
Harry potter: The ringmaker

Nicholas died under mysterious circumstances on earth and was reborn into the world of harry potter as an orphan with a mysterious ring maker system. He does not know why he is here nor why he has this system but Nicholas is determined to make the best of his new life , noseless freaks be damned.

loskro · Book&Literature
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Daphne's request

"That'd be a load off my mind if ya could thanks." Hagrid said eagerly. "I should be able to get it to you soon after I get the workshop set up." Nick said while writing down the order and specification down for later on a small note pad. "How much ya reckon it'll cost me?" Hagrid asked curiously. "Depends on if you want it made of something specific with any extra effects , if you only want a plain dragon steel ring with only that one enchantment it'll be 1 galleon and 4 sickles and the enchantment won't ever wear out so no recharging will be needed unlike most artifacts." Nick said after doing a bit of mental approximation.-

"If it's like you said that a mighty fine bargain , are you sure you don't want more?" Hagrid said worried Nick was giving him a big discount. Nick however scoffed "I'm a proud person so i will only ever charge what I think my work is worth , don't ever forget it." He said sternly and everyone else couldn't help but nod their heads in agreement. "Understood , didn't mean to offend lad." Hagrid said seriously as he fished around in his coat for a moment.-

"Here I'll pay now so I don't need to remember later , not so good at numbers ya see." Hagrid said as he handed over a slightly tarnished golden coin and four silver ones. Nick made a small note next to Hagrid's order information on his notepad. {Payment given upfront deliver ASAP.} He then deposited the money into Greed and nodded at the half giant. "I'll have the finished product sent to you as soon as it's done." Nick said seriously. "That's fine , no need to bother walking it down , owl would do." Hagrid said. -

"Could I order a ring as well?" Daphne spoke up suddenly surprising everyone since she was usually quiet. "What do you have in mind? I'll need to know the subject to place the enchantment so I may need longer if it's a difficult to study topic." Nick said honestly. "Could you make a ring that protects the mind?" She asked quietly but everyone heard her. "That's mind art territory , he can't possibly know about....." Hagrid started sternly but Nick cut him off "I can , but it won't be cheap and it'll take at least a month since I need to research the topic a bit for the best results." he said making the half giant gape in shock.-

Nick could figure out why Daphne would want such a thing easily enough as from what he remembered of the books the mind arts were sort of an open secret that most pureblood families practiced or at the very least were aware of. As the heir of one of the sacred 28 families Daphne was likely forced to learn Occlumency by her family which has the unfortunate side effect of deadening emotions. With a ring that protected her mind she could release the magic over her mind and live like a normal girl.-

"How expensive?" she asked with a clearly nervous expression. Nick shook his head "I can't know in this case until the product is finished but at least a hundred galleons due to the difficulty and obscurity of the subject." he said honestly making everyone who heard the price flinch slightly. Hagrid didn't gainsay that price either since the reasons Nick stated were valid as those who were truly knowledgeable in the mind arts either kept that information to themselves or charged heavily for it.-

Ron was particularly uncomfortable with the price as his family barely has twice that amount saved for emergencies. The Weasleys were dirt poor as far as most of the wizarding pureblood community was concerned. It showed too since all of Ron's school equipment was hand me downs or second hand , even his wand. Harry didn't know all that well what was a good price for any particular thing in the wizarding world and simply paid prices as is but even he could tell that that was a large sum of money. "You are in luck however since I could find a couple books in the library or it would take far more time." Nick said honestly.-

"I see , I will need to speak with my family before I can make a decision on this subject." Daphne said after a moment and Nick nodded. The rest of the visit after that as merely idle chatter until Harry found the paper talking about the robbery at Gringotts. "Was it the vault we went to that day Hagrid?" he asked making the half giant nervous. "It doesn't matter , leave it alone Harry." the man warned sternly. "But what if the thief comes after it again , will it be safe?" Harry pressed and Hagrid scoffed "Course it will be! Nicolas Flammel wouldn't have given it to Dumbledore otherwise." he said but froze immediately afterwards "You never heard that." he says seriously before sending the group off.


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