
Harry Potter: The combat instructor

In the world of magic, Ciaran Frémont had spent eight years honing his skills as a graduate of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Despite the passage of time, his longing to return to Hogwarts lingered, this time not as a student but as a professor. His wish seemed to manifest when a letter arrived from none other than Principal Dumbledore himself, inviting him for an interview. Ecstatic yet conflicted, Ciaran's joy was tempered by the realization of an urgent task awaiting him. Before he could embark on this journey, he needed to tell his boss the current Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, the pinnacle of authority within the Ministry of Magic. I've decided to translate and fix up this fanfic in my spare time since it wasnt looking to good. No hate plz im trying my hardest :( translation 霍格沃茨新任教授

AssClappicus · Anime & Comics
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"Do you have a suitable candidate?" Dumbledore's eyes lit up as he inquired, "Ciaran, are you certain he will accept my invitation?" After a brief pause, Dumbledore smiled wryly, "I extend invitations to many individuals every year, wizards, but scarcely anyone ultimately agrees to my request. Especially in the past two years, this trend has become increasingly apparent."

"Don't worry, if he agrees to teach at Hogwarts, I believe he will likely accept," Ciaran said confidently.

"Who?" Dumbledore inquired, intrigued.

"Remus Lupin!" Ciaran exclaimed, "Dumbledore, surely you are familiar with Lupin."

Dumbledore nodded. Of course, he knew of Remus Lupin, a werewolf. The Whomping Willow was planted to allow Lupin's entrance to Hogwarts, and the Shrieking Shack was a consequence of this. These measures were primarily to conceal Lupin's transformations on full moon nights - How could Dumbledore not be aware of Lupin?

As a child, Lupin's father had provoked the werewolf Fenrir Greyback, resulting in the werewolf breaking into their home and biting young Lupin in a surprise attack, causing Lupin's transformation.

From then on, Lupin became a werewolf, transforming into a ferocious beast every full moon. Despite this, Dumbledore accepted him and allowed him to attend Hogwarts, thus qualifying him. Within the quartet known as the Marauders, Lupin was referred to as Moony.

Unfortunately, despite graduating successfully with an impressive resume, and despite Lupin being kind-hearted and possessing considerable magical prowess, few companies were willing to hire him due to his werewolf status. Even those unaware of his condition would eventually discover it, leading to Lupin's inevitable resignation and the commencement of his nomadic journey in search of employment, often only securing short-term positions.

Ciaran had encountered Lupin on several occasions, and Lupin had even interacted with his parents. Generally, their relationship was amicable. Currently, Lupin was in search of employment, drifting from place to place. If he received an invitation from Dumbledore, Ciaran believed Lupin would be eager to accept.

Wasn't Remus Lupin the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor during Harry's third year in the original timeline?

Almost all young wizards spoke highly of Lupin. He was undeniably qualified for the professorship. Recommending Lupin to Dumbledore wasn't a form of nepotism; rather, it was aiding Dumbledore in resolving an urgent matter. After all, finding a professor for Defence Against the Dark Arts was increasingly challenging, with fewer wizards agreeing to Dumbledore's invitations to teach. Unlike other professorships where applicants were abundant, Dumbledore could afford to be selective.

Furthermore, Dumbledore was well aware of Lupin's capabilities. He wasn't an ordinary wizard with mediocre skills; on the contrary, Lupin's abilities were exceptional. Were it not for his werewolf status hindering him, he might have pursued a career at the Ministry of Magic, perhaps even ascending to a leadership position.

"Very well, I shall correspond with him later and inquire about his interest," Dumbledore affirmed, expressing gratitude to Ciaran, "Thank you sincerely, Ciaran, for resolving this significant issue of mine."

Ciaran waved dismissively, smiling, "Professor, you rejected my applications for the Defence Against the Dark Arts position several times before?"

Before recalling memories from his past life, he had indeed applied for the position, only to be rejected by Dumbledore due to various reasons. Consequently, he applied for the position of Combat Professor and succeeded without hindrance.

"Hogwarts is fortunate to have a combat professor of your calibre," Dumbledore complimented with a smile. After all, the Defence Against the Dark Arts position was plagued by Voldemort's curse; no professor had served for more than a year.

It appeared that serving as a combat professor was a more prudent choice. Ciaran wasn't certain about countering Voldemort's curse. Was it possible that even Dumbledore couldn't overcome it?


The exam period passed swiftly, concluding within two days. With no academic pressures, the students finally had the freedom to enjoy themselves, resulting in Hogwarts Castle being filled with mischief and pranks, much to the chagrin of caretaker Mr. Filch.

Quietly, Gilderoy Lockhart packed his belongings and departed Hogwarts one evening under the cover of darkness. It was during this departure that Ciaran encountered him again. Initially contemplating a swindle, Ciaran eventually relinquished the idea, realizing he had no need for additional wealth. Instead, he bid Lockhart farewell with a handshake, observing him depart into the night.

At the end-of-year banquet, when Dumbledore announced Lockhart's resignation, the four lengthy dining tables erupted in cheers, even eliciting smiles from several faculty members.

Ciaran shook his head. Lockhart's unpopularity was evident, explaining his discreet departure. Nevertheless, compared to the unfortunate fate of being struck by his own memory charm in the original timeline, Lockhart fared considerably better this time.

"I had foreseen he wouldn't remain at Hogwarts for long," Professor Trelawney intoned solemnly.

Subsequently, Dumbledore announced Gryffindor as the winner of the House Cup for the current school year, thanks to Harry Potter's contribution of two hundred points, resulting in Gryffindor retaining the title, mirroring the previous year's victory. Thunderous applause erupted from the Gryffindor table.

The banquet extended into the late hours, with both faculty and students reluctant to depart. Even after retiring to their quarters, Ciaran still felt a lingering dizziness, undoubtedly a result of overindulgence that evening.

The following day, students boarded the Hogwarts Express for their journey home. Ciaran slept until mid-afternoon and enjoyed a hearty lunch. The house elves' culinary skills never disappointed!

Preparing to depart Hogwarts, Ciaran was interrupted by an owl delivering a letter, unfamiliar to him. After providing the owl with sustenance and water, it departed from his office.

His pet owl, Edsna, observed the scene from her cage.

"It appears to be a missive from Lupin," Ciaran mused upon opening it, his smile widening.

Lupin had accepted Dumbledore's invitation, agreeing to assume the role of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor in the upcoming school year. Expressing gratitude to Ciaran for the recommendation, Lupin conveyed his appreciation in the letter.

With suitcase in hand and Edsna's cage in the other, Ciaran departed Hogwarts. Utilizing Disapparation, he returned to Fremont Manor, his home of nearly a year. Dust had accumulated in his absence, necessitating a thorough cleaning. Those goblins were particularly troublesome to deal with.

As Ciaran contemplated visiting Gunter's old residence, an unexpected invitation arrived from the Burrow.