
Harry Potter: twin destiny

At the beginning of this story, there were two children, both having lost their families due to the thirst for power of a man and the fear of his end. Two children, one blessed by destiny, the other endowed with a mind worthy of the greatest. Two children, one having grown up with a horrible family, the other in the utter solitude. Two children who, at the age of eleven, are destined to meet. as usual, I don't have the rights except for my characters, and English is not my native language. If you're still here, welcome to my imagination PS- the mc is a boy it's just that the first name is male only in france and i knew it too late PPS-i will not post on the week-end

lamortnoir974 · Movies
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Two brother 

|September 2, 1991|Hogwarts-Great Hall| 

Today is the big day. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't sleep last night. I spent the evening thinking about everything I could say to him, all the time we can catch up on, all that I could teach him.

 I already see him teaching everything I know to my impetuous younger brother. The fact that he went to Gryffindor doesn't surprise me. We'll be able to do all of that today the classes start tomorrow.

**Change of point of view**

In a corner of the Hogwarts Great Hall, which was beginning to fill up, a young man sat and leaned on his cane, quickly tapping it on the floor, scrutinizing each person entering the hall. 

The magical cane of the blind wizard was carved from ebony wood, adorned with runes, displaying an intense red crystal at its top. The glow from this crystal, pulsating with powerful magic, created an enchanting atmosphere. The handle was finely carved and adorned with symbols. It was an elegant and functional instrument of perception.

(image here)

After a while, in his lifeless eyes, his pupils dilated, reacting as if he could still see. He grasped his cane and moved through the emerging crowd towards the newcomers.

Harry and Ron left their dormitory early to have breakfast. The two children were still half-asleep from their discussions the previous night with their roommate and finally arrived at the promised land their stomachs were demanding.

 As they headed to their table, Harry turned his head towards the Slytherins, trying to catch a glimpse of 'his failed evil clone,' as Ron called him, only to see him approach.

When the two twins were a few steps away from each other, Lilian initiated the conversation. 

"I can finally meet you, Harry. You can't imagine how happy I am," displaying a smile that was genuine this time. Lilian held back tears; he didn't want to appear as a crybaby in front of his brother. Taking a breath, he continued, "you and I have a lot to talk about. So, would you like to tour Hogwarts with me while we talk..."

Upon hearing the last phrase from the young man in front of him, Harry and Ron were shocked. Ron, still in shock, muttered, "but it wasn't like that in the stories. He didn't have a brother."

 A phrase that Lilian had heard well, making him understand the basis of the redhead's friendship with his brother.

"Stories are just stories. The world needed a living hero, so they chose a survivor of Voldemort's last attack as the great savior. Unfortunately, he needed to be isolated and made more easily influenced to carry all the ideas and convictions he would be told," he paused to calm his growing irritation. 

"Anyway, my dear, let's start the tour with the Hogwarts kitchen so that we don't remain hungry on the way. I can't leave my brother without food in the morning; Nixie would lecture me if she knew."


In the corridors of Hogwarts, two twins walked side by side. One wore a clumsy expression, stealing glances at his new brother, while the other, walking to his right, intermittently tapped his cane, seemingly examining the architecture despite his lack of sight.

"Truly spectacular, don't you think? These places have a phenomenal amount of magic, very practical during magical learning."

"You seem to know the subject. Have you already learned magic?"

"In the way you're thinking, no. I've practiced my control over mana and learned the necessary knowledge, but I haven't practiced that kind of magic—just a few rituals, potion-making, and artifact crafting, like the gift I gave you around your neck."

"So, it was you who made that." Harry's eyes began to shine upon learning this news. He had finally found LP, but it also made him sad.

"Hmm, what's wrong? Don't you like my gift? Granted, it's not as powerful as the grandmasters in China with their spatial rings, creating a viable ecosystem for creatures wanting to enter, but I think I did a good job with the pocket space."

"No, it's not that. I just thought it would be LP for Lily Potter, so I thought it was a memento of her." These words made Lilian stop in his tracks. He, too, missed his mother but not in the same way as Harry. He perfectly remembered the time they had spent with her.

"I can understand your pain, brother, but remember that you are no longer alone. You have me and Nixie. I promise that nothing will disturb your happiness, brother. As the last request from our mother, I intend to fulfill it."

Harry looked at Lilian. All the years of emptiness he endured in the Dursley family were beginning to fade away—all the days of mistreatment, humiliation, and lies. Harry didn't know what to think anymore, except to try to hold back his tears. His uncle didn't like that, and it had become a reflex for him.

Biting his lip, Lilian continued on his way, with a whining Harry at his side. 

They reached the Hufflepuff area, asking students around for directions.

"Our dear parents, during their studies, documented numerous secret passages and hidden areas. I read about it in Mum's diary. And the kitchen should be next to the Hufflepuff common room. But be careful when you open the door; you just need to pull the pear, or you'll be sprayed with vinegar."

"Do you have memories of our parents? You said earlier that it was Mom's last wish. How can you remember it?"

"You see, my dear brother, besides being beautiful, I am a genius. I remember every moment of my life, from my first cry to every moment in the shower. It's a bit troublesome since I also remember every hardship, every sadness, and every time I felt bad. Some might say it's more of a curse, but I've learned to manage it with Occlumency and turned it into my uniqueness."

"You remember everything?" Harry asked, sensing the smells and cacophony of the kitchen.

"Everything. I still remember the sight of Mom's death. I sometimes have nightmares about it, so I don't know if I envy you for not remembering them, but it's better for you than for me. The stories they wrote about you, it's all just Mom's accomplishment."

"I didn't kill Voldemort!" Young Harry was a bit sad about that, even though it had only been a few days since he had received glory. He liked the fact that people approved of his existence; he felt useful.

"You, in a way, did. But all the credit goes to the spells Mom cast, mainly on you. The spell was originally for both of us, but since you were the first to enter the magic circle, most of the effects concentrated on you. The mark on your forehead is proof of that. She sacrificed everything for us to live, so live your life to the fullest, brother. I'll be here for you as your big brother."

Today, Harry's emotions were like a roller coaster. He learned about the existence of his brother, that the accomplishment everyone applauded him for was not his, and the sacrifice of his mother—all in less than an hour.

"Why do you have to be the big brother?"


While the two brothers were exploring all of Hogwarts, three individuals observed them from a distance. Two of them were watching with the help of the castle.

"Albus, are you sure you're letting these kids be as they are? I can see their resemblance to James Potter. They'll cause incidents throughout their studies. Moreover, the fact that Lilian Potter has become a Slytherin will not bring anything good, he's already fought with Draco Malfoy." The figure, dressed in a long, floating wizard's robe, expressed clear disdain for the Potters.

"Let's not advocate such animosity, Severus. I know James did you wrong during your studies, but these two young wizards can be guided toward a bright future, just as James showed. It's your duty to look after young Lilian. Although the fact that he is blind concerns me; he wasn't like that in his early days. He should pay a visit to the infirmary for Madam Pomfrey to examine him."

Severus, seeing that Dumbledore was not taking his warnings seriously, could only growl to himself.

"Whatever these days hold for us, we will make sure to oversee what brings fulfillment to our students."

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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and if you have any advise for improve my writting tell me i made this story for that.

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