
Harry potter: Multiverse story

Let me tell you the story of how i died, met some self proclaimed god, And got a ticket to the multiverse. First world: Harry potter. Second world: Haruhi suzumiya. . . . This is a wish fulfillment story. i am trying to give it regular updates but dont have great expectations on the character. it will have twists and turns like a roller coaster that phineas and ferb would have made. i see many over complicate and give too op golden finger. i want to give a non op bit still op( if you know what i mean) experience

atharva_saraf · Movies
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31 Chs

Life is a bi***

Let me tell you my story.The tale of how i met a self proclaimed god and earned myself a ticket to the multiverse travel.

I was going to the market when suddenly I heard a cry.


And that was it, now suddenly I am in black dark space. wondering what happened,

"How am I here and what was the scream?"

"It's certainly a way to die," said a voice.

Infront of me was a male standing there, with a white hoodie jacket. On which rap god was written in gold.

"Huh Eminem, why are you here, did you die too," I ask flustered by his sudden appearance.

"Ah no, my child, I am not Eminem, I am a 5th-dimensional being".

"Eh... a 5th-dimensional being you say, then why do you look like him," I ask.

"We don't have defined configuration and appear in the form of someones most favoured anatomic constitution"

"Oh I see, then your form is exact cause I enjoy Eminem a lot". So, why am I here". I ask trying to make sense of the situation.

"You died," said Eminem with a deadpan expression.

" wait... what... how...why" all these questions were ramming through my head.

"Chill girl you will cause a cardiac arrest to your body, I cannot tell you the reason because it is a classified information. you will need to meet 'YUKI NAGATO' to get answers to your questions.

I will compensate for it by letting you retain all your memories and you are gonna get reincarnated.

"ok so who am i gonna reincarnate as"? I ask out of curiosity.

"Thats a surprise you will find out when you land".

"Oh and i will give you a higher intellect than usual. but you will still be able to act like a child till a certain age".

Before i could say anything a bright flash illuminated my vision.

when i reopened my eyes it was like i wore someone's glasses( with power ofcourse).it was all blur.

But slowly i became clear, i saw that i was in a hospital.

Sometime later i was moved and given to a lady who i think was my mother.

She looked tired and exhausted. yet still smiled when she saw me.

She was very gorgeous.

She then transferred me to a man who was very anxious. but still his excitement could be seen.

"Look Dan we have a baby girl".said my mom.

"Yeah emma i still can't believe that we have a child".

My mom laughed at this. "so what should we name her".

"ummmm how about carah or lily or Leslie or or ..."

"relax honey we will think of something". said mom as dad was going into a trance.

"Ok how about hermione" let out dad unexpectedly.

"I sai- hey that's actually not bad when you think about it, yeah it's a good name. How did you think of it"asked mom

"Ah.I think i saw it somewhere in Greek mythology"

"Very well, so Hermione it is".

When we reached Hampstead. where Dan and Emma lived it was nearly night

The house was not too big but not small either.

it was white and cream coloured 2 storee house.

As we entered it my thought were"overall it a good and comfy home".