
Harry potter: The ringmaker

Nicholas died under mysterious circumstances on earth and was reborn into the world of harry potter as an orphan with a mysterious ring maker system. He does not know why he is here nor why he has this system but Nicholas is determined to make the best of his new life , noseless freaks be damned.

loskro · Book&Literature
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Nick didn't mind the schedule as it was perfectly reasonable and even gave them plenty of free time. Most of the other first years in Gryffindor bellyached about having potions with Slytherin first thing on their first day. "You know if you just focus on your potions you should be fine right?" Nick said loudly so everyone could hear him. "Everyone says Snape hates us Gryffindor's though!" Seamus Finnigan said upset. "Maybe he does , but if we don't give him a reason he can't exactly take off points can he?" Nick suggested and everyone looked thoughtful for a moment before nodding in agreement.-

"That said you might want to look out Harry , he's likely to pick on you a bit tomorrow unreasonably because you are famous." Nick said warningly. Harry looked aggrieved at being singled out but he nodded in understanding anyways. 'I wonder how pissed the big bad bat is going to be when Harry answers those questions of his.' Nick thought with a snicker as he suggested a study group to prepare for tomorrow and most of his housemates agreed. Nick of course made it fun since normal studying wouldn't work on Gryffindor's and played a game of twenty questions involving the potions book knowledge.-

A certain bushy haired girl almost ruined the game however by trying to answer every question until Nick put a stop to that by implementing a three question spacing rule. It didn't stop the girl from perfectly answering every fourth question after that but at least everyone else got a chance. It also kept her from getting the others as resentful at her for being an insufferable know it all. 'Honestly speaking she may have preferred Ravenclaw with how she thinks.' Nick thought while asking another tricky question involving aconite.-

Only Hermione seemed to realize that the only person who seemed to know all the answers to the questions was the person answering them , Nick. She found him unusual as unlike her he seemed quite popular with their peers even though he was clearly just as knowledgeable as her. She simply couldn't understand how , no matter how much she watched his interactions with others. If she actually asked Nick however he would laugh and tell her that people aren't logical creatures who only want facts and that the moment she stops treating them like that she'll be fine.-

The night ended without that conversation of course as Hermione was rather stubborn about learning by herself. Still unlike in the story the majority of first year Gryffindor at least had a decent grasp on potions theory and ingredients now. Nick didn't doubt that Snape will likely look through their memories to figure out why and find Nick at the center of it. 'It's pointless if he does though since Sanar makes gentle legilimency impossible and unless he wants to get reported to the ministry by a whole lot of witnesses hard legilimency is also off the table.' Nick thought smugly.-

Breakfast consisted of thick pancakes , sausage and eggs with gravy for Nick to prepare him for the day while his classmates grew nervous of Snape's impending class. Nick made sure to arrive at the potions classroom before any of his Gryffindor housemates because he didn't doubt that Mcgonagall might actually hold him to his words. Angering a witch who could turn you into a literal doormat just seemed like a bad idea to Nick after all. More and more people started to pour into the room and divide themselves based on house which irritated Nick a bit so he decided to spice things up a bit and sit next to Daphne Greengrass mischievously.-

The girl in question looked incredulous while her best friend Tracy Davis merely raised an eyebrow at him with an intrigued expression. "Isn't this much more interesting?" Nick asked with a cheeky grin. "What about the others?" Tracy asked curiously. "Screw em , only those I decide are important can suggest how I live my life." Nick said firmly. Both the girls were surprised to hear this answer but both smiled and nodded in agreement. "Nicholas Iron and I look forward to working alongside you both." Nick said humbly. -

"Tracy Davis , likewise." Tracy said and Daphne said quietly "Daphne Greengrass , likewise." and so Nick had firmly made acquaintances with the pair of Slytherin girls. Harry , Ron and Hermione ended up working together like in canon as a result , though Ron looked unbelievably conflicted when he saw Nick chatting with the two Slytherin girls peacefully. Soon enough the time for class came and Snape walked in with his black robes dragged behind him with a menacing look. He took rollcall but paused at Harry's name "Ah, yes." he said softly "Harry Potter. Our new celebrity." Malfoy and his minions snickered.


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