
Harry Potter: The Dark Lord Dudley Dursley

In a peculiar twist of fate, a brilliant scientist awoke to a new adventure in the world of the Harry Potter. However, this wasn't the sort of reincarnation that turned him into Harry Potter. No, the scientist, known for his extraordinary intellect and ambition, found himself reborn into the pudgy, pampered body of none other than Dudley Dursley. But now, the fates have changed, and Dudley would no longer serve as a mere cannon fodder. Still, some questions remain unanswered: - How will Dudley, a Muggle, find his way into Hogwarts? - What will happen when Harry evolves from a dimwit into a Sherlock Holmes under Dudley's tutelage? - Will Dumbledore be able to pull off his plans for the greater good when faced with Harry Holmes and his elder brother? - How will Voldemort react when he discovers that his beloved Death Eaters have a new master now?

Lotus_Lover · Book&Literature
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53 Chs

Diary Entries

"Don't be surprised, boy. My bloodline comes from ancient giants, but it seems that you can't control your magic very well. Rest assured, the Petrification Spell will stiffen your body for two hours, after which the spell will be lifted automatically," Hagrid explained to Dudley.

Hagrid also apologized to Harry, informing him that he had to leave for a short time but would visit again in two days at the latest. During his absence, he asked Harry to continue staying with the Dursleys. Without waiting for any further reactions, Hagrid walked to a fitting motorcycle, started the engine, and rushed into the sky, disappearing into the night.

As Hagrid departed, Harry inquired about what had happened to Dudley. Vernon, however, accused Harry of causing the strange phenomena, believing that he was responsible for the events.

Vernon's anger led to a confrontation, but Harry insisted that he had nothing to do with the recent occurrences. Nevertheless, Vernon remained convinced that Harry's status as a wizard was to blame for everything.

Harry eventually left, and Dudley, who had initially felt successful in his plan, suddenly began to cough violently in the room. As he coughed, he noticed a large area of red blood in his palm. It seemed that his plan had failed.

Dudley stood motionless in the dimly lit space, contemplating the recent events.

The gray sheets that had covered him floated up and gently flew to the side, settling flat on the bed once more. Beyond the glass window, a black canopy provided a reflective background. The glass surface revealed his entire body.

The muscular definition that once adorned his physique had significantly diminished. His skin seemed to cling tightly to his bones, with the ribs, spine, and even the pelvis visibly outlined. The pallor of his skin had taken on an unhealthy grayish hue. His abdomen had sunk in deeply, the ribs distinctly visible.

The angular features of his face, sunken eyes, dilated pupils, and grayish whites added to his striking appearance. Dudley stared at his reflection in the glass window, aghast. He attempted to raise his fingers to touch his cheek but lacked the strength.

His biological characteristics now closely resembled that of a "lifeless body." He could distinctly feel the dwindling vitality within his body, in stark contrast to his clear and sharp cognitive faculties. This sensation was akin to a "fading light" as his heartbeats grew slower and weaker.

Perhaps, he pondered, he might meet his end within a few hours. Had his decision to inject the [Magic I Virus] been overly hasty?

Driven by his instinct as a biological researcher, he had made a daily record for future reference. He opened his diary and began to read his experiences.


[Wizard's Genetic Record - Island Experimental Base (I)]

July 10, London time, 3 p.m., cloudy weather!

After a few days of rest, I arrived at this small island. As anticipated, there is no external communication, no electricity, only the sound of waves and thunderstorms. Recently, I've been pretending to be an angry child, avoiding my parents, and locking myself in my room. That night, I made a determined decision, gritting my teeth to inject the [Magic I Virus] into my lips.

Within five minutes of the injection, I was anxious.

I felt like a child yearning for the extraordinary powers of "Superman" or "Ultraman." I was cautiously expecting that 'strange' events might occur. I hoped for "superpowers" or "unscientific" phenomena. However, nothing out of the ordinary occurred on the night of July 10th. There were no magic-related "clues" to be found...


[Wizard's Genetic Record-Island Experimental Base (2)]

July 13, 8 pm London time.

