
Harry Potter :Magic injuries

Before the start of fifth year Dumbledore changes the plans. Unfortunately he didn't bother to inform Harry. At his trial, Harry realises that it is down to him to save his own skin. To do so his Slytherin side must come out to play, and once it's out it sticks around turning life at Hogwarts on its head. . . . Subscribe to my patreon for advanced content... patreon.com/Fernandodavid . . . The novel is available in PDF format so those who wish to continue it can visit my store

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chapter 17

She pointed to an elderly looking wizard who had lived between 1770 and 1878 "That's Alfred Potter. He and his brother-in-law Jeremiah Bones joined up with Alexander Parkinson and started up a brewery for wizarding drinks. There were several other breweries at the time, such as the one owned by the Ogden family which specialised in brewing their own brand of fire whiskey. Alfred Jeremiah and Alexander were able to compete due to their research into muggle confectionary."

"Our ancestors went into business with the Parkinson family?" Harry questioned.

"Oh yes," replied Susan "Actually Alexander Parkinson was the son of Victoria Meadowes and her Muggleborn husband Richard Parkinson. Richard Parkinson's muggle family contained a few members who specialised in the making and selling of confectionary. Amongst their creations was butterscotch. Alexander than took this and, working with Alfred and Jeremiah, created that oh so addictive wizarding drink Butterbeer."

"Well I'll be damned," said Harry, impressed "I assume that all three families still maintain some kind of control over the brewery?"

"The Bones' and Parkinson's do," replied Susan "I'm not sure how the Potter family is involved anymore, what with you being the last member of the family and not knowing about your family's part in the business until now. At a guess I'd say that the Bones and Parkinson families act as some sort of stand in until you are old enough to get more involved. Aunt Amelia is on the board of directors for the company, and I think that the Parkinson's are represented by Pansy's great uncle or something."

"Huh," said Harry thoughtfully before a grin appeared on his face and he commented "I expect that the next time I have a Butterbeer it'll taste all the sweeter knowing that my family played a part in inventing it."

"Only one way to find out," said Susan before calling out "Blinky?"

With a soft pop a House Elf appeared in front of them "Yes miss?" it asked, bowing slightly.

"Two bottles of Butterbeer, please," Susan requested.

The Elf popped away again, only to reappear a few moments later with two bottles of Butterbeer. Harry and Susan took one each and Harry took a sip.

"Well?" asked Susan.

Harry grinned and replied "I was right. Much more satisfying."

Susan smiled and took a long drink before turning her attention back to the wall of portraits "Let's see, who else have we got? Oh, there were go. That woman there," she pointed a blond haired woman with kind blue eyes "is Hyacinth Bones, though she was a Potter by birth."

"Really?" asked Harry, tilting his head slightly "She looks more like your friend Hannah than she does a Potter."

"That's because her Hyacinth's mother was a member of the Lovegood family," replied Susan "As was Hannah's maternal great grandmother. For some reason whenever a female Lovegood marries into another family, any daughters, granddaughters and great granddaughters are guaranteed to be blond as well. As you can see by the portraits, Hyacinth's two daughters and three granddaughters were all blond."

"Oh yeah," said Harry, looking it over. The process was something that was repeated several times in the Bones family alone.

"Over there," said Susan pointing to another portrait "is Henry Potter, who married Mary Bones. He lived at a time when Magic Carpets were still legal to use in the UK and he made his money importing them from overseas and then selling them on to the general public."

She pointed to someone else "That's Irma Bones, again her maiden name was Potter. She was the person who came up with the Pumpkin Pasty. That one there it Terrence Potter. He was a herbologist of some renown. I think he discovered, named and described about two hundred different magical plant species in his time, including the Whomping Willow, the Bouncing Bulb and the Bubotuber. And over there is Fiona Bones, formerly Potter. She was the potioneer who first came up with Veritaserum, the truth potion."

Harry stood transfixed. His family had contributed so much to the wizarding world, and yet he knew nothing of it.

"I don't know much else, but I'll ask Aunt Amelia how we can learn more. You're the last Potter. It's not right that you don't know."

Harry turned to her and asked "Is that expected then?"

"Oh yes," replied Susan "I constantly research members of my family. I have to know it because one day I'll take over from Aunt Amelia as the head of the Bones family."

