
Harry Potter: twin destiny

At the beginning of this story, there were two children, both having lost their families due to the thirst for power of a man and the fear of his end. Two children, one blessed by destiny, the other endowed with a mind worthy of the greatest. Two children, one having grown up with a horrible family, the other in the utter solitude. Two children who, at the age of eleven, are destined to meet. as usual, I don't have the rights except for my characters, and English is not my native language. If you're still here, welcome to my imagination PS- the mc is a boy it's just that the first name is male only in france and i knew it too late PPS-i will not post on the week-end

lamortnoir974 · Movies
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your dear author on the update

Hi everyone, I've got some bad news. I'm going to put this story on hold and even change it a lot later on for several reasons.

Firstly, I don't like the way the characters evolve. This story is primarily a training exercise for me and the beginning of my story was done without really thinking about what to write, so I want to change it a bit.

Secondly, I've built the MC's (Lilian's) magic evolution system badly and I don't know how to improve it without having to contradict what I've already said.

and in the end I know I can do better, so I'm going to put this story on hold and do another with a simpler power logic in the meantime, and when I feel I can do this story again I'll come back to it.

I know that the few people who follow me may be disappointed, but I'd rather do a story that I think is good than do a story that I hate so that you stop following it because it's going to shit. 

I'll say it again, I'll come back to this series in the future, but in the meantime I'm planning to do a story about Ban living in the world of MHA, which has a simpler power system.

Once again I'm sorry and I hope you'll be there to see that ban was looking for a goal in a world in which he sees no future.