
Harry Potter gets new tricks

I’m writing this as if I was the my character, and if I was my character I’d be very cautious about changing to much at first. So the main parts of the story will mostly be the same till 3rd maybe 4th year. I will be adding things and changing small things tho. If you don’t like how I do my story then move on to another, I have plans and reasons for what I keep and take away from the story. I love reading the comments, but if they are hurtful or just down right mean they will deleted.

Bikerider · Movies
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I woke up cursing and very confused.

I kept talking and trying to figure out what's going on when I realized something, when I talked all I heard was baby talk.

I kept talking and listening and I confirmed it it baby talk.

Once I figured that out I tried to go through my last memories to try to figure out what in the world is happening.

I replayed what i remember out loud to myself, but I forgot two things I'm not alone and I'm a baby.

Before I could figure out my situation a giant red haired woman came running into the room she kept asking if "I was ok" and I always said yes but that just made her laugh and repeat the question.

She eventually picked me up and I didn't like that, "I'm a grown man put me down crazy woman."

I get that I'm a baby now but this women is making it very hard to think.

Then another giant walked into the room he had weird round glasses on.

WAIT! Red haired woman, round glasses wearing man, am I in Harry Potter as the main character.

I had a couple minutes freak out after my realization and when I came back to my senses I was back in my bed.

Wait if I'm in this world then that survey wasn't just a survey and I should have this gifts.

First thing first "AI?"

(You don't have to speak out loud, that would be embarrassing for you.)

(Hi AI do you have a name I feel weird calling you AI?)

(No I do not and if your giving me one it better be a good one.)

I put my little hand to my chin. (Let's see you sound like a girl so…. Let's go with Alice.)

(Alice huh, I'll allow it, because you gave me a decent name I'll give you a run down of my abilities.

Everything you see I can show you at anytime.

I can also take a memory out of your mind so no one can see it, if they force there way into your mind they will find nothing.

Every spell you know I can do for you.

I can monitor all your states and vitals.

I can use your magic to sense the area around you and tell who or what is there.

And have a slight Thought Communication ability.)

(So I have perfect memory and Thought Communication, and a version of a mind shield perfect choice ever.)

(Well to be more specific I have those abilities.)

(but with you in my head they might as well be mine right?)

(Perfect memory yes, Thought Communication no that's something you can't use.)

That's annoying, I'll take what I can get.

(Do you know if I'm able to use any of my other abilities?)

(Your Metamorphmagus abilities will have to wait till you're older to start to be used, and the invisible ring on your finger is the way into the house.)

(Good to know.)

After my first, very tiring day in this world I went to sleep.

I practiced and practiced when I was left alone, I felt some new energy inside my body the second day I was in this world and was correct when I guessed it was my magic.

I started small I just levitated very small things until I couldn't even stay awake and passed out.

Over the next few months I grew very found of my new parents, I tried so hard not to, I don't know if it's this new body or just there natural charm but it was hard not to enjoy my time with them.

Dad even got me a baby broom, it hovered barley off the ground.

It was a blast, he got in so much trouble but I enjoyed it so much that mom let him off the hook, that was until I fell off and hurt myself.

I was laying in my bed enjoying my new life, that was until a large *BOOM* came from downstairs.

(Is he here?)

(I can't tell though your magic yet, but from loud noise and the timing I'm sorry to say it's most likely him.)

(Why can't I be stronger, I've practiced and practiced but there's nothing I could do to save my parents.)

Not to long after my mini conversation with Alice mom came busting in and not to far behind a tall black haired man came in behind.

(I can't watch please just tell me when she's gone.)

(Of course little man.)

"Avada Kedavra!"

I tried to shut out the voice I tried to ignore it but I heard the words and I seen the green light.


(I know thanks tho.)

I opened my eyes and looked straight into the tall intimidating man.

He looked at me and to my surprise he spoke.

"I'm sorry, but there can only be one."

Then he pointed the wand at me. "Avada Kedavra!"

Piercing pain Is all I felt all over my body.

(A foreign consciousness is trying to take over.

I'm isolating it as I speak.)

(Please do that!)

(Successfully isolated.)

That's always a good thing.

I leaned against my railing and looked down at my mothers body.

(Can I bring her into my house?)

(If you'd like to you can you just have to touch her.)

(As much as I've tried I can't speak clearly yet can you call Memsy here please.

Not even a second later. *pop*

"Master called."

She looked at my mom.

"Oh mistress what happened?"

(Tell her to bring me to her.)

She looked at me weirdly.

"How's master talking to me."

(You handle this I don't have time I want to grab her and many things in this house before Hagrid comes.)

Eventually she grabbed me and put me in front of mom.

I touched her and thought about sucking her into my dimensional house.

(I know you can manipulate my house can you somehow put her in a frozen state?)

(Yes but the basement will be unusable while she's in that state.)

(I don't care do it and tell Memsy to pop me around the house to grab all the belongings.)

After that I took everything in the house, I was looking mostly for the bank vault key but was unable to find it so they just have stored it in another area.

After we took everything from the house we sat by the door.

(Can you ask her if she wishes to become my personal elf?)

"Memsy would love to serve Master, even if Master is tiny."

(You now her, why does everyone mention how tiny I am.)

(But your so cute.)

(I so wish I could attack you.)

(Ask her if there's anything special that needs to be done?)

"Master only needs a drop of blood."

I had her get a drop of my blood then she got a drop from herself then she mixed them on the ground and swore her self to me.

After she finished it was like I felt her it's weird.

(Tell her to bring me outside then let me bring her into my house.)

(I really wish I could speak right now it would make this a whole lot easier.)

We popped outside then I brought her into my house and sent her on a mission to organize all the furniture.

After a while a guy who {I'm guessing is Sirius} rode in on a flying bike.

(Make a note to eventually build one of those.)


He picked me up and talked to me until Hagrid came and took me away I tried to make a fuss when I was taken to see if it would do anything but it was for not I still left with Hagrid on now his flying motorcycle, while Sirius ran off to get arrested.