Harry frowned slightly and asked "But what if your Aunt ever has a child of her own? Surely the laws of inheritance…"

"They don't apply in this situation," replied Susan "My Aunt cannot have children."

"Oh," replied Harry. He shifted uncomfortably for a moment before commenting "Hey, look! The awkwardness came back."

That evening Madam Bones was much later in returning home than she usually was.

"Are you alright, Auntie?" Susan asked from where she was already sat at the dinner table beside Harry.

Madam Bones shook her head and turned to Harry "Dumbledore has begun openly searching for you, Harry."

"You mean he wasn't already?" asked Harry.

"No. Well, he was looking for you, but he was doing it quietly. It seems that he has now decided to let the Ministry know that he cannot locate you. The Minister and I spent most of the morning arguing with him on the matter."

Harry paled slightly and asked "He knows I'm here?"

"No," answered Madam Bones "Though he might suspect it. We simply informed him that you have been moved to a new location due to concerns about your safety."

Harry snorted "I'll bet that went down well. That man has always insisted that my relatives' home is the safest place for me."

Madam Bones gave him a nod and replied "He did spend an hour trying to argue that point. Then he changed tactics and tried to insist that it was best that you go and stay with the Weasley family."

Harry chuckled and commented "The usual plan B for my summers. I take it you refused?"

"I did, and he didn't go much on that," said Madam Bones.

"I'll bet he used every angle to try and "insist" that I be moved there," said Harry.

"Oh, of course he did. He wouldn't be Albus Dumbledore if he didn't play every angle he could think of."

"Did he use the "grandfather" act?" asked Harry.

"That was act 1, actually," replied Madam Bones "Which he followed up with the "Head of the Wizengamot" bit, closely followed by the "defeater of Grindelwald" piece. Then he went for the "I know things that you don't but I cannot tell them to you" part. Finally he tried for the "in loco parentis" act."

Harry frowned and asked ""In loco parentis?" What does that mean?"

"It means "in place of the parent,"" replied Madam Bones "It refers to the legal responsibility of a person or organisation to take on some of the responsibilities of a parent should the need arise. Schools and their staff often come under this, and have to act in a way that suits the best interests of the students. It can also give a person the right to act as a parent to someone without adoption. A godparent could come under this, should a biological or adoptive parent be absent."

Harry didn't like the sound of that "So basically it gives Dumbledore the right to treat me however he wants?"

"No," replied Madam Bones "It only gives him the right to act in your best interest while you are under his care. In other words, he has the responsibility to make sure that well cared for and well provided for when he is in his care while you are at Hogwarts. All staff at Hogwarts act in loco parentis to all of the students. However all of them, Dumbledore included, do not have the right to use this power once you are outside of Hogwarts. They can try and do what is best for you by calling you in during term time to discuss any issues you may have outside the castle, and they have a certain amount of responsibility to contact the necessary parties outside the school to try and resolve a situation, but none of them has the right to tell you were to go and what to do outside of the school terms, excluding homework, of course."

"So Dumbledore has no right to demand that I stay with the Dursleys or the Weasleys?"

"He does not."

"Even though he has clearly has done so on multiple occasions in the past?"

"It is not for him to make that decision for you."

"Interesting. So who can act in loco parentis for me?" Harry asked.

"Well, your Aunt Petunia, obviously," replied Madam Bones "Even if she has done everything she could to deny you. Her husband as well, I suppose. Were Sirius Black not a wanted man, he would be another, as he was your godfather. At the moment, as you are staying with me, I can act in such a manner."

Harry nodded thoughtfully and said "Well, I suppose that makes sense. Fudge did pretty much appoint you to look after me."

Susan, who had remained quiet so far, had a scowl on her face as she said "Aunty, if Dumbledore ever tries to pull that stuff again, point out to him that if he really were able to act as such out of school then he hasn't been doing his job properly. He's told Harry nothing about his family."

Madam Bones nodded, a thoughtful expression on her face "Yes that is a problem. Harry, if you'd like, I could try and source some books on the history of your family. I'm afraid that most of those belonging to your parents seem to have disappeared, but the Abbotts will have books detailing their family history like we have. I'm sure that we can gain a good amount of information for you."

Susan looked to her aunt and asked "But wouldn't those books have been moved to Gringotts or something? You know, for safekeeping?"




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