
Harry Potter: The art of divination

In 1972 Hogwarts receives a new and mysterious professor. The class of Divination was never the same after. The journey of Morpheus will be long and daunting can he finally reach his goal? - Au: there will be many changes to the world of Harry potter, such as some Gods will exist, and so will demons and angels. Not a Fix it fic, of course, some futures will change but the main focus will not be on fixing the future. SI: Mc is not reincarnated into this world Timeline: some characters might be younger or older disclaimer: So, most of this obviously belongs to J.K.Rowling. I'm just writing a fanfiction out of it. The cover art is sadly, not mine. ————- (P) (A) (T) (R) (E) (O)(N) LINK: patreon.com/Boogie324

Booggie · Book&Literature
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204 Chs

Synchronized Casting

*Morpheus pov*

I arrived back at the castle and promptly began to cast divinations throughout the night. I knew the alliance I made with the Black family was strong but, without a soul contract, I will never feel perfectly secure and even with one I don't.

Which is why I spent the rest of the night exploring all of the possibilities of betrayal and failure. It's not that I thought they would betray me, it's my inner paranoia speaking really.

As the sun rose I sat on the floor contemplating my next moves, I foresaw Tom Riddle and his group would start to slowly Creep from out of the shadows next school year.

I know what I must do but, with the class, I teach it would be hard to teach combat-synchronized casting.

I will have to approach it from a different angle, a way to achieve both results I want.


"Alright students, so far this semester I taught you tea divination and have had you practice your magical control. I now see almost all of you are at a sufficient level to being group-casting again. We briefly touched on this topic last semester but, this semester I want to dive much more into the subject with you all. Aside from group casting, I will be introducing different types of divination spells and techniques this isn't to overload your mind with a lot of information but, to help you figure out what methods work best for you so, if you notice you're doing exceptional in a certain topic I discuss please come to me for further instruction," I said while scanning the room

Nodding my head seeing no student had any questions I moved my desk to be flush to the wall.

Then with a simple flick, I made the students' desks push back and rearrange into a more compact formation.

Nodding seeing I had enough room I called upon some students, "Lovegood, Bones, Helshire, Spinnet, please come up,"

The students quickly walked up to the clearing, "You four will form a group, I will first go through an exercise with you then I will send you back and you must come up with a spell you can group cast to present next class, I will do this with every group," I said to the students

"Remember formation is important, since I am joining you we can form the shape of a diamond with me being the head, as a four-person team you will need to come up with your own formation, and it will be verified by myself," I added

I stood facing the sitting students while Amelia Bones and Marinette Helshire stood behind me to my left and right respectively.

Xenophilius stood directly in line with me from behind everyone else, and Abigal Spinnet stood next to him. We formed a diamond, not the best but it will do for this exercise.

"For this example, we will group cast a common spell that is actually a part of divination. The magical thing about group casting is only one person needs to know how to perform the main spell for it to work. Of course, if everyone else knew it would be far more effective," I instructed

"Then why is it called group casting if only one person needs to know the spell?" Narcissa Black asked

"Good question, it's called group casting because everyone helps casting the spell making it more effective than if only one person casted it, Lovegood, Helshire, Bones, and Spinnet will provide their magic and focus to help channel this spell," I replied

"We will start now," I said

The students participating immediately began to cast the spell I first taught clearing away any outside magical influence and then with a modified version of the second spell their magic began to flow around me coursing to my wand arm, I told them the spell beforehand so I gave the signal and nodded, "Historio revelare!" we all said in unison while pointing our wands downward

Not everyone was in sync but the spell still worked allowing, the magic to vanish into the ground.

Feeling the 'group' casting effects leave I noticed the spell taking effect.

A grey form of myself formed in the classroom, he walked around arranging some books then sat at his desk and graded papers.

Knowing he wouldn't move for a while I began to teach, "This spell is used by some law enforcement to retrace the steps of a criminal or victim. The spell shows what was happening inside the room during a period of time, you can only usually go back one hour but with the aid of group casting as you can see this is what I was doing before class started. As you can see, I would classify this spell as a form of divination," the students marveled at the sight

"Remember and I cannot stress this enough, When group casting you MUST be in sync, if one person messes up and says the wrong spell, you can end up spending quality time with the healers," I said sternly to the students

"Uhh, this sounds too dangerous to be taught," I heard a student mumbled to his friend softly

"Someone said this is too dangerous, Have you forgotten all of the other spells you've learned since your first year are dangerous?" I scoffed

No one said anything, "All right, thank you for being fist to go, you may rejoin your class. Okay, next group!" I thanked the four students and then announced the next group

I spent the rest of the classes slowly helping every group have a decent feeling of the spells. Some groups were better than others, while some seemed to get the hang of it others seemed to struggle. I paired groups off based on many factors but, one of them was to make sure the people in the groups were from different houses.

I'm excited to see what the groups will show next class.

*Narrator pov*

After all of the classes ended for the day students began to head for the great hall for dinner.

One student decided to skip dinner asking her friends to bring some food for her later. She headed toward the library and began to search for books on tea divination.

Something has been eating at the back of her mind ever since Professor Morpheus told her the result of her divination was due to bad ingredients.

She wanted to find something, anything to tell her she wasn't going crazy.

After a couple of hours of searching and finding nothing Narcissa Black decided to head back to the dorms and get some food she was starving.

As she left the library Narcissa already made plans to revisit the library tomorrow in search of answers.

If she found what she was looking for would she truly be happy?

That was for her to decide.


A/N: Patre on : patreon.com/Boogie324