
Harry Potter : multi-purpose system

shikamaru77 · Movies
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51 Chs

potions class

After lunch and a short break in which Alex met Susan and coaxed her as she is angry at him for kissing both Daphne and Pansy before her. The two told Susan about this which made her very angry.

So Alex took her to the room of requirement and kissed her for a few minutes on lips. Susan is very embarrassed after that she ran away without even looking back at him. Alex smiled looking at her.

Alex then goes to the dungeons and towards the potions class. He is guessing if Snape will do something to make him and Harry feel frustrated so that he can vent the nager on their father.

Alex then goes yo the classroom and sit with Daphne who saved him a seat while Tracy Davis, a half blood is sitting with Daphne. Alex sit beside Daphne while Pansy on the back seat pouted a little.

Alex then opened the potions text book, he saw the potion formula for cure of boils on board then started to copy it into his notebook. Alex wanted a module very much. Yes, the modules can be bought but they're very expensive.

There is a knowledge module which can scan books in just seconds and send the knowledge to his brain. It costs 50000 points the same as the Dr Strange cloak. It also has simulations of combinations of spells.

It also has combination modules to simulate new spells according his instructions, it also has dark arts immunity module so his thoughts won't become violent from those books. Alex already posses photographic memory as his progress on occulamamcy and legilmancy reached high stages with the help of wampus cat bloodline and ravenclaw bloodline.

So he waited for selecting this module. Now he is short of 7000 points. Alex sighed when he thought about it. He needs to grind more points now. Alex decided to get the module so he can scan through the thousands of books in Hogwarts library.

Although it'll be painful for his barin to do that he decided to do it. Alex now focussed his gaze on Harry and then at the door. He saw Snape arriving and looked at them. He said his usual cool lines with slow voice.

Then he looked at Harry first and asked," Harry Potter, tell me what is the effect of draught of life and death?", Harry is stunned for a second but then he thought about them and shook his head. Snape mocked," you don't know, tch it's students like you who don't know about the beauty of this subject that I hate to teach".

Snape asked again," tell me what is the potion that is called liquid luck?", Harry shook his head again. Snape mocked," so your brain is pretty much empty and only filled with quidditch just like your father who only likes to do pranks on others?".

Harry is very angry even Alex is little irritated at this. Snape asked again," tell me, what is the use of poly juice potion?", Harry shook his head while Alex facepalmed himself. Harry didn't even learn a single thing about potions.

Snape asked again," you don't know this okay let's try again. Where would I get a bezoar from?", Harry lowered his head while Snape nodded in satisfaction with a smug look. Then he turned to Alex.

Alex sighed, Snape asked him," answer those questions Mr Alexander", Alex stood up and said," draught of life and death has the effect of sleep on the drinker, Felix felices is called liquid luck. Poly juice potion is used to chage your appearance to the another person. Bezoar can be found from the stomach of a goat".

Snape nodded then looked at Harry and said," learn something from your brother Mr Potter. Even though you are twins it looks like only one of you inherited the brain other is pretty much empty, 10 points from Griffyndor for not being able to answer basic questions of potions".

Snape then turned to Alex and said," 10 points to Slytherin for Mr Potter's efforts in answermg the questions", Harry looked dumbfounded while the slytherins laughed. Griffyndor table is full of hostility towards Snape as he is clearly targetting them.

Nevile isn't spared. After asking Harry and Alex, Snape targetted nevile and throw a barrage of questions. He asked many questions like the uses of forgetfulness potion. What is the effect of porcupine pills when added at end of cure for boils potion? What potion ingredient is used to cure poisoning in emergencies?

Nevile is on teb verge of crying at this. Alex is also not sparex to find other reasons to make him miserable Snape asked him these questions again. Alex also answered them which Snape think,' probably heis taught by Lily and is well behaved. On the other hand the Griffyndor twin is the one taught by that potter'. So he stopped making trouble for Alex and tortured the Griffyndor students. Nevile and Seamus blew up the couldron makng the gorund and tbe ones beside them yo be burned. Snape scolded them and took points and also specially from Harry saying he didn't stop them when doing a wrong step. The potions class ended while Snape awarded 10 points to Alex for successful potion brew. But Harry is miserable as he got deducted points andalso didn't finish his potion brew before the end of class which made him lose another 10 points from Griffyndor.