
Harry Potter: The God of Magic (BEING REWRITTEN)

---THIS STORY IS CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN--- (Disclaimer: the first few chapters are a little rough due to me trying to find my footing with this story but after that, the story cements itself as in my opinion a pretty good one. and let's be honest, there is way worse out there lmao. Enjoy!) 'Why? Why must this go on? When will it end?' these words were the first thoughts that a "new" baby had. Alaric Reinhardt has lived through countless lifetimes, reincarnated every few centuries. the baffling thing is, he keeps reincarnating into the same bloodline. From the dawn of man to the height of the roman empire, to the discovery of the Americas, he has seen it all. It wasn't until he was reincarnated into the 11th century that he realized he was in the world of harry potter. After countless times of being reincarnated, he has finally made it to the 20th century in Britain. How will he live this life, will he stay secluded, will he venture out and make a name for himself, only time will tell, and he has plenty of it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hi guys, this is my first attempt at fanfic, if there are any grammar, spelling, or even issues with the harry potter continuity that I didn't purposely change, please tell me. With that being said this is a slight AU, there won't be any giant changes like Harry's parents being alive, no, they are very much dead. with that being said, a character or two or an event or two might be slightly changed for the betterment of the story With that being said I hope you all like my story!

LazyCaveman · Book&Literature
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30 Chs

Sorting Ceremony

Authors note:

Hey everyone, after seeing the comments from the last chapter I felt I needed to address some things and answer some questions.

Firstly, what is your gripe with Hermione? I mean, sure, I can understand the Harry and Ron bashing and the golden trio as a whole but damn did you guys come for the poor girl, firstly, I was one chapter people, all I was doing was some character establishment and the such, secondly, It's not like the whole story will surround that one girl, Alaric was just conversing with her out of boredom, and he has taken an interest in cultivating her for future plans, maybe as a minister who he knows can be helpful, or perhaps he might offer her a job through his family, no matter what your opinion of her is you have to admit she is quite the talent in the wizarding world.

On a different note, here are some common questions I'm sure will pop up in some of your minds, and here are my answers.

Q: Will Alaric follow the golden trio around like a puppy

A: HELL NO, he will be at best friendly with Harry and Ron, more so Harry because let's be honest, who even likes Ron?

Q: What will his relationship with Hermione be?

A: I plan for them to be friends and nothing more as I said earlier, he will develop the girl into a competent wizard, combat and intelligence-wise, every great man needs a great assistant

Q: How heavily will Alaric involve himself in the affairs of the main story and the golden trio?

A: Not much really, he might drop the occasional hint or something or change an event either for a goal or for amusement, other than that he won't spoon-feed those three shit about the story.

Those three are about the only questions I can think of right now that wouldn't spoil anything in the future, if you guys can think of any more feel free to comment on this paragraph and ask them. just know that most characters will have the occasional chapter where they are more fleshed out and developed, I don't want a bunch of robots running around in my story.

P.S: Dumbledore is a good guy, so do with that info as you may :)

now time to get to the chapter, enjoy!


Once the bustling children reached the top of the staircase, they were met with everyone's favorite stern yet loving deputy headmistress, adorned in her signature emerald robes and witches hat.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, now, in a few moments, you will pass through these doors and join your classmates, but, before you can take your seats, you must be sorted, into your houses." Professor McGonagall said to the excited children with a stern look while trying her hardest to hide an emerging smile at the children's excitement.

After the children quieted down, she started explaining the houses. "The houses are, Grifyndor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin." the last one she said with a slight bitterness while looking toward a certain blonde-haired prat

"now while you're here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points, any rule-breaking, and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup."

As McGonagall came to a stop after explaining the house cup system, the croaking of a toad could be heard, and it wasn't until Neville yelled out, "Trevor!" that people started laughing at the young boy's plight as he gazed up at the stern eyes of an annoyed McGonagall.

"Sorry," he says as he scurries away back into the crowd to hide as the children laugh at him once again. Before she leaves, McGonagall says one more thing. "The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily.

Once the deputy headmistress was gone, Malfoy started speaking to Harry while trying to antagonize him like the little shit he is.

"So it true then, what they're saying on the train, Harry Pottah has come to Hogwarts." although the little bastard and Harry had met earlier on the train, he still felt like riling up the children with Harry's fame

Immediately after Malfoy's words clicked in the slow minds of the children, they start murmuring and oohing and awing.

"Hey Draco, shut the hell up you twat." Alaric couldn't help but say in annoyance

"Language!" Hermione said next to him only to be ignored for the moment

"Who said that!" the little ferret yelled out in anger, only to be met with a pair of bright glowing golden eyes that had the appearance of a dragon.

"Me." All he needed was one word for the little blonde shit stain to stumble backward onto his ass in fear after seeing the sight of Alaric's eyes coupled with the fear effect Alaric had cast onto the boy to mess with him.

As he sat on the ground in fear and shock, slowly out from under him a puddle started to form around Malfoy, seeing this, Ron jumped at the opportunity to make fun of the boy. "What's that Malfoy, did you get so scared you wet yourself?" Ron said mockingly

'Look at detective douchebag over here, he cracked the case wide open, of course, the boy pissed himself.' Alaric thought with a facepalm at Ron's stupidly obvious observation

soon after, McGonagall came back and was met with the sight of Malfoy sitting in his own piss while being laughed at by everyone else, without saying a single word she waved her wand and the puddle cleared while Malfoy's bum was dried.

"Come now children, the ceremony is about to begin." She said ushering them into the large great hall

All around Alaric, he could hear kids exclaiming in shock and surprise with a little awe and admiration mixed in, he had to admit the sight was a relatively beautiful one, with the roof being enchanted to look like the night sky and all.

