
Harry Potter: The Celestial Fox ( English Version)

The magical world has never been a safe place. Dragons, Trolls, Dementors, beings from the abyss, are just some of the dangers that inhabit it, not to mention the greatest terror in it, sentient beings. The fantastic and the extraordinary have always been linked to danger, but not everything has to be so bad. Where there is darkness, there will always be light. In this alternative reality, a variable is born, he was not meant to live, but he lives, slowly changing the gears of this world. When the broken fragments of a life in a different reality merge with the young Extimum at 5 years old, his perception of the world changes and he realizes where he is or isn't... Fighting to maintain the status quo is no longer an option when the world he thought he knew shows him that it is not exactly what he believed. A mysterious background, a complex destiny and a gift along with his arrival that promises to take him to the top of this world if he is willing to put in the effort. Join me in this coming-of-age story where both the young wizard will learn how to live and the author will improve in his description of his adventures. --- This version is an automatic translation with Google, I try when I can to improve the errors that may occur in the process, but as a non-native there can always be a problem or two, so I hope for your understanding. If you want to read the original version (Spanish), you can enter my profile or follow this link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/harry-potter-el-zorro-celestial_21135401405306205 - the original image on the cover is not mine, just modify it, if the owner wants me to remove it, he can tell me. --- This is the first story / fanfic that I write so I will upload some test chapters if you like it, constructive criticism is accepted - R18, R*p3, Reincarnation, Harem, Harry Potter, AU, Romance, Adventure, Fantasy, Dark.

Zeroz7 · Movies
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60 Chs

•Introspection and returning to Hogwarts

[before continuing, you should know that the bloodline will be nerfed (weakened) xd , the general power of the HP world is good, but not too crazy, or at least not in the movies, so although the bloodline will eventually Op and MC will be stronger than their peers physically and magically but it won't be done right away]

Extimum was sitting on the bed in the hotel room, he had taken a comfortable position to meditate.

-- Pov Extimum --.

Breathe slowly and clear my mind, in normal cases it would have been very difficult, but with oclumency the process is relatively easy.

I focus on myself and try to feel my body and especially my blood, my lineage, I want to understand this part of me that I have neglected.

At some point I found myself in a dark space full of stars, similar to space, it was strange that my mental space was as such, the sensation around my psychic body also felt weightless as if I was actually in space, however, the whole place around me on the other hand felt familiar and welcoming.

I Look in front of me.

There in the distance the shape of a small fox white with purple spots he was, the more I looked at it, the more detailed and large it became.

At some point the little fox was now completely in front of me, it was actually a big fox maybe 5 meters tall, it was difficult to know its measurement with just one look and with nothing for reference, it had nine tails and on its legs and the tips of their tails a kind of fire or purple energy seemed to emanate.

The fox looked at me and I returned his gaze, those purple eyes with predatory pupils equal to mine were especially attractive. At some point I seemed to lose concentration and when I came to, the fox was nowhere to be found, on the other hand, when I looked around I felt different, I saw different.

Looking at myself, now I see myself as the fox.

It was a strange sensation, like regaining control of a part of your body that had been crippled.

I looked at my body and tried to move my tails and as if they were a common extension, they moved exactly as I wanted, they looked more like limbs like hands or feet than I expected a tail should be.

Next, I moved my whole body, stretched, jumped, ran in the space of which I did not know its origin, beginning and end. At some point I stopped from my emotion and discovered that I did not even know how I was moving through space, when I got here it felt like floating without direction, but now it seemed to move with freedom.

The only thing discernible was the energy oozing from my feet or paws? It hadn't even felt strange to walk on all fours.

After having pried out all the physical capabilities, I stopped and sat down or at least did the action that surprisingly seemed to hold up in space.

I closed my eyes and tried to focus on what I was now.


After an indefinite time I came back to myself, having concentrated on myself for a while, it made me feel some things imperceptibly.

Just as I had imagined, my lineage actually gives me the ability to walk on air.

My fangs are not to bite my enemies, well, they could, but the result would be strange, their main use in addition to providing me with energy like a vampire is to transmit currents of energy that can calm or excite the victim, a particularly use strange in my opinion, seen from another side, maybe it is to dominate your prey?

My claws are mainly to attack there is nothing special about them, I do not think I will use them unless I am unprotected.

My physical capacities aspired to be incredibly strong as well as my senses, it would be difficult to measure the exact potential. Maybe I could destroy a mountain? Only time would tell.

Among other abilities, the use of the aura to influence emotions, strong mental energy, mastery of illusions and an extrasensory sense that perceives a different view of the world.

Although these abilities might not seem very powerful, they nevertheless all have impressive effects at their peak, the pinnacle of illusion is to turn the real into the false and the false into the real, the extrasensory sense can come to perceive the destiny and the death itself.

