
Chapter 254

"Capable my ass! When Perenelle hears about it, I swear she will pull out that cane of hers and I won't be the one stopping her."

Seeing Dumbledore flinch at Nicholas's chastising was oddly satisfying for Harry. Not unsurprising, considering the stunt the old Headmaster had pulled today to get him to reveal his powers. Leaning against the wall, Harry tuned out Nicholas's scolding and Dumbledore's placating in favor of his own thoughts. Today had worked out pretty well. Even if Malfoy wasn't an asset anymore, he had found an ally in Wright, as well as managed to save Lisa. A few of his secrets getting out was a problem, but it wasn't something he couldn't handle.

Despite the tragedies of the year, he still had most of his friends. He had his family. He had Hedwig. As much as Voldemort had crumbled the world around him, he could rebuild it. He would rebuild it.

And he would find a way to take down Voldemort forever.


The elevator opened to a sight that at first baffled, and then shocked Harry to a standstill. Mr. Fortescue's apartment door was open; which was an anomaly in itself since Mr. Fortescue was supposed to be in Diagon right now; and in the middle of the corridor sat a large black dog. And above that dog hovered its name.

Sirius Black


Almost subconsciously, Harry cast an Observe.

Sirius Black











Sirius Black, also known as Padfoot or Sir Knucklehead Fudducker McSpazzatron in his Animagus form is a wrongfully incarcerated prisoner of Azkaban. He disagrees with blood purity and fought against Lord Voldemort. When his friend Pettigrew betrayed the Potters, Sirius sought to exact revenge, but Pettigrew was able to frame Sirius and escape before he could do it. After 11 years in prison, he managed to escape unassisted.

He is Harry's godfather and he loves him dearly to the point that he broke out of Azkaban in an effort to make sure he was safe. Right now he is feeling an intense itch that he really wants to scratch.

Sirius Black was innocent, and Pettigrew was alive. That was more than enough for Harry. Almost instantly pulling out his wand, Harry pointed it at the black dog who was obliviously scratching away at his ear.


Before the dog could even turn around to look at the source of the noise, the solid burst of red light smacked it right on its head, knocking it out and straight into the ground.

Harry slowly turned to look at a befuddled-looking Dumbledore and an even more befuddled looking Nicholas. His own words sounded weird to his ears.

"You're going to think I'm crazy, but Sir KnuckleheadFudducker McSpazzatron is actually Sirius Black, and he is innocent."

Floating the dog into the apartment and explaining everything to Perenelle took a good long while. Explaining his knowledge of Black's innocence away as his Scrying abilities took some effort, as well as quietly sitting through the fifteen-minute long admonishment about keeping more secrets than it was good for him.

The fifteen minutes after that were easier though. Watching Dumbledore get reamed by someone he was clearly intimidated by was rather funny.

An hour and one Homorphous charm later, they were left with one scruffy dangerous criminal unconscious on their couch, one not-so-dangerous criminal unconscious in a secret room at Hogwarts, and nary an idea of what to do next.

"He is drained and malnourished to the core, and it will be a while before he will use magic as normal. His magic is dangerously cramped up from disuse, and the constant presence of Dementors around him probably made it worse. This is not the kind of healing I can provide," Pernelle muttered, her eyes glowing as she waved her wand in a slow circle of Black's unconscious body.

Harry used Heal on him, wanting to see what was wrong.


You are attempting to heal somebody with several ailments! Please choose one to heal:


Magical Trauma

Harry selected the Magical Trauma, wondering if it was the same as Lisa.

WARNING: Patient has been long subjected to repeated relivings of his worst memories via Dementor exposure, leaving the patient drained. This weakness causes a tendency in the user to avoid using Magic for everyday things, making their core cramp up. Any heal would only be temporary unless he learns to use magic freely again. Physiotherapy recommended.

Proceed for 6 month heal?


Harry pressed Yes. It was similar to what Lisa had in some ways, but it was different too. Less…severe.

"I will see if there are any ways I could overtly search for Peter," Dumbledore said, stroking his beard, "but for now, Sirius's escape might have been a good thing. With all Auror resources devoted to searching for him, Miss Turpin will be safer than ever. Sending them both into hiding would be the best move for now."

"Can we wake him up at least?" Harry quietly asked from his seat, "He escaped from literal hell to make sure that I was okay. He deserves to know that I'm fine."

Perenelle shared a meaningful glance with Nicholas, who nodded. Harry turned to Hedwig, who was resting on his armrest, "Can you help him?"

"I will," echoed the reply in his mind, and Hedwig lifted off and flew over to the armrest of the sofa that Black lay on. She opened her beak, and a soothing song started floating through the room. Fawkes joined in from his spot on the table near Dumbledore, and the room was filled with a melodious medley.

A soft smile spread across Black's unconscious face. "Enervate," Perenelle cast, and moments later, his eyes fluttered open.





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