
Room of requirements


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 16

Room of requirements

The room was immense and completely filled with items. It is said that any item that any teacher or student has lost during the last thousand years while inside Hogwarts has ended in this room. Unless you already knew what you were looking for, it would be almost impossible to find a particular object. And that's why he chose it, to store one of his most precious items.

He pointed his wand and said, "Lead me to Rowena Ravenclaw's tiara."

A pile of items to his right started to make noise. When he approached it, he saw there was a box moving from beneath a pile of books. He moved the books and took the box. He opened it to see the contents inside. There lay a beautiful tiara in the shape of a raven and decorated with sapphires and diamonds.

He picked up the tiara and like what happened with the Hufflepuff cup, he felt no connection to the soul inside the item.

"This confirms my theory. Whatever happened to my soul. It changed it to the point that I completely lost my connection to the Horcruxes. It's like they don't belong to me anymore. And of course, they won't keep me alive. Now the question is. What to do with them? destroy them or keep them?"

Harry suddenly felt something change in the tiara that he was still holding. He started to hear a voice inside his head.

'Young wizard'. Put me on. I can make you powerful. I can make you great. Put me on.'

The voice kept repeating over and over. Aside from the voice, he could also feel a very strong compulsion charm commanding him to put the tiara on his head.

"What is this? I never placed a compulsion on this thing."

'Put me o-'

"SILENCE!" Harry was getting angry. "You do not command me little fragment." He felt his anger rise and then let his magic crash against the tiara. Cracks started to appear on the jewels. It would not destroy it. Horcruxes are very hard to break, but he imagines that it will be very unpleasant for the soul fragment inside. Suddenly the compulsion stopped. Then the voice appeared once again in his head.

'S-stop'. P-please. I don't want to be destroyed. I can give you power and knowledge!'

Harry was now amused. "Oh really? And who are you to offer me such a thing?."

'My name is Tom Riddle. I used to be a very powerful wizard in the past. If you help me. There is so much I can teach you. With my help , you can become an incredible wizard.'

"Tom Riddle uh?. Don't you mean Lord Voldemort?"

'H-how do you know that? Very few knew my real name after I took the mantle of Voldemort . Who are you?.' The voice all but demanded.

"Never mind that. Do I presume that the way to help you would be to let some poor fool wear you? Then you will take over their body and soul. Am I correct?."

The voice was silent for almost a minute before it spoke again. 'You look like a young boy…but you are much more, aren't you?...however, what you said is true. I cannot explain it but I feel that I am capable of coming back to life if I can absorb enough life essence. Would you help me then?.'

"Let me think about it." He then took out the dimensional wallet where he keeps the cup. Opened a different pocket and went to place the tiara inside.

The voice tried to complain about it. 'Noo wait!, wait! i ca-.'

But before he could say more, it was pulled inside the pocket and stored inside Harry's robes.

He then went and sat in one of the many chairs in the room and ponder about what happened.

'This is a problem. It seems like my Horcruxes are becoming self-aware. Damm!. That old book didn't say anything about this. Was the fragment inside the cup also the same?. It never occurs to me to try and talk to it. Should i?...no. It will be the same as the tiara, I am sure.'

He then started to think about what to do about them. Despite what he said to the fragment inside the tiara, he had no intention to help it resurrect. The last thing he needs is a copy of his former deranged self running around, causing chaos.

'After this year is over, I will go and collect the ring hidden at my old house and the amulet from that cave. That would leave only the one I left with Lucius. I will have to think of something for that one.'

It was almost curfew already so he decided to go back to his room.


The next morning Harry was having breakfast with his housemates. Susan and Hannah were talking about homework. He then noticed someone was staring at him and looked towards the Slytherin table. There Draco Malfoy was giving him a baleful glare.

He paid him no mind and kept eating. He will deal with that one soon enough.

"Hi Harry" Susan addressed him, very cheerfully. "Today is going to be fun!. We have our first flying lesson!."

Harry almost dropped his fork. 'Ohh no. I hate flying!'