In addition to that, the lineage provides many passive augmentations.

That said, I should also be able to naturally transform into fox form and even just stick my tails out into my human form. Perhaps being a metamorphmagus I involuntarily suppressed its appearanceFurthermore, although I have good control for partial transformations, but for a radical and complete transformation, such as totally changing shape, effort and skill is not something that I currently possess.

The attributes that the lineage offers me, in fact, separate me from humans, however, since I was born to a wizard, I share his blood and just as I am a wizard I am also a celestial fox.

Perhaps the only effects of the word 'heavenly' in the breed's title are due to the long lifespan that comes with it, the level of existence it represents is also on a borderline between magical and supernatural even for this magic world, maybe that's why I was able to touch the ghosts.

Now I can also feel a call to some unknown place, it is not too strong, in fact it is so insignificant that I could ignore it if I do not focus on looking for something.

However, although each of these things has great potential,it's just that, potential, currently, on either a physical or magical level of development, I am quite weak.

** Roarrr **

A loud roar took me out of my contemplation, I looked towards the fountain, there was a dark and large creature there, however, before I could discern its appearance, I was hit by it and expelled from my mental space.

--End Pov--.

Extimum found himself on the bed again sitting sweating a bit, however, he did not know what had happened, at one point he was calmly contemplating his lineage and obtaining an enlightenment about him and the other a kind of indiscernible beast appeared and took him out to the strength of your own mental space.

He tried to re-enter his mental space but he could not, however, he could still feel his connection with his lineage now stronger than before, in fact, now that he realized he noticed that his lower back had grown or appeared, 9 fox tails that wagged slightly.

Extimum extended his hand to touch one of his tails, it was soft and smooth to the touch, the sensation to the touch that it generated in the hand was so pleasant that it was almost unnatural, in addition, he could clearly feel that they were very real, he could control and feel them like any part of your body. The tails were totally white with a platinum glow, but at the tip there was a purple coloration, however, unlike their tail in mental space, they did not emanate that kind of fire or energy from it, perhaps it was still very weak?

Returning to the subject of the creature that appeared in his mental space, Extimum felt a bit disturbed by it and tried to ponder it with his lineage.

The result was that the creature seemed to be there before even the lineage was integrated with its body, however, it was unknown what it was or what its appearance could mean.

Extimum got those thoughts out of his head, just as he currently didn't seem to be able to do much, it would be best to just keep getting stronger until he could know something else.

Looking back at his tails, Extimum glued them to his body and hid them with his illusion magic, he did not want to withdraw them inside him now that he had them and they would not get in the way by keeping them tight to his body, on the other hand, he also had ears on his head, but they seemed very funny and those if he decided to withdraw them internally.

After finishing all the introspection, Extimum took a shower and changed his clothes, then embarked on his journey through this new country.


Extimum had a great tour of paris: first he visit the muggle side, went to see monuments or normal tourist places like 'the triumphal arch', ' Montmartre neighborhood ', ' The Louvre ' and others until the afternoon, however, had to make some stops to get something to eat, which became a big problem, he couldn't find what to eat and more now that he had assimilated even more with his lineage, everything is repulsive for the most part, luckily, he found Some stores that sold food that didn't taste or smell that bad, it was like eating stale food. This confirmed his idea that there was something wrong with muggle food, even if it did not include everyone.

By the time the night came, Extimum became invisible and climbed to the top of the 'Eiffel Tower ' and from there I enjoy the view and wait for the clock to strike 12:00 am / pm

There was only 1 minute left, so in the meantime, he watched all the people gathering near the tower. There were families and couples in the area under the tower who were also waiting for the time change.

Extimum watched with an impassive face all this, perhaps only his eyes slightly betrayed the complicated feeling in him.

When the clock finally struck 12, a series of fireworks ignited and lit up the sky.

Extimum : "Merry Christmas to me." Extimum commented and moved his hand a little, then the fireworks that were still in the sky seemed gathered by mysterious forces and formed different realistic figures, animating the sky even more and causing shouts of excitement from the people who watched the show from below. .


After appreciating the show, he quickly fled, not wanting to risk that there would be a magician in the audience and clearly notice the abnormality of the act and follow him.

The magic was not technically seen though, but it was a bold display of magic obvious on the faces of Muggles who believed it was part of the show.

[on this occasion, I made the mc trip to France short so as not to delay things too much, but in the next trips I will make a good development]


The rest of his Extimum vacation is spent visiting the magical city and other attractions.

When there was only one day left until the week was over, he took out the coin again and sending his intention, he was again magically dragged and arrived at another place.

These portkeys specific functioned in such a way that they would return to the magi to the previous place where you first activated the portkey .

Arriving again at a familiar place, Extimum looked at the library that had not undergone changes while he was away, then looked at the coin in his hand that turned to dust and disappeared.

