
Harry Potter Live Question In 1976

Big screen suddenly lit up on sky and can be seen by every wizard. Lily Evans: What! I will marry james in the future? James Potter: I knew it will happen Lily Evans: My Child is saviour that kill dark lord. ..... Voldemort: There is no way newborn can kill me!! Death eater: Let's kill lily evans family. Follow my discord channel: https://discord.gg/h8fQefhH Support me either in patreon or buy me a coffee Patreon link: patreon.com/zorojurown Buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/zorojurown

ZoroTraineeWriter · Movies
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33 Chs

Chapter 25: Mudblood Healer






"Hey system, I need your help to find out about a healer working at St. Mungos Hospital. Make sure she is the winner of this round and has been discriminated against even though she is the best healer in the hospital", asked Nick Hunt.


"Ok, please zoom in to her and make her show of her power", said Nick Hunt.


Bailey Sophia grew up in the Muggle world, unaware of her magical abilities until she received her Hogwarts acceptance letter. Excited but apprehensive, she entered a world where blood purity was a significant factor in social dynamics.

Bailey faced ostracization and prejudice from some pureblood students who considered Muggle-borns inferior. Despite this, she excelled in her studies and found solace in a small group of friends who accepted her for who she was. She developed a passion for healing magic and decided to pursue a career as a healer.

Upon completing her education, Bailey joined St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. Despite her talent and dedication, she faced skepticism and discrimination from some of her colleagues who questioned her abilities solely based on her blood status.

As Voldemort's influence grew, so did the danger for Muggle-born wizards and witches. Bailey became a target due to her heritage and her position as a healer. The hospital itself became a place of increased tension, with Death Eaters infiltrating to gather information or intimidate healers.

In the grand hall of St. Mungo's Hospital, Bailey Sophia, a young and gifted healer, stood amidst a crowd of wizards and witches. 

After noticing she was one of the winners, she then noticed a video turn into her. She grabbed this chance to show off her newfound power.

At first, she went to an auror who lost his legs, without a wand, she used her magic power to instantly heal that person, and the leg regrowed instantly. She noticed that people watched her with awe and amazement, and some of her colleagues (mainly pureblood) looked at her with disdain.

She goes through them one by one and heals others nonstop, she didn't want the chance to show off her power become waste.


In the bustling wizarding community, a group of wizards gathered in an open space, murmurs and hushed conversations filling the air. They were huddled around a floating screen, watching an enchanting video. The protagonist? A Muggle-born healer, whose skills were about to leave a lasting impression.

Wizard 1: (watching the video, eyes widening) Look at that! Instant healing with just a touch. I've never seen anything like it.

Wizard 2: (leaning in, envious) And she's Muggle-born? How did she learn such advanced healing magic?

Wizard 3: Are you stupid? That is her reward for answering the question. It was really impressive. 

Wizard 2: (crossing arms, skeptically) It can't be that impressive. Pureblood wizards have always excelled in magical arts.

The video played on, showcasing the healer's remarkable abilities. With a mere touch, wounds closed, and ailments vanished.

Wizard 4: (grumbling) I've been studying healing for years, and I've never seen results like that. What's her secret?

Wizard 1: (smirking) there is no secret, she manages to answer question correctly that is why she gain that power

Wizard 2: (looking irritated) But she's getting all the recognition. Did you see that? No pureblood wizard has received such acclaim.

Wizard 4: (disgruntled) That should've been one of us. How did a Muggle-born outshine us?

Wizard 1: (rolling eyes) Instead of being jealous, maybe we should learn from her. The magic doesn't care about blood status.

Wizard 2: (muttering) Easy for you to say. You're not the one watching a Muggle-born steal the spotlight.

Wizard 3: (grumbling) We need to prove that purebloods are still the backbone of the wizarding world.

Despite the grumbles and envy, the Muggle-born healer continued to shine in the video, her skills captivating the room. Little did the wizards know that this demonstration of power would spark a journey of introspection and perhaps, a change in perspective.


"With this kind of power, I am afraid she will be targeted by the Death Eater. Furthermore, she is a Muggle-born Wizard", said Alastor Moody with a serious tone.

"With how radical those factions are, I believe either she will be captured or killed", said Kingsley.

"We need to save her, after all the questions are answered, we will go to St. Mungos and heal my leg and eye. Later, we will bring her to Dumbledore", replied Moody.


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