
Harry Potter gets new tricks

I’m writing this as if I was the my character, and if I was my character I’d be very cautious about changing to much at first. So the main parts of the story will mostly be the same till 3rd maybe 4th year. I will be adding things and changing small things tho. If you don’t like how I do my story then move on to another, I have plans and reasons for what I keep and take away from the story. I love reading the comments, but if they are hurtful or just down right mean they will deleted.

Bikerider · Movies
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8 Chs


I could just throw it in my area and send a letter saying I need someone to show me around and be done with it. But what's the fun in that.

I've decided that

For the first couple of years I'll follows the script for the most part, and not because I couldn't change it l, I'm doing it because it'll be fun, I mean seeing my family's face when all the letters come, then fighting a troll i totally want to see and do that all myself.

So I resealed the letter and walked into the kitchen and gave all the letters to my Uncle.

"Oh Harry has a letter, who would want to talk to you?"

The shocked and almost scared look was hilarious.

The next day we also got a letter Uncle just tore it up, and boarded the mail slot shut.

When they got no response from still they sent a huge amount of Owls with letters, they where just sitting in the front lawn.

Then one of my favorite tricks happened, my aunt tried to make eggs but she wasn't able to because the only thing inside was letters.

I snuck into the kitchen to see that first hand, she kept trying one after another and it didn't change, the whole dozen was just my letters.

Later that night Vernon was burning all the letters while smiling at me, I just smiled back because I was enjoying seeing him go crazy.

On Sunday everyone was in the sitting room and Vernon was happy because there was no post, but I was smiling because I knew here shortly we would be flooded with letters.

I seen a shadow outside and I moved the curtains to see hundreds of owls staring at the window.

I stepped to the middle of the room and waited.

One, two, three, they kept coming down the chimney and more that came the faster the went.

I just put my hands up like I was enjoying the rain and relished in the yelling and screaming around me.

"That's it we are leaving and going far away, we're no one can find us."

(You excited like I am?)

(I just get to see what you do and not actually do anything, but sure, let the fun begin.)

I'm currently waiting for the clock to strike midnight and for Hagrid to come in and to be taken to the world I belong in.

BANG, BANG, BANG, POP, the door fell.


"Sorry about that."

He picks up the door.

Vernon came down with a shotgun. "I demand you leave at once you're breaking and entering."

"Dry up Dersley you great prune." *Bang*

(This is even better in person, you catch it all?"

(Yes, and also allowing Memsy to watch she's loving it.)

I'm actually getting worried about her she's changed in these past years.

Hagrid looked at Dudley. "Woah Harry, I haven't seen you since your a baby but you're farther along then I expected, especially in the belly."

I looked at him. "He's not Harry I am, and I'm loving you right now."

"Of course you are, and thank you.

I got something for you, I might of sat of it but I'd imagine it'd taste the same."

I grabbed it and opened it up. "Thank you, this is the first gift I've ever gotten, thank you."

"What do you mean you've never gotten a gift of course you have."

I got very meek and pitiful. "No, I'm a freak and I don't get gifts."

"That's hog wash."

He looked at the adults in the room while setting down then starting a fire with his pink umbrella.

I sat the cake down.

"If I might ask what's your name?"

"Rubeus Hagrid, keeper of keys and grounds at Hogwarts, of course you've heard of Hogwarts."

I put on a very confused face. "Hog what, is that the place from those weird letters?"

"What you don't know? Have you ever wandered were your parents learned it all?"

"Learned what?"

"You're a wizard Harry, and a thumping good one at that."

He got up and handed me a letter.

I opened it up and read it to myself.

Vernon came running around saying I'm not allowed to go and that when he took me in he put a stop to it all.

I threw out the line. "You knew and you never told me."

Petunia came down the stairs. "Of course we knew, you're her son, my parents were happy when she got her letter, "there's going to be a witch in the family," they were proud but I seen her for what she was a freak an abomination."

When she said that I actually did get angry that's one thing you done do talk down to my mom.

By accident I might of thrown her across the room with magic.

Hagrid looked at me. "See Wizard."

Vernon checked his wife then yelled. "He will not being going to that school, he already has enough problems."

Hagrid got a little sass in his voice. "And what would a Muggle like you do about it?"

To play my part. "What's a Muggle?"

"Non-Magic foke."

I kinda zoned out for a second until I heard screaming and looked at my cousin with a tail and lost it and laughed so hard.

"It fits you perfectly, you should keep it."

Hagrid looked at me. "I'd appreciate it if you keep that secret, I'm not supposed to do magic."

"My lips are sealed, no one will know."

He looked at his wrist. "Well we should probably go, unless you want to stay."

I quickly ran to the door. "I've been waiting for someone like you my whole life."

I went outside and got to ride on the flying motorcycle again, we went back to London.

We parked in an ally and walked the rest of the way. I was reading what was needed and looked at Hagrid like he was crazy.

"If you know where to look you'll find it all."

"If you say so."

We walked in leaky cauldron.

Who I'm guessing is Tom spoke as soon as the door shut. "Oh Hagrid, the usual I'm guessing?"

"No Tom I'm on official Hogwarts business, I'm here to show Harry around and get his school supplies."

Tom looked very close at me. "Bless my soul, it's Harry Potter."