Muggle items did not always resist magic well, so they were used to carry consumable enchantments such as Portkeys .

Extimum did not buy many souvenirs from his trip, he had almost no money left, so he save it for possible emergencies, I needed to find a source of money soon.

Extimum : 'Well, everything seems to be in order.'

Extimum : "Bob".

After Extimum called, Bob appeared after a few seconds.

Bob: "Master Extimum has returned, Bob apologizes for not having come to meet him, Bob was with teacher Ava, Bob hopes that Master Extimum had a good trip."

Extimum : "Okay, I just called you to find out if anything had happened."

Bob: "The teacher can be calm, nothing has happened that requires greater concern."

Extimum just nodded, then he entered the hidden library, he had already enjoyed his vacation so now he would study to become stronger.


It was early in the morning at Kings Cross Station, some families had already arrived and were accompanying their children before they boarded the train.

Suddenly, at an empty spot in the station there was a jumble and Bob and Extimum appeared .

Extimum : "Thanks Bob, you can leave now."

Bob nodded and shortly after disappeared.

Extimum looked at the people around him, seeing that there were not many acquaintances or anyone who caught his interest, he went straight to board the train.

He walked into the first empty cubicle and pulled out the physics book Hermione gave him , he didn't have much on hand to read right now.


At some point in his reading, the compartment door opened. Looking up from his book, he saw Hermione there.

Hermione approached with an excited face and gave Extimum a light hug and quickly pulled away.

The hug was just a casual greeting so neither Extimum nor Hermione thought much about it.

Hermione : "ah, Extimum, it's good to see you, how was Christmas?"

Extimum : "It was good, I went to Paris for Christmas and visited many interesting places, as well as seeing the magical community there."

Hermione : "Wow, I have read some things about magical paris, I hope to go there later with my parents."

Hermione : " I see you are reading the gift I gave you, at first I didn't know what to give you, so since you like to read and you probably don't have books that don't deal with magic, I decided to give you a book of physical since you're experimenting with spells. Maybe It can serve you".

Extimum : "In fact, there are some theories that can be applied in certain aspects to magic, speaking of which, have you read the book I gave you?"

Hermione : "It's fantastic, although it was a bit complicated, but just from the description there were many useful spells, although some were a bit dangerous."

Extimum : "in the world of magic it's good to know a trick or two to defend yourself, that's why I gave you the book."

Hermione : "Thank you, I'll finish reading it in the next few months."

Hermione and Extimum shared a bit of their Christmas experiences and so quickly passed the time, until the train left and headed to Hogwarts.


Seeing Hogwarts covered in snow was a great sight to appreciate from a distance, adding to its charm.

They arrived at Hogwarts near the end of the afternoon.

Extimum along with the other students returning from their vacation week were now entering the castle.

After entering, Extimum said goodbye to Hermione and headed to the common room with some other Ravenclaws; on the way he ran into Mitchell and Trudor so they had a little talk unraveling what they did on vacation as they headed to the common room.

When they got to their common room, they saw Steve sitting on the secluded couch where they always sat, he was probably waiting for them .

Mitchell : "Damn, Steve, why do you seem to get more fat?"

Steve: "why you ..., Hmp , I will forgive you this time because you just came back".

Although they talked like that, they were clearly happy to see each other again.

Trudor: "However, Steve, Mitchell seems to be right, you look fatter, how much could you eat in a week to get so fat?"

Steve: " Hmp , these 2 extra kilos only add to my charm." Steve said as he puffed his chest forward and posed with his hand on his hip, ending up just by bouncing his belly a bit.


Trudor and Mitchell : " hahahaha ".

Even Extimum's lip couldn't help but tremble upon seeing this funny scene.

Extimum : 'Steve is always good at brightening my mood.'

Steve: "well, stop making fun of me and better tell me what you did on your vacation."

Mitchell : "Well, especially you , Extimum , you always spend it in silence, since you also went home for Christmas, you must tell us what you got."

After listening to Steve, everyone sat on the couch and started telling where they went and showing off the gifts they received.


After a while, everyone went down to the great dining room for dinner, since Extimum had already chatted with his Ravenclaw friends, when he sat down he went to the Gryffindor table and sat next to Hermione .

Extimum : "Hello".

Harry: "Hi Extimum , thank you for the gift you gave me." Harry showed his arm that now wore a clamp to hold his wand.

Ron: "yes, thank you Extimum , I didn't know they were sold to students, I thought they were only sold to adults."

Hermione : "What is that?"

Ron: "They are wand cases, you can store your wand there and summon it to your hand quickly when you need it, it is very useful, especially in duels, in addition, it prevents you from losing or damaging it by always carrying it in your pocket."

Hermione : "Sounds useful, but why don't they sell them to the students?"

Ron: "I don't know." Ron just shrugged

Hermione : "how did you get them?"

