
Chapter 196

Fred, apparently, disliked Dolores's screeches even more than it disliked her soothing voice, because as soon as he heard the screech, he sank on his haunches and sprung with tremendous speeds at her, catching her in the chest and sending her crashing to the floor.

She crashed to the ground with what looked like a massive cat on her. She tried to stay completely still, wondering why the other people around her were screaming, hoping that the creature would simply lose interest and walk away.

Fred did lose interest.

Fred did not, however, walk away.

He prowled over Dolores's body for a few more seconds, before he did some self-reflection and decided that Dolores's face was a very comfortable place to sit.

A small puff of windy gas and the sight of a month old nundu's bum were all she knew before a mind-numbing smell filled her nose and she passed out.

Cornelius Fudge, on the other hand, was having quite the fantastic day. Everything had gone smoothly for him so far, and he was simply looking forward to what promised to be a very delicious dinner with the Malfoys.

Which was why, he was quite surprised when he heard dozens of panes of glass shatter into dust, and screams start tearing through the hall. He looked at his Undersecretary to ask what happen, only to see her having a stare-off with what he remembered from that tour he'd taken to be a nundu.

Quickly realizing that he, like the other guests around him, should be getting out of here, Fudge, instead of helping his Undersecretary, decided to do exactly that and started heading straight towards the exit.

"The Bowtruckles! They're coming for our wands! Hide them!" he suddenly heard a nearby old woman behind him cry, and immediately stopped and stuffed his own wand down his shirt to make sure that the angry little creatures, infamous for stealing wooden artifacts, didn't get to it. Before he could fully finish stuffing his wand in, however, he felt something painfully sting on his leg.

But he had no time to check what it was, because, with a spike of panic, he noticed a fox with a runespoor sitting on top of its head leading a bunch of crups rampaging through the crowd, coming in his direction.

He quickly looked left and right, and suddenly caught sight of a small door.

'The washroom!' he thought, realizing that he could hide in there until help arrived. He altered course and held onto his bowler hat as he quickly jogged towards the door, dodging the fox and the crups, before he promptly let himself in and held the door shut behind him. With a relieved breath, he turned around. And froze.

Standing two feet from him, wedged inside the bathtub, was a massive orange orangutan.

Further screwing him up was another little thing that he did not know. The sting he had felt earlier was a bite from Quasimodo the magical Komodo dragon, whose venom caused the victim to feel incredibly amorous. The moment Cornelius saw the Orangutan, his heart rate sped up due to fear, and the venom finally made it to his heart, from where it was promptly sent into his brain, where it started showing its effects.

A pleasant haze fell over his mind as Cornelius spread his arms, puckered his lips, and started towards the orangutan.

Maurice the orangutan, who had simply been trying to hide from all the chaos until now, felt afraid for its virtue. He promptly gave out a loud screech and plonked Cornelius in the face before opening the door and heading out of the washroom to find a new place to hide from all the chaos.

Cornelius was found four hours later in that same bathroom by a plumber named Salmoni.

Harry looked around at the sheer chaos that was the Ballroom right now, wondering why so few of the guests were trying to control the animals. Maybe they were scared of the Bowtruckles, who were now scuttling over almost every surface in the room? Or maybe they were scared of the baby nundu? They couldn't be scared of the crups or the little kangaroo that was flying around the room, could they?

Oh well, he thought, Regardless of the guests' reactions, this was a success. With the exception of Lucius, Mister Booplesnoot, and a couple of other sanctuary workers who were trying to summon the animals into some Transfigured cages, no one else was trying to do anything other than just escape the place. This was definitely a successful prank, and would more than affect Malfoy Sr.'s reputation adversely. He did remember to drop a couple of thousand galleons from his inventory into the donation box, just to make sure that the sanctuary didn't suffer for this.


Quest Success!

Fuck up the Party as hard as you can!


50,000 Exp

5 stat points

New Perk!


You have gained a new perk!

Amateur Prankster- With the genes of James Potter, you have a natural skill for the mischievous and the devious. This perk grants you a permanent +5 level boost to Sneaking, Blackmailing, Lying, Theatrics, and Bullshitting, and a further +5 level boost when out pranking.

'Nice!' Harry thought with a grin as he let the flow of the guests around him direct him towards the room where the floo fireplace was there. Wading through the crowd, Harry found Lockhart almost near the front of the impromptu line near the Floo.






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