
Harry Potter: Shadows of Tomorrow

The Marauders stumble upon a remarkable secret during their Hogwarts years: a mystical artifact that grants them glimpses into the life of the yet-to-be-born Harry Potter, destined to become the most formidable wizard of all time. As they watch Harry's journey unfold, from his childhood to his rise to power, they witness love, friendship, and the trials of destiny. But not everyone is cheering for Harry's success. Dumbledore and certain Weasleys find themselves on the wrong side of history as Harry's power grows. Even Hermione, once a close friend, faces Harry's ire as he finds out the truth. Join the Marauders as they witness the making of a legend, where love and betrayal collide with power and destiny in a tale that will leave you spellbound. //////////////// Disclaimer I do not assert any ownership over anything. J. K. Rowling owns everything.

Sonic_Spectre · Movies
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70 Chs

Gifts, Secrets, and Mirror Reflections

Soon it was Christmas time, Harry and the Weasleys were the only ones left in the common room. Each got a Weasley jumper from Mrs. Weasley; Harry only wore his because the twins and Ginny badgered him until he put it on. He was still very upset with Ginny's mum but why waste a good jumper, naturally he checked the jumpers for charms and spells. His was the only one that had one any, once he had removed the tracking charm he put it on and everyone started handing out presents. Ron gave everyone chocolate frogs and posters of his favorite team, he looked at everyone expecting presents. No one had gotten him any however and everyone gave him at least one chocolate frog each.

The twins gave Harry some prototypes of pranks they were making and a shirt that had the words 'Prongslet' written across it. The twins gave Ginny the same thing but with a diary instead of a shirt, Ginny was a bit upset about it being pink until she found out it was capable of changing into any color she wants and only she could open it. She turned it green after insisting it had nothing to do with Harry's eyes.

Ginny gave the twins a silver bracelet each, Fred's bracelet had 'smart one' inscribed into it while Georges had 'handsome one'. Harry got a kiss on the cheek and a bracelet that had 'Harry x Ginny' inscribed into it. Harry had got the twins some notes on pranks he's father had pulled and he gave them the formula to the potion he used for the Halloween prank, he had gotten Ginny a silver necklace embedded with blue jewels.

Ron naturally insisted she shouldn't be allowed to keep and ended up unconscious on his bed, Harry explained how her necklace could be kept safe for her at his house. Ginny agreed and Stink came and took the necklace back to Potter mansion. Soon the four went down to breakfast where the four tables were replaced with one massive round one. The four sat with the teachers and began eating breakfast, when they weren't talking to each other they were talking to the teachers about school.

Just after Quirrell and Dumbledore left Harry had given the house heads their gifts, he gave Sprout a unique and rare plant from one of his green houses at his manor which made her unbelievably happy. Professor Flitwick had gotten a book on rare charms, McGonagall was given a silver necklace with a white cat pendant, similar to the necklace and dog pendant he had sent Sirius. When it came to Snape, Harry had given him a collection of rare potion ingredients and a letter and photo of his mother. To say the teachers were touched would be an understatement; the twins swore that they saw tears coming from Professor Snape.

When they returned to the common room, the four found 'someone' had sent Harry an invisibility cloak, not like Harry needed it, his cloak from Merlin was way better than any invisibility cloak. Harry did keep this cloak however because it was his fathers, and maybe Ginny could use it from time to time. Harry guessed that whoever left this cloak had expected him to use it, so that's precisely what he was going to do. After a little bit of night time wondering he had found himself in a room with a mirror, he noticed somebody else in that room but chose to play along.

He looked into the mirror and was amazed by what he saw, he saw himself, an older version. Standing beside him was an older version of Ginny, behind them he saw the twins and next to them he saw his parents.

"Hello Harry" A familiar grandfatherly voice, Dumbledore emerged. Pride in his eyes and a smile on his lips, Harry was going to play along but he had hoped the old man would hurry up, it's midnight. "I see you like so many others have found the mirror of erised"

"I guess so" Harry looked towards the mirror "it shows you whatever you want right?"

"The mirror shows you nothing more or less than the deepest desires of our hearts; men have wasted away in front of it, it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live. I ask that you never look for this mirror again Harry, it…"

"Okay" Harry interrupted as he picked up his cloak and made to leave

"Harry" Dumbledore called "I feel like I already know the answer but if you don't mind me asking, what did you see in the mirror?" Harry took a breath before turning to Dumbledore with a smile.

"Well sir" Harry began "I saw….socks"

"Socks?!" Dumbledore was beyond confused, Harry found it very amusing

"Yes sir" Harry nodded "you can never have too many socks, goodbye sir." Dumbledore stood absolutely still

"WHAT THE F" Was all that could be heard before the door shut.

After the students returned the next few days were relatively normal, the only noticeable difference was Hermione and Ron working out what the dog was guarding. It took Harry and Ginny about two minutes after Hagrid accidently let Flammels name slip through his lips. Hagrid was rather nice and Harry and Ginny were fond of him, he had great stories about their families and he was as kind and gentle as they came. The only thing Harry could really fault him on was his cooking and ability to keep secrets. And maybe the fact that he wanted to keep a dragon, but the pair had quickly persuaded him to send it to Charlie.


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