
Harry Potter: The combat instructor

In the world of magic, Ciaran Frémont had spent eight years honing his skills as a graduate of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Despite the passage of time, his longing to return to Hogwarts lingered, this time not as a student but as a professor. His wish seemed to manifest when a letter arrived from none other than Principal Dumbledore himself, inviting him for an interview. Ecstatic yet conflicted, Ciaran's joy was tempered by the realization of an urgent task awaiting him. Before he could embark on this journey, he needed to tell his boss the current Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, the pinnacle of authority within the Ministry of Magic. I've decided to translate and fix up this fanfic in my spare time since it wasnt looking to good. No hate plz im trying my hardest :( translation 霍格沃茨新任教授

AssClappicus · Anime & Comics
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the end of the school year

"Everything's going well, Dobby is finally free," Ciaran smiled, waved his wand, and transformed into a chair for himself to sit on.

He then shared his request with Dumbledore.

"Books?" Dumbledore nodded and replied, "Yes, I do keep a lot of precious books here, and some unique ones, Ciaran..."

Dumbledore didn't refuse Ciaran's request and opened his collection of books. There was a room full of magical books, and Ciaran wanted to move them all away.

"I've removed some of the more dangerous books from the library. Those books aren't suitable for students to read and can easily have a negative influence on them," Dumbledore said. "But it doesn't matter, Professor. If you're interested in them, just borrow any book. If you really need it, you don't have to give it back to me, but you have to make a copy for me. After all, these are the collections of all the past principals of Hogwarts."

"I'll just borrow them for a look, and I'll return them when I've read enough," Ciaran said, and he finally borrowed seven thick books from Dumbledore, all of which were about curses, dark magic, Transfiguration, and magical creatures.

After selecting the books, he bid farewell and returned to his office. He spent the next few days engrossed in reading. Food could be delivered by the house-elf in the kitchen using a spell. Anyway, there was a toilet in his office, so he lived a self-sufficient life without going out, hardly stepping out of the door.

The short vacation passed quickly, especially with Ciaran concentrating on books. It seemed that the next semester was approaching, and the teaching tasks fell on Ciaran. However, he didn't find it difficult. He had already mastered many of these curses, completely mastering them, otherwise, he wouldn't be qualified to be the combat class professor.

As for the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, forget about it.

The Quidditch game resumed, and there were wins and losses among the four houses. But overall, Ravenclaw had the most wins and the highest points. In the last game between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, Gryffindor won the match. Gryffindor was unfortunately defeated in the end, and Ravenclaw won the Quidditch championship this school year. Gryffindor's teachers and students—Professor McGonagall is a loyal Quidditch fan— looked very depressed. Ciaran noticed that the Gryffindor students were not as active in the classroom during those two weeks.

Ravenclaw was naturally happy. After all, Hogwarts only had two honors in a year: the Quidditch championship and the Academy Cup. Although the Academy Cup was more important, the Quidditch champion was still a very special accolade.

The students of Slytherin and Hufflepuff knew they had no hope of winning the Quidditch championship, so they adjusted their mentality very early. Therefore, even though their grades were worse than Gryffindor's, they were actually not as disappointed as Gryffindor's students.

In the next few months of the next semester, Ciaran borrowed books from Dumbledore several times. He felt that his knowledge had greatly expanded, and his level of Transfiguration had also risen from level 4 (medium) to level 4 (higher).

The same was true for Charms, which had advanced to level 4 by the end of the semester. Both of these improvements were due to his own efforts. Now his system panel had undergone certain changes.

[Name: Ciaran Frémont]

[Age: 26 years old]

[Magic: Level 4 (Advanced)]

[Force points: 0 points]

[Transformation: Level 4 (Advanced)]

[Potion Science: Level 3]

[Charms: Level 4 (Advanced)]

[Herbology: Level 3]

[Flying Technique: Level 3]

His main focus was still on improving his magic level, Transfiguration, and Charms. Potions, herbology, and flying remained at level 3. He felt that if he earned the next force point, he could properly allocate it to improve Potions, Herbology, and Flying. He didn't need to become extremely proficient, but reaching level 4 was the minimum.

He was particularly pleased with the improvement in his magical power, as well as the rapid progress of Charms and Transfiguration. He was more willing to work hard on these three areas. If he had extra force points, he didn't rule out the possibility of using them to improve Potions, Herbology, and Flying.

"It's almost June. This school year is about to end. After the summer vacation, I can rush to Gaunt's old house. Slytherin's ring and the Resurrection Stone, one of the Three Hallows of Death, must contain the original strength points."

Ciaran suppressed his already restless mind. He glanced at the classroom and saw a group of wizards writing furiously. This was a theoretical examination.

The brown-haired girl sitting in the front with an anxious and confident face was Hermione Granger.

The petrified students were rescued one after another on the eve of the exam - Professor Sprout cultivated the mandrake, and Snape prepared the potion - originally, these students didn't need to take the exam because they had spent at least a semester in the hospital, unaware and hadn't learned anything from the teacher, so they didn't have to take exams for this academic year.

But Hermione still applied to take the exam, including Penelope Crevat of Ravenclaw.

"Penello is a prefect; he won't skip the exam," Percy said, satisfied with Penello's decision.

During lunch, Ginny whispered to the others, "Penello is Percy's girlfriend."

After he was discharged from the hospital, he returned to his previous lively and cheerful personality, except that he was still nervous and blushed when facing Harry Potter.

"Ginny!" Percy heard Ginny's murmur, and his face suddenly turned red, along with his neck.

The others couldn't help but laugh, feeling that the exam's stress had lightened a bit.

But they still had to take the exam in the afternoon.

During the exam, Lockhart took the initiative to apply for resignation to Dumbledore. Ciaran was also nearby and overheard the conversation between the two.

"Gilderoy, do you really want to resign?" Dumbledore asked gently.

Lockhart sighed and said, "Dumbledore, to tell you the truth, coming to Hogwarts to teach was the worst decision of my life, bar none!"

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"I don't mean to blame you. The last time I applied for resignation, you rejected me because the school year wasn't over yet. Now it's the final exam. You can't still use this reason to reject me, can you?" Lockhart inquired.

Ciaran recalled the scene when he met Lockhart after Christmas. It seemed that he went to Dumbledore just to resign.

"Okay, Gilderoy, thank you for your support and help this year," Dumbledore agreed to Lockhart's resignation application and said, "You can attend the banquet before leaving."

"No," Lockhart declined this time. He explained, "I think the students and teachers don't want to see me attending the banquet,


At this moment, two people approached, and Ciaran coughed lightly as a reminder.

Lockhart extended his hand, shook hands with Ciaran, and then descended the stairs to his office.

"Hey, where are we going to find a wizard willing to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts next year?" Dumbledore expressed his concern. This was almost his biggest headache every summer.

Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?

Ciaran couldn't help but feel something stir within him. He immediately smiled and said, "Dumbledore, I have a candidate."