
Harry Potter: John Constantine

Transmigrating to the world of Harry Potter and successfully activating the [Strongest Exorcist System] before enrolling in school. As long as he complete the exorcism, he will be rewarded with a treasure chest corresponding to the level of the evil spirit. Catching the evil spirit alive will get double rewards. As a result, Hogwarts, which was already restless, was in a state of panic. Voldemort: Bastard, isn't there only one basilisk in Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets? What's going on with this terrifying hell demon? ! Dumbledore: Mr. Constantine, could you please explain why there are so many demons in Hogwarts? Hermione: To hell with that damn school rule! I, Granger, want to be an exorcist! Snape: I'm warning you, Mr. Constantine! Don't let that damn succubus turn into Lily again! When the Death Eaters racked their brains and finally resurrected Voldemort. After the resurrection, Voldemort looked at Constantine holding the [Satanic Deal Contract] with a look of pain on his face. "Mr. Constantine, to be fair, I, Tom Riddle, am at least very qualified as your exorcism tool, right?" **************************************** WARNING! I do NOT own Harry Potter or this story i am just translating it. "English isn't my native language, so please correct me if i made any mistakes" original novel我,康斯坦丁,霍格沃茨首席驱魔 Check out my Patreon for early access chapters: patreon.com/THE_TRANSLATOR498 Release Schedule will 1 chapter per day. show your support by giving power stones and reviews and comments.

LORD_INDRA_ · Movies
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53 Chs

 Being Targeted By Voldemort?

"Merlin! Professor McGonagall, the news that Mr. Harry Potter will enroll in Hogwarts this year is actually true?!"

"The Boy Who Lived, my God, that scar, it's really him..."

"Mr. Potter, it's nice to see you here..."

The compliments and the admiring and complicated looks from the surrounding people caused Harry Potter's brain to shut down instantly.

If Hagrid hadn't been blocking him from the side, he would have been overwhelmed by these excited groupies from the wizarding world.

If there is any top star in the British wizarding world in this era.


In addition to Gilderoy Lockhart, who has repeatedly won the bestseller list, and Quidditch world star Viktor Krum.

"The Boy Who Lived" Harry Potter must be one.

Looking at Harry Potter and Hagrid surrounded by the excitement of the wizards around them.

The corners of John's mouth curved slightly.

Although he is an exorcist, he cannot hide it forever.

But now that he had the conditions to hide it, how could he refuse to see the shocked expressions of the professors and young wizards at Hogwarts in the future?

"John, why do you know Mr. Potter?"

McGonagall curiously asked his doubts.

John shrugged.

"I went to Harry Potter's neighbor Mr. Lawrence's house some time ago to do some things, and when I came out, I happened to receive my acceptance letter at that place."

"At that time, Harry also received his admission notice."

McGonagall suddenly understood and was about to pull John towards the alley behind the Leaky Cauldron.


"Mai, Professor McGonagall...nice to see you here."

A stumbling sentence, or even a voice that made people couldn't help but think of an obscene image in their minds just by listening to it, suddenly came from behind the two of them.

John turned his head when he saw Professor Quirrell, who had his head wrapped like a head of garlic.

His eyes couldn't help but fall on the other party's turban for the first time.

McGonagall frowned slightly. The unbearable stench on Quirrell's body made her, a person who often cares about other people's feelings, couldn't help but cover her nose.

"Professor Quirrell, although I heard that you suffered some bad things during your field training last year, but... please at least act like a teacher."

"Not everyone can be a professor at Hogwarts! Let alone a professor who teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts!"

Professor McGonagall, a good-tempered person, suddenly became cold-hearted because of Professor Quirrell, who looked weird, had slurred speech, and smelled strange.


Quirrell, who originally wanted to get close to see if he could get some information about the Philosopher's Stone, suddenly became tense.

"I, uh, Professor McGonagall, I'm sorry..."

Professor McGonagall shook her head, just as she was about to pull John away from here and head to Diagon Alley.

"Professor Quirrell, I suggest you try Muggle shampoo. I feel that the smell on your body should be coming from your turban."

"If you can, I suggest you remove the hood as well."

Suddenly, Quirrell's expression tightened.

Noticing Professor McGonagall's gaze, he waved his hands hurriedly.

"No, no, no, thank you for your advice, but...my head and scarf are useful for magic medicine and potions used to treat diseases..."

Looking at the other person's look, he was almost breaking into a cold sweat.

John couldn't help but smile in his heart.

At the same time, a doubt arose in his mind at this moment.

"There is no doubt that Voldemort is on the opponent's body, but the system did not actively issue a warning that there was a demonic presence in the surrounding area, which means that even though Voldemort is already in a state of remnant soul."

"It itself cannot be classified as an evil spirit."

John had a polite smile on his face, but his eyes were looking at the other person's headscarf, flickering slightly.

"I wonder if the exorcism spell used to deal with demons will be effective against Voldemort..."

After a brief contact, McGonagall quickly pulled John, along with Hagrid and Harry, towards the alley behind the pub.

As for Professor Quirrell, who was watching several people leave, his eyes that seemed timid to the people around him were staring at John, who was being held by Professor McGonagall's hand.

In his mind, Voldemort's voice sounded sinisterly.

"That kid is not simple... I sent a few people to keep an eye on him. I can feel that there is something hidden in him that can bring great benefits to me!"

Quirrell's expression changed instantly.

"Master, you, you mean, the magic stone?"

Voldemort: "..."

"Idiot! Do you think that guy Dumbledore would put something like the Sorcerer's Stone on a strange Muggle boy?! Stop asking such stupid questions, idiot!"

"Go and arrange manpower immediately!"

At this moment, John didn't know that he was already being targeted by the Dark Lord because of his actions just now.

He was listening carefully to Professor McGonagall personally demonstrating how to enter Diagon Alley.

"Count three pieces upward, then count two pieces parallel..."

Then Professor McGonagall's wand gently clicked three times on the obviously concave turning head.

With bursts of clicking sounds, the walls instantly opened to both sides.

A path paved with cobblestones was revealed.

McGonagall was obviously very pleased with the surprised expressions on both John and Harry's faces.

"Mr. Constantine, Mr. Potter, welcome to Diagon Alley, one of the gathering places for wizards in the UK. Here, you will be able to buy all the magic books, pets, potions and wands you need... ...."

"Of course, before that, we first need to go to Gringotts to exchange you for the wizard currency you need for shopping."

John nodded and followed the other person along the path towards Gringotts.

His eyes kept looking around him.

While several people were listening to Professor McGonagall, she was explaining the exchange conditions for wizard currency and some suggestions on purchasing items for admission.

A rushing voice suddenly sounded in John's mind.

[Ding! ]

[The smell of demonic activity is found around the host! ]

[The breath direction is locked...]