Three full days have passed since I was injected with the [Magic I Virus], but my body has still not changed significantly. This prolonged period of waiting has left me feeling anxious and skeptical about the experiments I've been conducting. I'm beginning to question if all of my previous work was merely an illusion.

In situations like this, when faced with the unknown, the best approach is to collect clues through repeated verification and experimentation. Unfortunately, on this isolated island, I lack the necessary equipment for detailed observations. With only one glass window at my disposal, my options for monitoring my body's changes are severely limited.

I've isolated myself from my family since the injection of the [Magic I Virus]. I no longer eat with them, and they leave food at the door on time. I can only hold onto the hope that any virus entering the human body has an incubation period, which can vary based on an individual's physical condition and reactions. I hope my assumption is correct.


[Wizard's Genetic Record-Island Experimental Base (3)]

July 17, nine o'clock in the morning London time.

A week has passed since the injection of the [Magic I Virus], and I've been carefully observing the changes in my body. During the initial two days, I didn't have time to take notes as I was consumed by my close examination of the transformation.

Around the fifth day after the injection, I began experiencing a sensation of itchiness on my lower lip. This was likely the result of the Magic I virus starting to attack and infect some of the cells beneath my lips. I refrained from scratching, as I didn't want to risk tearing the wound and introducing unforeseen variables.

From my current understanding, the virus should have successfully infected certain cells in the lip area and started multiplying. The itching sensation is likely a response from my body's macrophages, which have recognized the invading virus and initiated the first phase of defense.

My restraint from scratching is essential, as I need to allow the assimilation of my body into the virus to progress.

[Wizard's Genetic Record-Island Experimental Base (4)]

July 20, London time, around nine o'clock in the evening.

Since the last unusual physical reaction, I've been summoning all my willpower to support my body's response to the virus. As a precaution, I've placed the [Magic II Virus] in a prominent position, ready for injection if needed.

Two days ago, I began experiencing intermittent cold sensations, even though it is the middle of summer, and the air is sweltering. My hands and feet feel unusually cold. This is a sign of a drop in body temperature, likely due to the body's immune response. It seems that the initial defense by my macrophages did not achieve the desired results.

They are attempting to coordinate body functions to lower my body temperature, a tactic used to slow down the rate of virus cell division and proliferation. However, the [Magic I Virus] is proving to be a formidable opponent for an ordinary immune system. The battle within my body continues.


[Wizard's Genetic Record - Island Experimental Base (6)]

July 22nd, London time, 7 a.m.!

I recall feeling this way in my previous life when I was seriously ill.

The [Magic I Virus] has proven far more effective than I anticipated. Over the past two days, my body has instinctively taken a series of emergency measures.

It first induced low temperature, followed by high temperature, and I found myself oscillating between hot and cold for the first time. The rapid shifts in temperature would have been unbearable if not for the physical fitness I developed through years of self-discipline and fitness training.

This experience has highlighted the importance of self-discipline for maintaining health, particularly in the absence of external interventions.


July 24th, London time, 5 p.m.!

I apologize, as I am unsure how to describe my condition any longer. It has been two weeks since I injected the [Magic I Virus], and I feel that my body has reached its limit. I can barely speak, and I frequently suffer from coughing fits.

My body remains in a state of continuous high fever, and I can feel cold sweat seeping from my skin, an unusual sensation. I fear that I may not be able to endure this much longer. My immune system appears to have reached its maximum capacity.

The final line of defense within my immune system is now engaged, as an influx of white blood cells swarms my neck, lower lip, and even my chest. Their mission is to end this battle against the virus. White blood cells are engaged in a relentless, chaotic battle, attacking and engulfing both virus cells and healthy cells. They are clearly overwhelmed.

I have been forced to open the window because numerous cells and [Magic I Virus] are perishing in my mouth and lungs. Each cough serves as a means to clear away these dead cells.

My body's immunity has reached its peak, accompanied by increasingly abnormal conditions.


I must conclude today's entry. My apologies for the interruption, but I could not wait until evening. Any further delay could lead to accidents.

I need to inject the [Magic II Virus] immediately. The recent coughing episode has led to the appearance of blood on the tissue, a clear sign of a weakened immune system. There's no chance of victory in this state. I hope to awaken the following day with better news...


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