
Harry Potter : Transmigrating as Cedric

After awakening the Righteous Mage System, Cedric finds his path set: as long as he behaves like a true Righteous mage, he earns rewards such as experience points, magic power, magical herbs, and secret treasures. This journey molds him into the most upstanding Hufflepuff in Hogwarts history. At Hogwarts, Cedric leads by example and excels in his studies. He respects his teachers and abides by school rules. He loves his classmates, prohibits bullying, and does not tolerate any illegal or unethical behavior. Cedric becomes known as the benchmark that meets everyone's expectations for Hogwarts students. He is the warrior admired by Gryffindors, the god of learning worshiped by Ravenclaws, the prefect respected by Hufflepuffs, and the white mage most feared by Slytherins. Cedric is the idol who has shattered Voldemort's conspiracies time and time again! *************************************** WARNING! I do NOT own Harry Potter or this story i am just translating it. "English isn't my native language, so please correct me if i made any mistakes". original novel: 一霍格沃兹:史上最正派白魔法师 Check out my Patreon for early access chapters: patreon.com/THE_TRANSLATOR498 Release Schedule will 1 chapter per day. show your support by giving power stones and reviews and comments.

LORD_INDRA_ · Movies
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Chapter 11 Hufflepuff

"Hey everyone,

I need your help! Just like how batteries power our devices, your donations power my work. Please consider donating a 'power stone' to support me. Every little bit helps!

Thanks a bunch,


Go ahead, this is really lucky!

Can the rewards be upgraded?

The reward for transformation was directly upgraded from SS level to SSS level?

Cedric was originally worried that some of the rewards would be useless as his strength increased.

No need to be afraid now.

Therefore, when upgrading talents in the future, it will be fine as long as he do not directly upgrade to SSS level. The last level requires 3 talent points, and it is most appropriate to use the bonus of template cards to upgrade.

There are also legendary values.

This value is very useful!

First of all, the higher your legend value is, the higher your prestige will be.

It's the legendary momentum.

Secondly, legendary values can replace any upgrade conditions.

For example, you can directly upgrade a level 1 magic spell, whether it is LV1 to LV2, or LV10 to 100.

So is talent.

From SS level to SSS level, just consume 1 point of legendary value!

Even template card slots work!

Of course, the consumed legendary value will not affect the momentum, because it is determined based on the upper limit.

at last.

Every point of legendary value he don't use increase the power of all his magic by 10%. This is calculated based on the actual legendary value.

Ten points can double the magic power!

Such comprehensive values.

Cedric doesn't plan to use it right now.

"The world is changing so fast!"

He sighed in his heart.

He didn't expect that just a hug from Professor McGonagall would cause such a big change in his face.

He knew it too.

There is a place for him in Professor McGonagall's heart.

Although not as good as Harry for now.

But as long as he persevere, he will one day be able to achieve transcendence. Transcendence is not the goal, but the reward is truly real!

"But I don't want to go to Gryffindor!"

Cedric left Professor McGonagall's arms and shook his head rejecting her offer.

First, he has his own ideas and arrangements.

Secondly, he believed that Professor McGonagall would never be angry because he rejected her kindness.


Professor McGonagall was not angry and even apologized to him.

"Oh, I'm sorry, kid, I should respect your thoughts."

"Please forgive me!"

"I just like you so much and hope to teach you more and witness your growth. This is definitely a wonderful experience!"

Cedric believed her completely.

Each of the professors at Hogwarts is basically above the average level of teachers.

They teach carefully and are very talented.

They are the greatest treasure Cedric can find here.

"Sorry Professor, what I really want to go to is Hufflepuff!"

Cedric does not follow its predecessor without any thought.

But the decision was made after careful consideration.

"Gryffindor trains warriors and requires students to be brave and fearless!"

"Slantlin train ambitious people and requires students to be of good origin and have pure blood!"

"Ravenclaw trains top academics and only recruits students who are smart and have extraordinary intelligence!"

"Only Hufflepuff has no requirements for students, you just need to be a good person!"

Professor McGonagall blinked.

She vaguely knew what Cedric wanted to say, but she didn't expect that the next words would be so shocking to her life.

"But I prefer Hufflepuff!"

Cedric said firmly.

"Rather than taking first place, they care more about the feelings of the people around them. They help the weak and will not treat you differently because of your status."


"In the face of intelligence, bravery, and ambition, the value of kindness is far underestimated."

"The world is not short of people who want to succeed!"

"But there is an urgent need for people who can lend a helping hand to sad friends, people who can create joy, and people who can mend the world!"

"Maybe they can't do anything earth-shattering."

"But it is they who constitute the many details in this world that are so ordinary that they can almost be ignored, but are essential!"

"Kindness, loyalty, and gratitude!"

"Professor, I want to be a good person worthy of everyone's trust. This is definitely a cool choice!"

"For love, dare to take risks and ride the wind and waves!"

"This is where my life belongs!"

Cedric blinked and said mischievously: "Also, who made me like cooking so much!"


The emotion in her heart instantly turned into a smile on her face.

Professor McGonagall immediately realized that this was Cedric's hope that he would not take this matter too seriously.

Be able to consider other people's emotions at this time.

He is indeed a natural born Hufflepuff.

He is able to see his own mind clearly and work hard so far. This alone is better than countless people.

Tears blurred Professor McGonagall's vision.

If the person standing in front of her at this moment was a middle-aged man who had experienced many vicissitudes of life.

Then she would congratulate him for finally living a clear life.

But faced with Cedric as a child.

Professor McGonagall only felt endless distress in her heart, because Voldemort was the one who should bear the suffering.

Cedric doesn't deserve this.

She hugged Cedric into her arms again and hugged him with all her strength:

"Child, loyalty and kindness are extraordinary bravery!"

"I sincerely wish you the best!"

"And congratulations again in advance for becoming a member of the friendliest, most genuine, and toughest Hufflepuff House."

Professor McGonagall felt her body tremble slightly.

Cedric felt a little apologetic.

He didn't want to make the other party feel so uncomfortable.

Reminds me of Professor McGonagall's first wish list.

Cedric raised his head and changed the subject:

"Actually, I think I have some talent in transformation. Can I ask you about my ability to transform?"


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