
Harry Potter System Gamer

With his life turned into a Game, Harry now has to raise a Phoenix, uncover the Founders' darkest secrets, deal with political manipulations and live through Hogwarts all while trying desperately to not swear too much . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---------------------------------------------- Translation ----------------------------------------------

William777 · Movies
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263 Chs

Chapter 227

"Mind if I let myself in Harry?" Professor Vector said.

"Give me a second, Professor," Harry called back, wiping his eyes.

The door opened behind him a second later, and the Professor walked in, her steps sounding loud and clear in his ears.

"Did the Aurors search the place?" Harry asked, looking up at her.

"They did. Yesterday evening, after they found out that Argus was missing. They didn't find anything of concern, and as soon as I mentioned that this was where Harry Potter works on his side projects they were quite glad to put everything back where it was before," the Professor said, keenly looking at his face. She asked, "Are you alright Harry?"

"I am. I'm fine really." Harry said, although he knew well before the ping sounded that his lie had been unsuccessful.


Lie Unsuccessful!

Professor Vector frowned, "Suppressing how you feel isn't the right way to go about it, Harry. You just went through some really bad times, and feeling dejected is natural. But you have to talk about it."

Harry took a deep breath, deciding to word it better this time, "Thank you for being concerned Professor, but I do know that. I have a family now. I can talk to them about things like this. And I do talk to them. They've been really helpful."


Maybe you should think about why you have such high levels of Lying and Bullshitting while your Lie Detection is so low. Says a lot about you and those around you. Skill leveled up!

Lying, Lv- 13 (1%)

This is your ability to lie to people, the higher the level the better the lie and less chance of discovery!

67% chance of success, less based on how extreme the lie is.

Harry frowned. He knew just fine how much of a lying problem he had. He didn't need the game's help in pointing that out.

"If you say so," the Professor hesitantly said, letting go of the topic before saying, "So why are you at school Harry?"

"I had a meeting with Professor Dumbledore," Harry replied, "And I wanted to talk about the Project to you. I, as well as Hermione and Ron…we were all wondering about what will happen to it."

"You tell me. You are the leader of the project after all." The Professor said, her voice pleasant and calm.

"But isn't Hogwarts being shut down for the year? How can I still-"

"The Project is registered with the Ministry, Harry. Not the school. You have the permit, and so long as I don't cut the cord as your supervisor, you can do whatever you want. I won't be cutting the cord unless you want me to, so it's all up to you. Whatever you decide, I will understand."

Harry looked down at the Band in his hands, "I want to keep it going, even if just for the sake of honoring Dean's memory, but I don't think it would be the same without him."

The Professor pondered for a moment, before saying, "Then it's alright if you want to stop for now Harry. Take a break this year. Drop the Project. You've accomplished so much in a few months, and I have no doubt that you'll have no issues catching up once Hogwarts starts back up again. Give yourself time."

Harry nodded. That seemed like a good idea. And he could still work on it on his off time if he wanted to.

"Then that is how it will be," the Professor said before patting his shoulder, "I have an appointment at the Ministry now. You take as much time as you need."

And with that, she turned around and left the room.

Harry stayed there for a few minutes more, idly thinking about this and that as he arranged all the books and notebooks into separate neat stacks so that Madam Pince could take the library books back when she inevitably came looking for them.

It was while finishing up the final stack that an idea struck Harry, and he quickly tidied up and left, heading towards the seventh floor this time.

The idea, and the Room of Requirement, as it turned out, proved to be entirely useless. The room was fairly good at finding things, and Harry's idea was to go and ask it for the diary.

Much to his frustration, the idea didn't work, which meant that the diary must have been destroyed or something, which in turn didn't bode well for his plan of telling the court about the possession.

'It's alright,' he thought as he told the password to the statue and rode up the revolving staircase leading up to the Headmaster's office. Dumbledore would probably manage to work something out. He'd been part of the legal system for decades now and had a mind that probably surpassed his own Gamer enhanced one.

'If anyone could find a way, it would be Dumbledore.' He thought to himself as he knocked on the door.

"Come on in Harry," came the voice of the Headmaster from inside.

Harry pushed the door open and stepped in, almost unconsciously bracing as memories of the tornado of belongings that he'd walked into the last time he'd walked into this office flashed in his mind.

But no such tornado awaited him. Instead, everything was just as it had been before Dumbledore had left the office. The portraits were still there, all awake and looking at him curiously, the spindly contraptions were on the side tables, whirring and puffing smoke, and behind the claw-footed desk was the Headmaster himself, dressed in violently offensive neon green robes.

"You arrived early, didn't you Harry. My apologies for making you wait. Dilys over there," Dumbledore said, pointing to the portrait of the Headmistress that he had seen on his trip to St Mungo's yesterday, "was telling me about a patient that had come in with a burnt hindquarters and how no one quite knew what it was that did it, so I had to go see for myself. Forgive me, but curiosity does strike my fancy once a while."

"Did you find out what caused it? Some spell?" Harry asked, walking over to the table and taking the guest seat.

"Oh nothing like that," Dumbledore replied as he waved his hand, making the tea set that lay on the table fly up and pour a cup for Harry. "Turned out the man had brought a muggle hair curler and had stuck it up his rear thinking it was something else. It was all cured soon, although I do not envy the healer who had to apply the burn salve. The burns looked rather deep-seated."






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