On the night of Halloween 1981, Voldemort casts the killing curse on Harry Potter. However, he could never have predicted the result of his actions. Now he finds himself trapped in the body of the boy he wanted to kill.
Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.
I own nothing but the original characters I make.
Chapter 3
Getting answers
It took shoving Vernon against the wall two more times and threatening that Dudley was going next before they calmed down enough to talk.
The first thing that didn't make sense to him was how the heir of the ancient noble Potter family ended up with muggles. Surely the father must have left a will naming more appropriate candidates, and even if he didn't, the ministry of magic has laws stating that purebloods and their heirs must always be raised in the magical world and by their closest magical relatives. And if there was no magical family left, then the ministry would choose one. This makes him come to the conclusion…that someone with a lot of political power has intervened in this matter, and he already has a suspect.
"So…let's start at the beginning . How did I end up being raised by the likes of you?".
While Vernon's face was starting to get red again Petunia asked. "W-who are you?...you are not my nephew "
"He is a DEMON, that's what he is. We should never have allowed this freak into our home!" Vernon said, his face already looked like a tomato, a very big tomato.
Dudley was sitting next to his mother looking down.
Harry gave a wave of his hand. Vernon was lifted from the couch, flew to the kitchen and landed on the table, crushing it.
After that, he stood on the ground, whimpering.
Before Petunia could get up to help her husband Harry stood in front of her and with a commanding voice said.
"Stay there and answer my questions or the next one to fly is your son. And don't even try to lie to me for I will know".
"Ehh..ah.. a-alright. I believe it was Halloween of 1981 when the fre- emm They left you at our door. There was a note saying that you were Lily's son, that she and her husband were murdered, and that we needed to take you in our home. It also said that as long as you were here, the people that killed my sister will never be able to harm us, that we were safe"
"Did that person sign that note?"
"AAhh yes, it was.. let's see Alby..no Albus something. I think i still have the note, i can-"
"No need. Tell me one more thing. Did he come inside this house at any point?"
"No, we never saw the man in person. No… Vernon would never allow those freaks in our home!." She gasped after realizing her mistake and her face paled for a moment, but when she looked at the boy, he seemed to be distracted or thinking about something. He then stood up and went outside the house. She took the opportunity to go check on her husband.
Outside the house, Harry was walking through the yard and thinking.
'Soo it was Dumbledore, as I thought. He brought me to a house of muggles that seemed to have a problem with wizards and left me here with just a note. He also told them that they would be safe as long as I was here. Which means he put some wards and tied them to me… what is he playing at?.'
He went around the yard, carefully inspecting everything, trying to feel something.
'He never entered the house. So he must have hidden the wardstone somewhere around here. When I find it I will be able to tell what kind of wards it is and what it can do about it.'
It took him nearly two hours before finding it. At the back wall of the house, there was a group of ordinary rocks, but in the middle of them, there was a very smooth dark gray rock that emitted small waves of magic, and something else.
The moment he touched the stone he was startled for a moment. "What?, it can't be!. This is a blood ward!."
Blood wards are very powerful ones indeed, but the ministry declared them illegal since they were part of a branch of magic called 'blood magic.'
A type of magic that can accomplish great things , but it always comes with heavy prices, mostly human sacrifices.
In order to power a blood ward , you need a blood relative with magic to use as a sacrifice. You tie them to the ward and as long as they dont leave the place for too long the wards will hold and the warded areas would be almost impossible to breach. The price for that protection is the lifeforce of the tied person. It would basically shorten the lifespan of whoever is tied to the wards.
Dark families would take some squib family members, forcibly tie them to the wards and then keep them alive somewhere in the house making sure they could not leave.
The more light-aligned families didn't like that practice and demanded the ministry to make that practice illegal, along with the entire branch of blood magic.
"That bastard dared to tie me to a blood ward. He is going to pay for this."
'Unfortunately, I cannot just take down the wards, he will definitely notice that and in my current state, it is better to not call for attention. I can, however, change the person tied to the wards. I think Petunia would do just fine, she seems to hold some magic.'
After that, he went back inside the house. Vernon was lying on the couch. Petunia was cleaning the kitchen and Dudley was nowhere to be seen.
The moment Harry came back inside the house they both looked at him, obviously afraid of what he would do next.
"I know you don't want me here, but it seems that for the time being I must live in this place. However, there are going to be some changes around here" He gave a soft smile at the end that gave them both a terrible chill…