
Harry potter :Stifen Grindelwald

A 28-year-old Sarath is reincarniated into the world of harry potter who is the grandson of Gellert Grindelwald, a powerful and dangerous wizard in the Wizarding World. He has inherited many of his grandfather's physical characteristics, including his distinctive hairstyle, which is described as sleek and slicked back, with a touch of silver at the temples. He also has piercing grey eyes, just like his grandfather. Despite his family's dark legacy, the boy is determined to forge his own path and use his magical abilities for good. However, he is constantly struggling with the weight of his family's history and the expectations placed upon him by those who know of his connection to Grindelwald. Author's notes: So this story will have slow updates as this idea was stuck in my head for a while, and I can't really find a fanfiction with this idea so I'm making one. You can even copy my idea since I don't know if I will put an end to this story. I will apologize in advance if there are grammar mistakes because English is my second language. I don't own any of J.K. Rowling's works, except my SI-OC character.

Sanjay_K_L · Movies
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23 Chs

Chapter 15: Night Party.

Hermione, who was reading the first-year Transfiguration book, came to me. "How can you cast spells easily? Is there something I am missing?" she asked me with a face like an open book. "Will you help me?"

I looked at her with a surprised look. There is no problem for me in helping her. I didn't hate her, though. "You are good at theoretical knowledge, but in your way of learning, you lack something essential for a good wizard," I answered her honestly with a smile.

"What is the thing I am lacking?" she asked me with determined eyes.

"Well, you see, you are not thinking creatively and have a strong imagination. You follow the procedure in the book as it is and are not enjoying the spells you cast," I said to her.

She didn't understand what I said to her. "Can you give me an example?" she asked me with a confused look. I took my wand and a matchstick and placed it on the table, asking her to transfigure the matchstick into a needle. She did what I said, and the matchstick was transformed into a half-wooden and half-silver needle.

"As you can see, you cast the transfiguration charm correctly according to the books, you will get full marks, but what you made a mistake was your imagination and creativity to imagine the object you needed," I said, taking my wand and transfiguring the half-needle into a perfect silver needle.

I then turned the silver needle back to its original state and transformed it into a silver needle that is used for sewing clothes with a perfect hole at the end of the needle and detailed craftsmanship. I gave the needle to Hermione, telling her to look closely at it, and took a sip of tea in the cup.

"Are you serious about breaking the school rules at night?" she asked me, taking me by surprise. "How do you know?" I asked with a sweating face, bracing myself for the lecture. "I heard your conversation about {Disillusionment Charm}," she answered me.

"..." I was nervous and thinking of possible excuses.

"I will let you go this time only," she said and picked up her book, heading to the girls' dormitory. Harry and I were dumbfounded, looking at the place where Hermione was standing. "Hey, Harry, when do these two get along well?" Ron asked Harry with a look of disbelief. Harry only sighed.

"What can I do when one is born with good looks? There are some side effects like girls looking for you," I said by flicking my hair. "Yeah... when we are born handsome," he said with a proud face.



The girls around us started to look at Ron, who was showing off his handsomeness like, "Is he alright? Does he need medical attention?" Fred cast the spell and changed Ron's hair color to radiant green. Everyone in the common room started to laugh loudly by looking at Ron.

Ron became confused. "What happened?" he asked Harry. Harry showed Ron his reflection in the mirror. Ron's face turned red in embarrassment, and he ran to the dormitory.

At midnight, after the prefects went to their respective rooms, I placed pillows in my place. When I opened the door slowly, Ron woke up. "Stifen, I thought about it. Can I come with you?" Ron asked me with a sleepy look on his face. "Maybe next time, today, if you come out, you will be standing out in the dark with your hair," I said, pointing my hand towards him.

I went to the common room and met with Fred, George, and their friend Lee Jordan. "Hi pal, I am Lee Gordon, one of the members of the Night Explorer secret club," Lee enthusiastically introduced himself. "Grindelwald! Stifen Grindelwald. Friends call me Stifen. And what is the Night Explorer Club?" I asked them with a shrug.

"Well, it's a club created by us for exploring Hogwarts at night, and you are the third member," Fred answered me. Lee Jordan went to the kitchen for the food preparation for the welcome party.

Fred and George led me to one of the empty classrooms and waited for him to arrive. Meanwhile, they showed me a collection of their latest pranks and inventions. They were at the early stages of creating their own dungbomb. I was impressed with their creativity and laughed at some of the pranks they had pulled on their fellow students.

I thought for a while and gave them an idea by shrinking the dungbombs and attaching 3 to 4 dungbombs to make a big impact. They were both impressed by my idea, and they used a shrinking charm on the dungbombs and tied them together with thread. After altering the dungbomb, they wanted to test it.

Lee Jordan arrived with the party food. We ate it fully, and Fred and George asked me to cast the Disillusionment Charm on all of us. They wanted to test the prank on Argus Filch. I wouldn't miss this fun and joined them. All four of us went to find Filch. We found him near the library, and the twins threw the bomb at him.

When it blasted, it released a foul-smelling gas far greater and thicker than Filch's pet, Mrs. Norris. She ran through the floor because she is very sensitive to smells. When Filch followed her, Jordan bumped into the wall, which caught the attention of Filch.

All four of us ran towards our common room. On our way, we found Professor Snape caught a few 7th-year Gryffindors wandering at night and taking their points mercilessly.

When we went to the staircase, before they could follow me, we got separated by the moving staircase. I rushed fast when I heard footsteps to avoid getting caught and bumped into someone. When I looked at her, she wore a Hufflepuff robe with pink hair.


(Author's POV)

Hi, friends! This is actually my first work in fanfiction, so can you help me by pointing out any mistakes in the chapter and providing feedback? I would greatly appreciate it if you could also give it a five-star review. and also don't forget to give POWERSTONE!!!