
Harry Potter :Magic injuries

Before the start of fifth year Dumbledore changes the plans. Unfortunately he didn't bother to inform Harry. At his trial, Harry realises that it is down to him to save his own skin. To do so his Slytherin side must come out to play, and once it's out it sticks around turning life at Hogwarts on its head. . . . Subscribe to my patreon for advanced content... patreon.com/Fernandodavid . . . The novel is available in PDF format so those who wish to continue it can visit my store

FDRowling777 · Movies
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chapter 23

Exactly," said Harry "A small change, but a significant one. It is likely that they will turn up nothing each and every time, but it is far better to be safe than to be sorry."

The Minister was nodding eagerly as he took a golden eagle feather quill, dipped it in some ink and wrote down of a piece of parchment before him Discuss with Amelia about having two Aurors scan the luggage on the Hogwarts Express.

Harry smiled and thought to himself "That's one idea given the green light." Having already discussed his plans with Madam Bones, he already knew that she would agree with the Minister on this matter. Of his proposals, that one was the one he was most certain would get approval from Fudge, as it was a small change that would not cost too much, and yet would still make the Ministry look very good in the eyes of the wizarding public.

Having finished writing the note, the Minister looked up at Harry and asked "Are there any other concerns, Harry?"

"Well, obviously you are no doubt aware of the situation at the school last year," replied Harry "What with that Death Eater who went around disguised as Alastor Moody and who tried to kill me. Well obviously my concern there is how did a man go around the castle for nearly the entire school year and not get caught? I mean, I know that he might have ended up obliviating one or two people, but still…"

"You are concerns about other people infiltrating the school and using Polyjuice potion to avoid detection," Fudge finished for him.

"Exactly," said Harry "I mean if he did it, what is there to stop someone else from doing it? If a parent comes up to the castle in order to take their child away from the school for whatever reason, what attempts are made to ensure that it really is the parent and not some oddball?"

The Minister was nodding at his words and replied "I can see exactly where you are coming from Harry. That business last year was a terrible breach in the security of Hogwarts. I don't know whether or not Dumbledore planted that man inside the castle to serve as part of his elaborate plans, but either way someone like that being inside the castle walls and with access to students is inexcusable and efforts must be made in order to ensure that it cannot happen again."

He was already scribbling furiously on his parchment before he had finished talking.

Harry continued "There are also a few issues with some of the teachers at the school, Minister."

Fudge looked up from his note taking "Oh yes?"

"Not so much the quality of the education, you understand," continued Harry "though that does remain an issue in several areas. No, what I'm talking about is, well… it's their personalities, to put it bluntly. There are some members of staff who are very knowledgeable about their particular field to be sure, but just seem to lack the temperament required to pass that on to another adult wizard, far less teach a classroom full of students."

"Are we talking about anyone in particular?" asked the Minister.

"Well, there is Professor Snape for one," replied Harry, making sure to force himself to use Snape's title as it sounded more respectful "He come billowing into the dungeon classroom, waves his wand at the blackboard so that the instructions appear and then tells us to get started. After that he spends the rest of the lesson stalking around the classroom making everyone feel uncomfortable. Then when most of the potions brewed by the class go wrong, he calls us all dunderheads. He never takes the time to explain things or dish out useful advice and if anyone ever asks such a thing he either ignores them or insults them for not already knowing it."

"Good gracious," muttered Fudge "He sounds like an awful teacher."

"He is," replied Harry before leaning over the table to say conspiratorially "Most students hate him. They dread going to potions class because it forces them to spend time in his company. And he doesn't help himself with his awful temper."

The Minister was nodding "Yes… Yes, I remember that little outburst the night Sirius Black escaped from Hogwarts. A most unpleasant man."

"And had that irrational belief that I had somehow been involved with Black's escape," added Harry.

"I do recall that," said Fudge "I said to Dumbledore that night that the man was unbalanced. But Dumbledore insisted that he wasn't."

"That's Dumbledore for you," replied Harry "He is utterly convinced that his pet former Death Eater is a changed man and will listen to nothing that proves otherwise. The students gave up complaining long ago. They feel that there is no one that they can turn to."

"And that," said the Minister "is exactly why I wish to place Dolores Umbridge inside Hogwarts School. She will be there in order to review all the staff within the school and address the seriously falling standards within the castle. I just need a way to get her into the castle."

"I actually might have an idea on that front, Minister," said Harry "And it will also address the problem with another member of staff."

"And which member of staff would that be?" queried Fudge.

"Professor Binns, Minister," answered Harry "He is the ghost who teaches History of Magic."

"Dear Merlin!" exclaimed Fudge "You mean to say that Old Binns is still teaching? My word, he was putting classes to sleep when I was attending the school."

"Then you have first-hand experience of the issue," said Harry "I trust that you can see how detrimental to the education process a teacher as dreary as Professor Binns is."

"Of course," said Fudge "But how can that get Dolores into the castle?"

"Pass a ruling that prohibits Ghosts from holding academic posts," replied Harry "In that way you can get rid of Binns and put Madam Umbridge into the castle to take over the roll."

"I can only do that if Dumbledore fails to find a suitable candidate for the post," said Fudge.

"So don't let him know until the last moment," replied Harry "Don't give him the time to out manoeuvre you."

"Yes," said the Minister thoughtfully "You my boy have something there, you really do. We'll get the law approved on the day the students are all returning to Hogwarts, thus eliminating the potential of Dumbledore filling the History of Magic Post. He won't be able to, as he'll be far too caught up in getting the final preparations in place for the start of the school year. Excellent."

Harry smiled. His plans were working. He had horror stories about other members of staff as well, including Professor Trelawney, who taught Divination, and several Defence Against the Dark Arts Professors, but the two stories given appeared to have been more than enough to get Fudge's attention on the matter.

Now though it was time for the main event.

"Minister, I hope that you don't mind my asking this, but are you sure that Madam Umbridge will be up to this task?"

"What do you mean?" asked Fudge, and there was a sharp edge to his voice now.

"All I mean is," said Harry "that it will be her up against the entire school. With the odds stacked like that, I cannot help but wonder if she might benefit from a little help."




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