
Chapter 194

"You zee!" Mr. Booplesnoot exclaimed, "He can turn invizible. Zat is hov zey catch prey and escape predators. Unfortunately, in zeir home island of Rinca near Indonezia, zey haffe peen hunted down by magical farmers who zink zey are a pest. Quasimodo is nov being prepared to be introduced into a breeding program."

"Do they have venom?" Daphne Greengrass asked.

Mr Booplesnoot smiled impishly, "Zey do, but it is of no real danger to wizards. If one of zem bites you, the only zing zat vill happen is zat you vill become very…Vat is the word…Amorous for a few minutes. The only zing it is venomous to is romantic relationships."

"Isn't that the only one of his species? I wonder what they will breed them with," Harry heard Goyle ask Crabbe behind him.

"They'll probably have to cross it with something cool. Like a Nimbus 2001," Crabbe replied, probably louder than he intended.

"As fantastic as it zounds, unfortunately young zir, zat is not pozible. We vill haffe to breed him vith one of his non magical couzins," Mr Booplesnoot replied with a grin over the chuckles of the group.

Harry quietly used a sticking charm to stick an explosive arrowhead to the corner of the front of the glass cage, getting a window to pop up.


Quest 'Fuck up the Party as hard as you can' has progressed.

Harry waved the screen away, and soon they headed over to the next cage, in which stood the massive kneazle Harry had seen earlier. It had a spotted fur coat and was the size of a small golden retriever, an unusual size for a kneazle.

He soon learned why.

"Aww!" Parkinson squealed, "A kneazle!"

"Not guite miss," Mr. Booplesnoot said, "Zis is a Nundu cub. It is barely a month old."

The entire group froze.

"A N-nundu?" someone from the back stuttered out.

Mr Booplesnoot nodded, "Ja. His name is Fred, and he is a East African Nundu. He vas captured ven his mother vas killed to protect the villages zere from her attacks. The pads under his feet make zure he moves zilently despite his size ven he grows up. The breath of the grown Nundu is toxic and filled vith dizeaze, but Fred here is fery young, zo he doezn't have zat yet. His breath still does stink like fermented hipogriff dung zough, and he has to fart a lot to get rid of all the gas in his stomach."

This continued on until they met all the different animals.

Sammy the runespoor, it turned out, had had his poison sacs removed painfully by his older owners. The nifflers and the crups were the ones that the group seemed to like the most. One cage, that looked like it was simply a bunch of saplings was actually an entire colony of bowtruckles that made Draco almost screech when they popped up from the soil and started running around the cage.

The two feet tall pure white kangaroo called Ricky elicited some 'aww's as well. The poor guy had been cursed with a permanent springfoot curse, and couldn't really jump without sending himself half a dozen feet into the air.

Maurice the orangutan was just that. A mostly normal orangutan, who was a bit smarter than the fellow members of the species, and had been forcefully taught sign language by his Muggle circus owners before he was rescued from there by a member of the Scamander Sanctuary. He wasn't the only non-magical animal there either. The domesticated fox, which Mr. Booplesnoot insisted on calling 'Forest corgi', was also there, chilling in his own cage.

All of the animals that were brought to the Ball were mostly harmless to humans, which was why Harry had found no problem in sticking an explosive arrowhead to each one of their cages.


Quest 'Fuck up the Party as hard as you can' has progressed.

"Zat vill be all for today efferybody," Mr. Booplesnoot finally said, "Zank you zo much for your time. I hope you vill donate to our cauze totay and spread the vord of creature conzervazion and help us zave many more."

There was a small applause, to which the man bowed, and soon after that, he and the rest of the group thanked Mr. Booplesnoot and dispersed, Harry and Draco heading back towards the drinks bar, watching Booplesnoot collect the next batch of people who wanted to get a tour.

"That was quite a bit of fun wasn't it?" Draco said, grabbing himself a glass of apfelwein.

"That it was," Harry replied, but Draco wasn't paying attention to him anymore. He had tensed and was looking unblinking at something.

Harry followed his eyes, realizing that he was looking at a black-robed man who was walking towards them. He had fully grey cropped hair, a square clean-shaven jaw, and strict looking grey eyes that made him look as if he was a member of the army. He looked oddly familiar to Harry's eyes.

Harry quickly glanced at the window floating above his head.

Wentworth Wright


"Mr. Potter," the man said, standing in front of him and extending a hand, which Harry shook, getting up to his feet, "Wright. Lord Wentworth Wright."

"A pleasure Lord Wright," Harry said, "Are you having a good evening?"

Wright looked at Draco, who was still stiffly sitting in his seat, with a severe stare before replying, "As much as one can enjoy this sad excuse of a ball that young Mr. Malfoy here insisted on having turned into a circus show."

"Do you not like animals?" Harry asked.

"I feel no kinship to them," he said, before adding, "I only came over to say welcome back to the Wizarding World Mr. Potter. I did not get to greet you the last time you were here, but I do hope you are doing well."

"Thank you, Lord Wright," Harry replied, "I am having a good time learning all about the culture and the people that I couldn't meet the first ten years of my life. It still feels a bit new, but it is my home now."

Lord Wright approvingly nodded, "As it should be. Very well then Mr. Potter. Have a good evening."

Harry nodded, and watched curiously as the man walked off into the crowd before turning to Draco, who was still tense, "This Ball theme thing was your idea? And what happened to you when he was talking? You looked petrified."







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