
Harry Potter: The Grand Illusionist

Chapter Release | 5th Day Of Every Month [Only AfterFirst 10 Chapters Are Uploaded] ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌ He wanted to learn as much as he could. He wanted to know the mystery of the world he was in as much as he could. He was a sweet child to his mother, a dashing boyfriend, a caring friend and a menace to his enemies. As long as you stay away from his path and leave alone those who he love, you will be safe. And if you do cross him, then just pray to whatever Deity you worship as he will be there to send you to the said Deity. ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌

Author_Ed_Dew · Movies
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11 Chs

11 | Hogwarts

As the train reached Hogwarts, I looked at Hermione and said "Well, it was nice meeting you Hermione."

She nodded at me, and I know that she's so eager to ask me questions, but I didn't allow that as I just disappeared from the cabin leaving a spark of electricity.

And with a sparkling effect I appeared in the Great Hall. Looking around I saw that none of the teachers had arrived yet, so I went ahead and looked for my assigned seat. Finding it was easy, as it was near Prof. Flitwick as I had requested Prof. Mcgonagall. I sat down on my seat and looked at where the students would be sitting in half an hour.

Couple of minutes later, some teachers started to come in, and almost all of them recognized me because I was their student of course. The reason I said most of them is because of Lockhart 'Man that guy looks like a buffoon.'

I tried my best to keep a straight face whenever I looked at him. And in the meantime, all the teachers arrived, along with them the students also arrived, not the newcomers, but the old ones who have studied in Hogwarts for one year at least.

Looking down where the students are I recognized all the students of sixth year and seventh year all the houses. Particularly my house, the Ravenclaw, they were looking at me with a huge smile and surprise written all over their face. At the Hufflepuff table I recognized seventh years as I have seen them teasing Dora saying my name and other things. At the Slytherin table, the seventh year students looked like they just swallowed a sour lemon, so I smiled at them just to smite them, and I also noticed a pale looking Malfoy looking at me. Over the Gryffindor table, I know some and the only person I know clearly is Percy Weasley as his elder brother Charlie had went after Dora for some time, but that's all in the past, I also saw Hermione who have a worried look and also overly excited smile on her face. How she kept both emotions on her face is a mystery to me, so to relieve her worry for a little bit, I waved towards her and she almost screamed in happiness.

Occasionally I heard Lockhart saying something to the teachers, and thanks to asking Prof. for a specified seat I was able to live my days in Hogwarts without hearing his made up stories.

A couple of minutes later, Prof. Mcgonagall entered the Hall with the new students.

After the horrible song by Albus, Mcgonagall started the sorting ceremony.

The long list of kids being sent into different houses is boring for me, so I started to observe the new students and only one of them caught me as she was smiling looking at me, her eyes looking dreamy, as if she's seeing visions. Somehow she looks familiar to me, but I can't get my head around it.

As I was thinking about that, an interesting name was heard "Ginny Weasley."

As the ginger head walked towards the Prof. she sat down on the stool and the hat was on her head. A second later it announced "Gryffindor!"

'Well, Weasley's are in Gryffindor.'

After that it was a boy named "Colin Crevery."


Then the dreamy girl came forward as her name was called "Luna Lovegood."


And she literally skipped towards the Ravenclaw table, still with her dreamy look.

After her house was assigned, a couple of more students were called in and it ended with the last student being assigned to House Slytherin.

As everyone settled in, Albus too many names Dumbledore started his speech. He introduced me as the new Alchemy Professor and I just gave them a slight bow acknowledgement, and after that he introduced Lockhart, who didn't like that most of the attention was on me and tried to taunt me by boasting about his books and other things. Keyword being "tried", as it didn't work on me as I have worked with some of the best there is in my travels and I didn't think it's necessary to have a measurement contest with this idiot.

With his speech concluded, dinner was served and boy I'm astonished! As the food that the Professor's get and what is given to the students are totally different. There are many varieties here and more abundant, but I didn't show it on my face as I always liked what is given to the kids.

After dinner everyone is led to their dormitories, and as I was walking to my room I sensed someone following me, so I turned around only to see Luna. Sighing I said "You lost kid?"

Shaking her head she said "I'm not lost. I came to find you Hugh."

Just as she said that name I was in front of her with claws out of my hands for the first time in this life I asked "Who.Are.You?" Stressing on each word.

Looking me in the eyes, without any hint of fear she said "How could you forget me Hugh? After all, we were married for at least eight to nine thousand years."

Hearing that my eyes wide as I slowly retracted my claws and asked "Grass?"

With a huge smile she said "The one and only."




❌❌❌❌Chapter 11 End❌❌❌❌