny and nice boy. He even charmed some nannies with his smile.

(So what now... i have 2 years before i get that stupid letter. Huuum should i look for some different main cast characters? What for? If i contact any purebloods including Weasleys i risk unnecesary suspicion, and i doubt i can learn anything usefull. Hermione? Nah the longer she is alone the more desperate she will be for a friend when she arrive at Hogwards. (Scum) Also she is just a little kid like Harry there is no point in going.)

After careffuly thinking about what to do he concluded that he has nothing really that important to do anymore. (So i wait.)

;2 years later, November 1988;

"Tomorow."(Time has come, back to black.) Tommorow is his 11 birthday. The last 2 years Luke spend making good impresion on people around him. He does not want to make the old guy nervous. (I doubt his heart could take another evil child from orphanage.) Every day he ran in the yard doing laps. Sometimes kids joined him for some fun.

He met up with Harry a few times to keep in touch. He even saved him from the Harry hunt. Dudley, his friends and Marge will never forget all the guts and blood of the dog hanging from the branches. What was he supposed to do? Gut Marge? Maybe in the future.

He even found a way to learn how to fight. Almost every friday night he transformed into a cat and left the orphanage in search of some shady bars. He observed man fight each other and even asked them to teach him some stuff. After he bought them a beer they were happy to show him some moves. He will not be winnig any martial arts competition but he knew how to throw a punch.

He tested some of what he learned at some highschoolers making fun of his orphaned friends. He became a big star at the school after that. Public school he attended had an deal with orphanage to let kids attend. But nobody cares about that.

Last thing he did was perfecting his animagus spell. His transforming radius grew to 15 centimeters and his control of his body was almost perfect. His accuracy at throwing darts (game at orphanage) was 100% at 20 meters. Of course he did not show this talent to anybody.

Other than that nothingthat important happened. Until tomorow that is. Long awaited letter will arrive for Luke. (How will it arrive? Will it just be laying on the floor? What if somebody steals it?) While thinking about this he fell asleep.

;Next day;

"Where is it!? It is 7 p.m. i have been waiting the whole day. Did somebody really steal it?" Luke was very pissed an slightly worried. (Am i not registered in Hogwarts? Did their system not count me as and England citizen? Is there some different condition i did not fulfill?) Luke did not know the rules for getting admited into Hogwarts but he assumed that it was not that complicated. Mugleborns get invited all the time. (I am sure they just had some logistic problem and the letter will arrive tommorow.) Luke reassured himself.

But it did not come.

;6 months later, May 1989;

"You stupid cu*t!! You think you can just come to me whenever you want? Where were you for so long?" Yes it finally arrived. He had his suspicions. It seems that Hogwards considers your true age and not the one given by office. It seemed that his true 11 birthday is today. Strange considering the letter came with his name Luke Mudblood. (So no significant clues again.*Sigh*)

He read the letter telling him that he is accepted and what he needed to get before school. (Hahaha getting my last name was a great move.) Reading letter adressed to mr. Mudblood was hilarious for Luke.

At the end of the letter it was said that in a week, deputy headmaster will come to explain stuff and pick him up for shopping. (Hoooh, I gues it is time to hide all tracks.) Luke got into cleaning his room super hard from all the fur he shed. He also made sure that all his money is perfectly hidden in the abandoned warehouse. (No need to give them any leads.)

;1 week later;

*Knock knock* " Luke are you there? Lady from prestigious private school come to talk to you. Can we came in?" Asked nanny Matilda. He liked her she never unnecessarily bothered him. "Yes. Come in." Answered Luke with childish and little nervous voice. (Cameras, action...)

Pov McGonagall

Last week hase been really strange for teachers at Hogwards. There was new letter send for an muggleborn child. Nothing out of the ordinary. Well if you don´t count his name. Mudblood... How big of a coincidence this has to be? For a wizard child to have a name like this? All of the professors were a little unconfortable. They did not know what to think about this situation. All they knew was that it would not be easy for him.

Of course they tried to investigate. When they discovered that the child was wehemently fighting for such a name they were stunned. How unlucky can he be to be stubborn about a choice like this.

Once Minerva arrived at the orphanage and talked to matron Pencilea, her good friend, she went straight into the unlucky boy´s room. This is not the first time a child from this orphanage has been discovered to be a wizard so everybody in the know knew the procedure.

Once Matilda called the boy and oppened the door for her she left.

She gave the boy a good look. (This has to be one of the cutest children i have ever seen. Just look at those cheeks.)

"Good morning mr. Mudblood my name is Minerva McGonagall. I am deputy headmistress and professor at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry." The boy looked suprised at first and then as if things started to make sense to him he fell into deep thought. But it seems he still had his suspicions. "How can i trust you? If magic is real then show me!" Demanded the boy.

(Oooh he is trying to order me around. He is so cute!!) "Mr. Mudblood i am too old to be ordered around by some kid wet behind his ears. If you want something from somebody you should ask nicely. So try again." She said with a serious tone and a stone cold stare.

Boy looked a little ashamed and quickly apologized. "I am sorry professor McGonagall. It is just that i don´t want to be make fun of." Her heart almost melted. "It is alright mr. Mudblood but you should never forget your manners." She said with a little more warmth. It was still cold thou...

"Let me show you then." She brought out her wand explaining what it was and what she was about to do. And then she started swinging. "Amazing." Said the boy as all kinds of items around his room changed into rabbits and started running around. Some even ran in the air.

"Do you believe me now mr. Mudblood?" He turned to her with his amazed expresion and noded. "I believe i do."

Here we go. We finally arrived. The next stop is diagon alley and Hogwarts. Yeah i just learned it is spelled Hogwarts and not Hogwards. The more you know. Also guys and girls thank you for all the nice comments. If you have any complaints dont hesitate to write me. This is getting kinda fun.

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