It got very quiet until one person came and spoke to me then the dam broke and everyone came to introduce themselves and shake my hand. Finally we got away from that, then a guy in a purple turban came up stuttering.

"Harry pppotter, you can't imagine how ppleased I am to see you."

I tried to shake his hand and he pulled away.

(Can you sense Voldemort in his head?)

(There is currently no traces of Voldemort.)

(That's good, then why isn't he shaking my hand, weird.)

Hagrid spoke. "Oh professor Quirrell, I didn't see you there, he's the professor for the defense against the dark arts at Hogwarts."

He patted my shoulder.

"Well we gotta go, lots to buy."

We walked into the back and looked at a wall.

"See Harry, you're famous."

"I can see that, can you by chance tell me why?"

"I'm afraid I'm not the person for that."

He tapped some bricks and the wall opened.

(Please keep that pattern at the forefront.)

"Welcome, Harry, to Diagon Alley."

We walked down the street and Hagrid told me what every store had.

It's a little old fashioned but it is quite amazing.

When we walked past the broom shop I couldn't help but drool, I still remember the baby broom I had it was so fun.

"Where are we going Hagrid?"

"Gringotts Bank, T'ain't no safer place not one, we'll next to Hogwarts."

I do want to break into it just to prove a point.

(Your insane.)

(Never denied it.)

"But, I don't have any money, I don't want to take any of yours I'd feel bad."

"No silly, we are getting some of yours, you don't think your parent left you nothing did ya."

As we walked in and towards the front desk I could only think they look so weird.

When we made it up to the front Hagrid cleared his throat.

"Mr Harry Potter would like to make a withdrawal."

The goblin looked over the desk at me. "And does Mr Harry Potter have his key?"

"No sir."

Hagrid looked confused until some clicked. "Oh, wait a minute. Got it here somewhere."

He dug in his pocket. "Oh there's the little devil."

He put it on the counter. "And there's something else as well.

Professor Dumbledore gave me this." He handed him a letter.

Ok I'm not trying to be mean but if Dumbledore was trying to get me curious and was trying to be just obvious enough to get a child's attention he sent the right person.

"It's about you-know-what in vault you-know-which."

"Very well, follow me."

We got lead to another Goblin then to a mine cart.

Hagrid looked like he was going to get sick.

"You ok there?"

"Ya, these things just make my tummy a little upset."

"Sounds fun."

And it was it was like a roller coaster.

Our new Goblin Griphook. "Vault 687."

He got out, "lamp please." He walked to the door and and so did we, he handed the lamp to Hagrid, "key please."

The door opened and once again the movie did not do it justice, the mountain of gold was huge.

"Didn't think your mum and dad would leave your with nothin' did you?"

I got handed a bag and I started to fill it up but as I filled it I also put some into my storage room in my house.

"Didn't you think that's enough Harry?"

"You said I had a lot to buy and I don't want to have to keep coming down here every time I need some gold, would you?"

I felt a little bad I was playing a trick on him but I want to have enough for a while."

"Well I'd reckon you'd be right, just don't take the whole lot."

After I probably took half the gold in the vault we all went back into the cart and went to our next stop.

"Vault 713"

"What's in the vault?"

"Can't tell you, Hogwarts business."

"Can I at least see what it is."

"Sorry Harry top secret."

Griphook put his hand out. "Stand back."

He just put his finger down the center and it opened.

(I really question the wizard's thinking process some times that's a easy lock to break into.)

(I question you a lot to, so we both are questioning people so move on.)

(So mean!)

Hargrid walked inside and grabbed a pouch and put it in his coat pocket.

"Don't say anything about this."

I gave him a salute.

After that we went back up and got most of my supplies.

We walked out of a shop and I looked at my list.

"Looks like all I need is a wand."

"A wand? Well, you want Ollivander's.

There ain't no place better.

Why don't you run along there and wait?

I just got one more thing I got to do, I won't be long."

I walked inside and seen it was empty.

(Watch for magic fluctuations.)

"Hello, hello, anyone here?"

I heard rolling then a old man on a ladder came into view.

"I wondered when I'd be seeing you, Mr. Potter."

He stepped down off the ladder.

"It seems only yesterday that your mother and father were in here buying their first wands."

He grabbed a wand box walked to me then handed me a wand. "Wand hand please."

I put out my right hand. "There we are."

I acted like I didn't know anything.

"Well, give it a wave."

I did and a huge amount of boxes went flying.

(Detected magic coming from under the front desk.)

(So that's how Harry went through so many wands, I was wandering how he could stay in business if his shop got ruined with ever customer.)

He put that away and handed me another.

I waved this one and a vase shattered.

(In his pocket.)

I put it on the desk and he handed me another this time I added my own magic to add more damage for some fun.

I got two more before I got the Phoenix wand.

Then he told me about the twin wand and that it gave me my scar.

I payed him and when I turned around Hagrid tapped on the window and he had a white owl in his hands.

After getting all my supplies me and Hagrid went to get some food and when I was there I decided to se did I could get any information on {he-who-should-not-be-named.} unfortunately I got the same story as the original.

After that I got handed a train ticket and he left me.

I don't know why in the movie he went straight to the train,school is a whole month away.

It didn't matter to me I wasn't going to go back to my own prison so I convinced Tom to let me have a room and stay till school starts.