The kids all followed McGonalgall through the empty walkway in between the tables and toward the raised stage where behind it was a long table filled with the professors and in front was a stool and a patchy old crusty disgusting hat placed upon it.

Alaric looked around and saw all of the students ranging from bright-eyed children to seasoned teenagers deposit different ages, they were all wearing a variation of the Hogwarts uniform matching their house, and a plain black cone hat

As they walked down the middle of the rows of tables, Hermione went on about all of the things she read about in the book "Hogwarts: A History

In the corner of his eye, Alaric could make out his sister sitting with her friends at the Slytherin table waving at him, he gave her a quick wave of his own before he turned back to the front and watched as the sorting was about to begin.

As they neared the stage, McGonagall stepped up onto the raised area and motioned for the students to wait down at the foot of it. "Can you wait along here, please? Now, before we begin, Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words."

Hearing his cue, old Dumbles stood up from his golden throne, with some slight difficulty, something Alaric took immediate notice of due to a pit of dark magic reacting to his movement near his abdomen.

'What in the bloody hell, is that... a wound?' Alaric thought as he used his draconic eyes to observe the nasty wound Dumbledore had that was almost festering with dark magic. 'Did the old man take a nasty shot during the war with Voldemort in this timeline?'

Dumbledore feeling the magic gaze of Alaric turned to the boy and smiled his grandfatherly smile, one mixed with knowing and pain.

'It seems he caught on to my observation of his wound, well headmaster, it seems you and I have more to discuss than I thought.'

Now finally at his feet, Dumbledore cleared his throat to give his announcements. "Ahem, I have a few start-of-term notices I wish to announce. first years, please note that the dark forest is strictly forbidden to all students, also our caretaker Mr. Filch has asked me to remind you, that the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side, is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death, thank you." Dumbledore announced sternly with a head shake at the end, causing a lot of new and old students to be very perplexed and a little afraid.

After a moment's pause to let his words sink in, McGonagall proceeded to begin with the sorting. "Now, when I call your name, you will come forth, I shall place the sorting hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your houses."

"Abbot, Hannah!" She called out and soon after a little girl with fiery red hair came out from the crowd and sat on the stool, after a moment of deliberation the hat called out. "Hufflepuff!" to which the table of good-natured hard workers furiously clapped for their new addition, and with that, the sorting was officially commenced.

"Bones, Susan!" "Hufflepuff!"

"Boot, Terry!" "Ravenclaw!"

"Brocklehurst, Mandy!" "Ravenclaw!"

as the list of students was read off and they were sorted, after Crabbe, McGonagall called up Dapne's best friend, Tracey Davis.

No surprise to Alaric, Traceyt was sorted into Slytherin, who had a mixed reaction to a half-blood joining their house but they still lightly clapped to keep up appearances.

"Which house do you think you will go to?" Hermione asked Alaric

"Hmm, most likely Slytherin, not only because of my dragon blood but that's usually where my family goes but it doesn't matter, I'll end up wherever I end up." He replied with a shrug

Hearing what Alaric had just said, Harry and Ron, couldn't help but be a little taken aback, Ron more so Harry since Harry knew that most Reinhardts do in fact go to Slytherin but they for the most part end up good, like any other family they have the occasional bad apple every century or so.

"There hasn't been a witch or wizard who went to Slytherin that didn't go bad," Ron whispered to Harry, obviously not quiet enough however as Alaric gave Ron a response pretty quickly.

"Oh can it you prat, you don't hear of any Reinhardt's becoming dark lords in recent memory now do you?" Alaric asked with a bored expression toward the biased kid

Before the red-headed boy could respond, Hermione was called up and sorted into Gryffindor after an intense internal debate with the hat wanting to go there instead of Ravenclaw.

After Harry and Draco were both sorted, it came down to Alaric's turn.

"Reinhardt, Alaric!" When McGonagall announced his name, many of the more well-learned students and all of the pure-bloods started murmuring due to his family's sheer fame and him being the heir as well, even some teachers seemed to be more interested in his sorting than the others, Quirellmort especially as he was staring at Alaric intently.

Alaric soon walked up to the stage where the stool and hat were, as he did he looked at Dumbledore for a moment who flashed his signature smile and he even looked toward Snape to gage his reaction due to Osric being a marauder and all, however to his surprise, he had a perfectly neutral expression that had a faint hint of examination to it.

Alaric soon reached the stool and took a seat as Professor McGonagall placed the dingy old patchy torn-up hat atop his perfect ashen white hair.

"Hmmm, a Reinhardt huh, didn't think I would see another one of you so soon, hmmm." the hat said in Alaric's mind using legilimency

"Huh, what's this, boy, why is your occlumency so strong, even with all of the enchantments from the founders, I can't pass through it." the hat said in his head with a questioning tone

'Well, that's too bad I guess, hurry and send me to Slytherin you dusty old hat.' Alaric thought with amusement as the supposed "all-knowing hat" couldn't break his occlumency, even though that was to be expected already

"You brat, I should throw you in Hufflepuff for that!" the hat screamed in Alaric's mind

'Do it and I will burn you to kingdom come.' Alaric thought while flashing images of the hat burning through his mind

"ahem, um, ok I've made my decision... Slytherin!" the hat called out after the two minutes it took for it and Alaric to converse/be threatened

As soon as the decision was announced, the table of pure-bloods and bigots roared in applause and cheers at bagging another member of the arguably purest house it is left, of course, none of them would outwardly admit that

Alaric got up from the stool and walked away, not before he threw a glare at the hat, however.

"Alaric! Over here!" an overly enthusiastic Sofia called out who was also sitting with not only her friends but Dapne, and Tracey as well.

Alaric sighed at his sister's enthusiasm and walked over and sat down across from the three girls, and with that, the rest of the ceremony finished and they soon got ready to eat.