
Harry Potter : twin of the boy who survived

DaoistewNoKO · Movies
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84 Chs

Andrew's recovery

Andrew woke up after three days. He stopped the powers of horse charm. He looked around and saw Hannah. Hermoine is beside her with red eyes. Harry is also standing there with his head down.

Andrew looked at Hannah and asked," how many days I am out?", Hannah looked at hik and said," three days ", Andrew sighed and said," it's okay. I'm awake you can go classes. Don't miss them".

Hermoine said," thank you for saving me Andrew. If you didn't I would've died there", she said and sobbed while Harry said," Andrew, I-I'm sorry for everything I did in the past. Even though I treated you like that you still saved me, thank you for that".

Andrew ignored him and started taking with Hannah. Harry felt even more guilty and just then the door opened while James ad Lily entered. Lily rushed to Andrew and stretched her arms to hold him but when she is near him, Andrew screamed and curled up into a ball while shivering which made her froze in her place.

Lily and James remembered how they treated Andrew and wanted to say sorry to him but they saw the blood that is coming from his wounds as he curled into a ball and shivered. Madam pomfrey hastily drove them out and consoled Andrew.

Lily who is out looked blankly at the door of infirmary. Hermoine and Hannah looked at them and asked," are you Lily and James Potter?", The couple looked at them while they nodded.

Hannah and Hermoine looked at them and turned away expressionlessly while Lily asked Hannah," you're Hannah abott right? You took care of him in the leaky couldron. Can you tell me how is Andrew doing?".

Hannah looked at her angrily and said," for what? Kill him completely. Or rob his remaining life or to add more scars all over his body. Oh! I forgot there is no place remaining to add new scars. Andrew's body is already full of them or do you plan to give him some on his face".

Lily is hit hard by the words. She started sobbing while Hermione's eyes widened. Madam pomfrey who is out said," he is okay for now I gave him the potion to make his wounds heal more faster and also gave him a sleep potion. But I don't think I can allow Mr and Mrs potter into the infirmary until he is recovered. I don't know what you did to him but he is trembling with fear seeing you. Some of his wounds opened up and he is bleeding again. It's better if you stay away from him until he is recovered Mr and Mrs potter".

Lily and James has tears in their eyes when they heard those words. Hermoine and Hannah asked if they can bring him something to eat. Madam pomfrey shook her head and said she can take care of him and they should be in their class.

In the end the three students are driven out by her. Lily and James also returned to the manor with heartbroken expressions. Thenext day Andrew woke up and saw the two girls. Hannah brought him some sweets while Hermoine brought some fruits.

Though the sweets are all taken away by madam pomfrey. The fruits are cut into pieces and are fed to him by Hannah. Some Hufflepuff's came to visit him along with Fred and George and some other Griffyndoors.

Andrew recovered and his wounds healed in the next two days. Harry also visited a few times but the interaction is very awkward as both of them didn't say a word. Though Andrew started ignore him and look at him like he exist rather than treating him like air in the past.

This made Harry sigh in relief. He thinks as long as he keeps interacting with Andrew, Andrew will forgive him. Andrew after recovering wanted to go out but madam pomfrey told him stay another day as she wanted to make sure he is okay.

So Andrew stayed there another day and then go to the dormitories where all Hufflepuff students asked him how he is. Andrew also answered he is okay with a smile. Though Hannah always looked at him with concerned gaze.