

"Hogwarts, A School History" was the most borrowed book in the Hogwarts library, chronicling the institution's history from its founding, filled with anecdotes about the four founders and some juicy gossip.

Harry and Ron exchanged puzzled glances upon hearing about the legend of the secret room. Neither of them had come across this tale before.

Although Hermione had read the entire book, she couldn't recall every detail, especially regarding the secretive chamber. The book only mentioned it briefly, shrouded in rumors. Deciding to refresh her memory, Hermione planned to borrow the book from the library later.

"Legend has it that Slytherin built a secret chamber in the school, possibly housing a terrifying monster, speculated by some to be a basilisk... According to 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them,' Slytherin once bred a basilisk..." Artel recounted, drawing attention from the surrounding students.

"So, the one who attacked Mrs. Norris was likely a basilisk!" Artel concluded confidently.

However, Hermione interjected, reminding him, "The secret room is just a legend... Hogwarts doesn't have such a chamber, and a basilisk is enormous. If one were in Hogwarts, it would have been discovered by now."

Professor McGonagall's voice interrupted their conversation. Artel turned to see her and Professor Snape behind them, clearly intrigued by Artel's deduction.

"Apologies, Professor, I was merely speculating," Artel quickly clarified, sensing McGonagall's concern about causing alarm among the students.

"It's alright, you're only seeking the truth," Professor McGonagall replied with a gentle smile, before urging them to finish their meal and return to the common room together.

As McGonagall left with Snape, she murmured something to him before rushing off, likely to meet with Dumbledore.

Snape and McGonagall entered Dumbledore's office with grave expressions, prompting Dumbledore to inquire about the urgency of their visit.

"No, Dumbledore, not yet... but just now, in the Great Hall..." McGonagall began recounting the events that transpired during the recent incident.

As Dumbledore listened attentively to McGonagall's account, a look of admiration crossed his face. After a moment of contemplation, he sighed deeply. "Artel is truly a remarkable young man... His insights ring true, and I, too, have begun to suspect... It seems the Chamber of Secrets may indeed have been reopened, and the heir of Slytherin has returned to Hogwarts."

Dumbledore harbored no doubts about Artel's credibility; as a Muggle-born wizard, he couldn't possibly be the heir of Slytherin capable of unlocking the Chamber of Secrets.

McGonagall's concern was palpable as she whispered, "If Artel's theory holds, and the creature lurking within is indeed a basilisk... Hogwarts is facing a grave danger. For the safety of our students, I believe we should consider temporarily suspending classes and conduct a thorough investigation of every corner of the castle."

The threat posed by basilisks was nearly eradicated from the magical world, and any attempt to cultivate such a creature was met with severe consequences by the Ministry of Magic.

Dumbledore, however, sought to temper McGonagall's apprehension. "Let us not jump to conclusions too hastily... Currently, we have only a missing cat and a petrified ghost. It may not warrant suspending classes just yet."

He reasoned that the repercussions of such a decision would be substantial for Hogwarts' reputation.

"However, we must take measures to ensure the safety of our students," Dumbledore continued thoughtfully.

Later, after dinner, Dumbledore addressed the students in the Great Hall, announcing new safety protocols: "All students must return to their common rooms by 6 pm and await prefects' instructions..."

"Any student must be accompanied by a teacher in class. No one can leave the castle without permission..."

Dumbledore reiterated the rules with a gentle smile, trying to reassure the students amidst their worries.

"Of course, there's no need to worry too much. The school will uncover the truth as soon as possible, restoring normalcy," Dumbledore assured them, though some lingering concern remained among the students. They hurried through dinner, guided by their prefects back to their respective common rooms.

In the Gryffindor common room, Hermione delved into "Hogwarts: A History" to shed light on the unfolding events.

"Salazar Slytherin and the other founders held differing views on student admittance..." Hermione began, capturing the attention of those unfamiliar with the legend, while others engaged in hushed discussions.

"Slytherin believed magical education should be reserved for pure-blood wizarding families."

As Hermione narrated, Neville's curiosity peaked, leading him to inquire, "Purify the school? What does that mean?"

"It means to rid the school of those Slytherin deemed unworthy... half-blood wizards," Hermione explained patiently.

Neville's initial shock gave way to a more tempered understanding. Yet, his realization prompted another question, "Then, aren't you and Artel in danger?"

Hermione hesitated, then responded, "It seems so..."

She attempted to assuage her own concerns, adding, "However, the staff have searched for this so-called Chamber of Secrets countless times over the years to no avail. Professor McGonagall even stated today that the secret chamber is likely just a legend."

But Lavender, Hermione's roommate, interjected, her tone skeptical. "But Artel, claims there's a basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets! Are you saying Artel is lying?!"


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