
Harry potter : The new sorcerer king

After a god destroyed the universe by accident a guy gets reincarnated in the world of Harry Potter. [i only saw the movies(incluing the fantastic beast movies), played the games (from the first one on ps2 to the latest one (hogwarts legacy) and even the lego's one) and read some fan-fic so i know a thing or two about the universe of harry potter but i don't know everything ! So just tell me if some things in the story aren't right ! There will also be slightly AU. Also english is not my motherly language so i can make some grammatical errors from time to time so please tell me if i do one]

Dark_encheanced01 · Movies
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7 Chs

in the world of Harry Potter

'Now it should be good !' after making sure i created my body correctly i pressed the enter button a huge light appeared and when it faded i was in a sort of plain, naked as the day i was born.

Also my body became much smaller and more thinner that it was a few minutes ago.

I observed my surroundings and saw a forest all around me with a small pond at my right.

I approached the pond and looked at my reflexion in the water and i looked exactly like the 3D model i did earlier just younger and shorter.

If i had to guess i should be around 10 years old at most.

Suddenly i heard some noise coming from the forest.

I looked up only to see a pack of big wolf ready to jump on me at any moment.

My instincts are going haywire and tell me to run but i'm paralyzed, this body is too small for me to fight them like i would've done in my past life.

And even in my past life i would still get badly hurt before knocking them all out.

Then the one i suppose is the leader jumped on me but i heard a strange song and he stopped mid air like he was floating.

I turned to were i heard the song and i saw an old woman dressed in a green wizarding robe with a wand in her hand pointed toward the wolf who was still floating mid air.

With her wand she stopped the wolf from floating but when it got on the ground it shivered and him and his pack runned back in the forest.

"Thanks but who are you ? What are you ? And what was that ???" I faked surprise and asked while already knowing the answer.

She looked at me and blushed slightly but regained her composure quickly, she summoned some clothes with her wand and gave them to me and responded to my questions "First. You're welcome ! Second my name is Minerva McGonagall and i am a teacher at Hogwarts !" McGonagall responded with a little smile before asking in a serious tone "Now, can you tell me your name and why you where in this forest alone at night ?"

"My name is Dylan and i woke up here only some minutes ago i don't remember anything else." I lied while dressing myself.

She looked at me suspiciously and asked "Nothing at all ?"

"Well other than my name no, nothing !" I lied.

She thought for a second and then told me "Take my hand !"

And when i took her hands we got teleported in front of a pub named the leaky cauldron.

'Was that apparating ? I want to vomit !'

After calming down McGonagall told me to follow her into the leaky cauldron and there were a lot of people, with beer or wine or i don't know what wizard drink.

But some turned to us when they saw McGonagall with a kid they whispered things.

Then a guy who i suppose is the owner of this place saluted us "Oh McGonagall ! You want something to drink ?"

At that McGonagall responded "Not today Tom. I'm here to accompany this young one to Diagon alley !" Tom nodded and opened the door to a small, walled courtyard with a dustbin.

McGonagall tapped some brick in the wall with her wand and the bricks began to shift and move revealing Diagon alley.