

Virgil looked at the passing terrain out the window and was drawn back by Dalilah's question. "You'll never guess who I saw brooding when I walked about the train earlier."

"It has to be someone we know for you to ask us." Rabastan pinched his chin and fell into thought.

"Brooding, the only person who fits that description is Sirius." Virgil shook his head and said the answer.

"That's right." Dalilah smiled. "He's been upset ever since Andromeda ran off with that Mudblood and became a blood traitor."

Virgil gave Dalilah a strange look. "She's your cousin too."

"But her last name is Black! Not Rosier!" Dalilah snapped back.

Virgil shrugged. "Rosier, Black, Shafiq, Lestrange it doesn't matter. Piss off Bellatrix and the ending will be the same."

Dalilah and Rabastan shivered when they heard the name. Shane gave them a questioning look and didn't understand.

"Bellatrix is my sister-in-law and their cousin." Rabastan saw this and started to explain. "She is very extreme."

He didn't say more for fear of it getting back to Bellatrix.

"Is there anyone else you know going to Hogwarts this year?" Virgil shifted his eyes between the three and changed the subject.

Shane thought for a moment before answering. "No one truly of note, some from a few reputable families like the Mulciber or the Potters."

Virgil didn't gain any new information and lost interest. He added a few comments as they spoke and waited for the train to arrive.

Soon, night fell and they put on their robes. The car became quiet and a bit solemn. Virgil looked at the three and could tell that they were nervous.

The train quietly came to a stop at Hogsmeade. "All students off the train. Leave your luggage and it will be moved to your rooms for you later."

A tall young man with long platinum blonde hair strode down the aisle. Every step he took was full of confidence like he owned the train. He wore a green tie on his uniform with a silver and green badge engraved with head boy on his robes.

Virgil instantly recognized him as Lucius Malfoy.

"Let's go, no need to be nervous." Dalilah got up and patted their shoulders before walking out.

Virgil followed the crowd out of the train and gathered with the freshman. He glanced at Kiara before looking at the other familiar faces. 

Sirius and James were already standing together. Severus was glaring at them like they owed him money and Lily was by his side. Peter looked like he was trying to retract his mousey head into his body and Remus looked skittish.

"Freshman gather together and follow me." Hagrid's booming voice pulled everyone's attention.

The large man stood there in a brown coat and a long beard with a large lantern in one hand. He looked almost the same as he would over two decades later.

"Follow me, don't wander off and get lost." Hagrid led them towards a descending trail between dead trees. 

It was too dark to see and they had to follow Hagrid down a dark path full of tree roots. No one had time to talk and had to focus on their feet.

After walking for a while they entered a clearing by the Black Lake. Light shimmered across the lake and on the other side stood Hogwarts atop a hill with the moon at its back.

Virgil looked at the castle draped in a soft glow and couldn't help being touched. He thought he didn't care but when he actually saw the castle he realized he was here; A fantasy made flesh.

"No more than four to a boat if you don't want to sink." Hagrid brought all the freshmen back to their senses before sitting in a boat alone.

Virgil looked at the wooden boats with lanterns hung at the front. He walked to one of the boats with the others and sat down.

He started running magic through his circuits and got ready. He got a little caught up in the atmosphere but he wasn't a fool. He knew the power of ritual magic.

The boats set off across the lake and a wave of magic fell on all the students. Virgil placed his hand at his waist and redirected the magic into the invisible spellbook hung at his side.

This book wouldn't leave him for a moment, he knew Hogwarts was the most dangerous place for him. Voldemort and his Death Eaters wouldn't care what he did. Only Dumbledore would try and kill him.

If he didn't have to stop Voldemort to travel to the next world, he may have helped him. He knew this world full of magic was impossible to conquer.

Virgil removed his hand and waited for the book to analyze the spell based on his knowledge.

Soon the boats arrived at a cave under the hill and everyone disembarked. Hagrid walked up to the large door and knocked.

A few seconds later Professor Mcgonagall opened the door.

"Professor, I brought all the students safe and sound."

Professor Mcgonagall's eyes scanned the students before looking at Hagrid. "Thank you Hagrid, I'll take it from here."

"Let me know if you need anything, professor." Hagrid walked away, further down the path towards the back of the school.

