
Harry potter: The ringmaker

Nicholas died under mysterious circumstances on earth and was reborn into the world of harry potter as an orphan with a mysterious ring maker system. He does not know why he is here nor why he has this system but Nicholas is determined to make the best of his new life , noseless freaks be damned.

loskro · Book&Literature
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Persuading Fudge

Nick's two friends were left in shock and disbelief after he was done explaining the gist of what had happened so very long ago. He didn't blame them for not being able to process it all at once since it was indeed quite a lot to take in. About five minutes later Harry was the first to break up the silence with a question "How did this happen if Peter was hidden so well?" he asked confused. Nick pointed to himself "That would be entirely my own doing actually." he said honestly.-

"You see after I learned but what truly happened to Harry's family I started digging into their past and found a bunch of things that didn't add up and after some more digging I figured out the truth of the situation. I admit that Peter was well hidden however he forgot one very important detail that gave him away and set all of this in motion , lifespan. The average lifespan for a common rat such as his Animagus form is a mere five years and Ron's family has had him for over a decade despite him being an adult when they first "found" him."-

"I found several coincidences that simply didn't add up until I discovered the truth and knew that I needed to do something about and waited until after the school year was out to act." Nick explained honest to a degree the way it played out. "Why didn't you tell me?" Ron asked looking hurt and angry at the same time. Nick sighed and shook his head "And what good would that have done besides tipping the rat off and having him escape leaving the only family that actually cares about Harry to rot in Azkaban? This was the best option and I did the best I could with what I had." he said honestly.-

After that neither Ron or Harry spoke to Nick for the rest of the time he was at the burrow which he could accept as the price for his actions. Dumbledore and Lupin showed up as well to take Peter to the DMLE to make an appeal on Sirius's behalf. Nick needed to remove the ring around Peter's neck however under Dumbledore's request after the old wizard promised that he wouldn't allow Peter to escape. He was reluctant to cut Peter any slack to possibly make a break for it but did as asked while making his displeasure known.-

Nick himself however borrowed the floo powder of the Weasleys to go to the ministry to deal with the biggest obstacle to freeing Sirius , Minister Fudge. Nick walked out of the green flames of the ministries fireplace and patted off the thick soot on his clothes before walking towards the sign labeled {minister's office}. Despite his tender age no one seemed to feel like stopping him after seeing the look on his face that spoke of his determination. Soon enough Nick arrived at the secretary that had a desk outside the Fudge's office as she worked directly under him.-

She was a heavy set woman with a perpetual smile and bright pink outfit on and neatly curled brown hair. She noticed Nick immediately an carefully looked him over but reserved judgement until spotting the Lord ring on his finger and deciding he was worth her time. "Is there something I can help you with young man?" she asked with a sweet voice that sent shivers rising up along Nicks whole body from the sheer wrongness of it. "Could you please inform Minister Fudge that Nicholas Ravenclaw would like an audience?" he asked calmly.-

The woman had a calculating expression for a few moments before nodding and walking into the office behind her desk. She made sure to close the door behind her to make sure that Nick couldn't hear anything spoken behind it. A few minutes later the door opened and the woman stepped out with that same disgusting false smile on her face and looked at him. "The minister will see you now Mr. Ravenclaw." she said and Nick nodded and walked into the doorway. The office was neat and organized and had various pictures of Fudge with famous individuals as well as a few certificates.-

In the center of the room sat a large dark wooden desk that Nick couldn't recognize from the dense lacquer on it. "Ah Nick it is quite the pleasant surprise to see you please make yourself comfortable!" Fudge said eager to please. Nick sat in the chair on the opposite side of the desk and greeted Fudge politely. "Delores could you give us the room please?" the minister asked and though she didn't show it the woman was clearly displeased being left out of the loop.


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