
Harry potter : The new sorcerer king

After a god destroyed the universe by accident a guy gets reincarnated in the world of Harry Potter. [i only saw the movies(incluing the fantastic beast movies), played the games (from the first one on ps2 to the latest one (hogwarts legacy) and even the lego's one) and read some fan-fic so i know a thing or two about the universe of harry potter but i don't know everything ! So just tell me if some things in the story aren't right ! There will also be slightly AU. Also english is not my motherly language so i can make some grammatical errors from time to time so please tell me if i do one]

Dark_encheanced01 · Movies
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7 Chs


[Hello everyone ! Can someone tell me what's the ratio of 1 galleon = ??? €/$/£ because on some website it says it's 1 galleon = 25 €/$/£ but on other it's = 8 €/$/£

So i'll stick with the 25 for now because of lack of information.

Anyway good chapter to you all !]

Minerva and I soon arrived at the imposing entrance of Gringotts, the wizarding bank. Its marble facade towered over us.

As we entered Gringotts, my eyes widened at the sight of the goblins.

'They look a lot like in the movies !' i thought while looking at them.

Then we approached the end of the hall were a goblin was working on a desk as tall as McGonagall.

"Mr Dylan, here..." McGonagall started saying and the goblin got up from his desk to look at me and McGonagall continued "....Want to take the inheritance test !"

The goblin asked me to follow him while McGonagall wait here.

He led me to a unique room that was engraved with runes, in the center of the room was a podium with a bowl on it engraved with other runes.

The goblin stopped in front of the podium and took out a dagger "We will need your blood to see if you are the heir of house." He clearly did not believe that i was of noble statut.

The goblin used the dagger and stabbed the tip of my finger and placed it over the bowl and drops of my blood dropped inside of it.

The runes around the bowl glowed and a parchment appeared.

(Think of it as like the field guide page in hogwarts legacy)

The goblin looked at the parchment and was shocked and told me to wait here.

When the goblin got back he was followed by a taller goblin who told him to go back to work as he would take care of it himself.

The taller goblin approached me with a stern expression, his eyes scrutinizing the parchment in his hand. "You, Mr. Dylan, have quite the lineage," he said, his voice gruff but with a hint of respect. "Your bloodline traces back to one of the most powerful wizard in history." He paused, allowing the weight of his words to sink in. "You are indeed the descendant of Henry Every, Follow me." With that, he turned and gestured for me to follow him.

We arrived at a small wagon and we took it until we arrived at a vault deep into the bank.

The goblin took a key from his pocket and inserted it in the key hole of the vault door and use some gobelin magic to open it.

When he opened the ddoor of the vault the only thing i saw inside was a little pile of galleons with a stone statuette in the shape of human skull i observed it before i saw a button on the back but i decided that i will see what it does later.

We don't know what could happen but i'm more concerned with the pile of galleons.

'Why is this so small ? If i'm really the descendant of Henry Every i should have much more than that !?' i thought before asking the gobelin "how much money is there in this vault ?"

He summoned a parchment and read it before saying "There is 30.691 galleons, 5 sickles and 20 knuts !"

'That's not much ! Didn't the Potters had like 50.000 galleons ?' i thought before asking the goblin for a pouch with the extention charm.

Of course it wasn't free. Those goblin love money so much they would die just for a galleon !

Efter taking 1000 galleons for my school expense and for anything else i could need later i got out of the vault and foud McGonagall talking with other wizard so i approached her and saw who those other wizard were.

They are the Weasley !