Extimum : "I only asked for them and they gave them to me."

Although Hermione gave him a questioning look by not believing his words, the truth is that Extimum only did that, however, he never said that his appearance at that time was that of an adult.

Harry: "Hey, I have something to tell you, it's something I saw while investigating in the forbidden section, but I can't tell you here, when dinner is over let's meet in the common room, Extimum should be able to enter." Harry was referring to the Gryffindor common room, as he did not know any more places, he chose there and since he had already seen Extimum enter, he thought it would not be a problem for him to do it again.

After that they continued to have dinner and chat about what they did, especially Hermione and Extimum who were out of Hogwarts, Harry also had things to say, but I save them for later.


After dinner was over, Hermione , Ron, and Harry headed to the common room and sat on the floor in a corner where they wouldn't be heard.

Ron: "when will Extimum arrive ?"

Extimum : "Now". Extimum whispered in Ron's ear scaring him.

Ron: " Woah , damn, don't show up like that Extimum , I could end up suffering from my heart at this rate."

Ron : " Hmp , don't let him catch you later, Harry has an invisibility cloak and if he lends it to me I can get revenge."

Hermione : "Is it true Harry?"

Harry: "Yes, they gave it to me as a Christmas present, then I'll show it to you."

Harry: "Now what I wanted to tell you about is a conversation Quirrell and Snape had."

Harry: "It was like that ...".


Harry had been searching the forbidden section of the library for any information about Nicolas Flamel , he was only able to look at a few books before he heard Filch approaching and hid in his invisibility cloak, however, because he was in a hurry, he dropped his oil lamp to the ground that made a noise as it broke, drawing Filch's attention in his direction.

He had to sneak around with his Filch and Mrs. Norris (the cat) invisibility cloak carefully so as not to be discovered and when he left the library he ran into Snape and Quirrell.

-- Pov Harry--.

I had just escaped from Mrs. Norris, that cat almost seemed to be able to feel me even when I was invisible.

As I was walking away from the place, I heard a noise and suddenly, the door in front of me opened.

From there came Professor Quirrell and Snape.

Quirrell: " Se-se- severus ."

Snape had cornered Quirrell against the wall

Snape: " You don't want me as your enemy, Quirrell."

Quirrell: "I-I don't know what you're talking about"

Snape: "you know perfectly well."

At that moment, Snape stopped and looked in my direction, he seemed to be able to perceive me and he tentatively moved his hand grabbing the air in my direction, luckily I was a little away otherwise he could have caught me.

Snape: "We will chat again soon, when you have time to decide where your allegiance lies."

As they continued talking, I slowly walked further and further away from them until they were distracted by Filch's arrival and entered a room close to my position.

End Pov .

Harry: "and that's what happened."

Extimum : "See, Snape could be claiming Quirrell for his attack on you."

Harry: "But what if it was actually Snape who was threatening Quirrell to do it and now Quirrell doesn't want to do it?"

Ron: "But Harry, that doesn't take away from the fact that Quirrell still spelled your broom."

Hermione : "It's true, even if Quirrell was threatened, but he was still attentive to you, besides, the conversation was very ambiguous and if we follow our first theory, it is more likely to be as Extimum said ."

Harry: "I think we should keep an eye on them and if we notice something strange we might know what is really going on."

Extimum : "Well, why don't you and Ron follow Quirrell then? As for Snape, I'll keep an eye on him."

Harry: "Good."

Extimum : "but remember, you must judge what you see as impartially as you can, otherwise it would be easy for you to misinterpret things."

Harry: "I'll try."

Ron: "Oh that's right Harry, you didn't tell them about the mirror you showed me."

Hermione : "What mirror?"

Ron: "It was a fantastic mirror, albeit a bit creepy, it showed me as captain of the Quidditch team and winning the house cup, however, it showed Harry… huh , his family."

Harry: "okay Ron, the mirror could show you the desires of your heart."

Hermione : "That's great, where did you find it? Can we go?"

Harry: "I'm sorry, but it's not there anymore, Dumbledore removed it."

Extimum : 'just as I thought'.

After that, they talked for a while and then Extimum said goodbye by returning to their common room.

Extimum : 'I wonder if I can see the mirror later, I really want to know what the mirror sees, is it power? Love? Family? Fame?

Such thoughts haunted his mind as he prepared to rest.

The darkest secret your heart desires, can you contain it once it comes to light?

I think I improved the writing for this chapter a bit, by the way, I came across a comment that says that my mc is a bit like a secondary character, mm, I admit that in the first chapters it could seem like that, but I tried to improve it and if it is Possible in the future I will edit the caps, do not hesitate to share your opinions just do not give me too hard xd, the criticisms help me to see what I am doing wrong and try to fix it.

Since this chapter is more like an intermediate I will try to upload another chapter later if possible.

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