"Student, follow me and keep quiet." Professor Mcgonagall's stern eyes scanned the crowd again before leading the students into the castle.

Most students marveled at the exquisite architecture and the grand scale of the castle. Virgil and his new little friends didn't care, after entering the school the shock had already worn off and most of them lived in grand homes.

Virgil followed the crowd up the back stairs in the castle and saw all the portraits hug on the walls even here.

They murmured in a low voice and watched the students walk past them.

Virgil clicked his teeth in annoyance. He hated these pictures and already developed a portrait-repelling spell to avoid their gaze. Immobile pictures that could only be used for spying and gossip were a waste of talent in his eyes.

Professor Mcgonagall soon led them to a chamber with large brass doors leading to the grand hall.

"Wait here for a moment and don't make too much noise." Minerva glanced at the students again before entering the grand hall.

"What do you think is going to happen next?" Dalilah glanced between the three. "Maybe let us fight a few Leprechauns?"

Shane shook his head in disagreement. "Hogwarts doesn't have a practical combat class."

Virgil stood close to the wall and placed his hand on the stone brick. He could feel the flow of magic in the castle and didn't disrupt it but felt it flow.

Ancient witches and wizards were far more adept at ritual and runic magic. An art that had been mostly lost today. Vast amounts of knowledge were lost in the witch hunts and the transitions of empires.

When the founders built this castle they set up a magical network across the surrounding land. Not as advanced as the bounded fields, territories, and workshops in Fate. Magic in that world descended from actual Gods and was studied far more.

Virgil specialized in rune magic, sigils, and magic circles. With enough research, there was nothing he couldn't do.

If this castle was in pristine condition there was nothing he could do in a short period of time. Breaking someone's defenses was a technical job if you didn't use brute force.

Lucky for him, modern witches and wizards were clowns. Alterations and modifications to the castle had been carried out repeatedly over the years by less than talented fools.

While trying to leave their name in history they repeatedly tore holes in the castle's defenses.

Virgil finally knew why this fortress would crumble a few years later from a few spells after standing for a thousand years.

"Form a line and follow me, when you hear your name please step forward. I will place the sorting hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your houses." Professor Mcgonagall pushed open the doors and displayed the grand dining hall.

Four long tables filled with students ran parallel and another horizontal table was at the front for the staff. Between two of the students' tables was a chair with an old-looking hat placed on it.

Professor Mcgonagall walked next to the chair and held a piece of parchment.

The freshmen walked in under the eyes of all the senior students looking at them like rare animals in the zoo.

When the freshmen stopped the Hat on the chair started to move. "Well, back here again for another sorting ceremony."

While some students were attracted by the talking hat and listened to it sing its song, Virgil was not.

Virgil scanned the students looking for familiar faces. He saw a stern-looking black child he recognized as Kingsley Shacklebolt sitting at Hufflepuff. A beautiful Narcissa Black with long light blonde hair and full of youthful vigor at the Slytherin table. At Gryffindor, he only recognized a mousey-looking Frank Longbottom.

When the hat finished its song Professor Mcgonagall unrolled the parchment in her hand.

"Shane Avery." Professor Mcgonagall's voice silenced the room.

Shane fixed his clothes and walked up front in the eyes of everyone in the room.

Professor Mcgonagall picked up the hat and went to place it on his head. The moment the hat touched his hair it opened its mouth and yelled.


The Slytherin table stood up and started clapping like they were welcoming their champion.

"Sirius Black." When Professor Mcgonagall called out the next name the students sat down again, but they looked ready to get up. Some eyes glanced at Narcissa Black and saw the pride in her eyes.

Sirius Black pressed his lips together and walked forward like he was going to battle.

When the sorting hat was placed on Sirius' head it started to twist to make itself more comfortable. "Well, what do we have here, so conflicted."

"So defiant, so rebellious, with the courage to fight. I know where to put you, Gryffindor!"

When the sorting hat yelled the hall went silent. Narcissa Black went ghostly pale at the Slytherin table and Gryffindor forgot to clap.

The name Black was too famous in these halls.

Suddenly, a lone clap broke the silence. Everyone turned their heads to see Dumbledore sitting in the main position clapping with a smile on his face.

Like a fuse, the Gryffindor table erupted into thunderous applause.