
Harry Potter: For the Emperor(EN)

A Harry Potter and Warhammer 40k fan Person dies and finds himself in Harry Potter's body after talking to God, he also received a Warhammer 40k system (RTS version). With his system and knowledge of the canon, he will take over the power of Great Britain and then the entire Wizarding World, then the Muggle part, and unite everyone under his new Imperium of Man. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter, I don't claim anything from the Warhammer Universe 40k either.

Lorenzo5798 · Movies
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14 Chs

Chapter 8: no title

The first year at Hogwarts passed without any problems, Harry continued to do his experiments together with Severus, Lucius continued to do his job as headmaster, he also changed the school policy a little.

The most important was that the students of the Winning House would earn certain benefits, the point-of-sale system was also implemented, students would receive points depending on their performance and could use them to buy certain things available.

Now Harry is on his way home, Draco and his gang left the lovesick couple alone (sort of), which Fleur appreciate because that way she could be stroking Harry's hair while he's lying on her thighs, sleeping peacefully, Hermione was in the same car as they were, looking at Fleur with a fit of certain jealousy, as she wanted to replace her and let Harry lie on her thighs.

'What are you thinking Hermione, he's already engaged, there's no way he can be with you!' Hermione was once again having a debate inside herself, she doesn't know when, but she has started to have feelings for Harry, but she just knows that now she has started to love him a lot.

Harry noticed this, but he didn't pay much attention, he doesn't know if Fleur would accept it, to begin with, he was also very happy having a future wife, he never thought of being one of those protagonists who follow the harem route, but if the opportunity knocks on his door, he might consider accepting.

What he is focusing on now is to create his Imperium, when he does, he can think of a harem, maybe it would be good that way, as it could separate his future Galactic Empire into ''regions'' and make it controlled by his children, along with the Galactic Nobles he would name as well.

Harry will try to create a ''democratic'' system, but people could only vote for their candidates for Prime Minister, the nobles would be the dominant force, they would have seats in Parliament, they would also command planets, having their own private armies (with a certain limit, the rest of the army in their territories would be commanded by the Imperial High Command).

He always was and always will be someone who will defend the nobility, even more, when they would be one of the pillars that would defend their Family because if the Imperial Family falls, all the other nobles will fall together.... that he will guarantee.

The train soon arrived at the station, where they could see Harry and Fleur's family waiting for them, their aunt was waiting anxiously, as well as Dudley and Vernon, the three of them knew what was happening in the Wizarding World, even though they knew the chaos that their nephew/cousin would do it, they couldn't help but be worried, especially Petunia, who saw Harry more like her second son than her nephew.

Harry got out of his car with Fleur and Hermione, Draco and his gang had already met their families, they waved goodbye to Harry and his group, then left.

Petunia hugged Harry and Fleur tightly, she was missing him a lot, Hermione went to see her family and went to them, they started talking and then they went to talk to Harry and Fleur's family.

''Harry, I didn't know you had turned into a Casanova'' said Petunia after Harry introduced Hermione to her, his cousin was giving Harry a thumbs up, his uncle too, Gabrielle and Fleur's parents were laughing at Petunia's joke, but the one who didn't like it was the father, having his sense of father tingling.

Hermione was red in the face, her mother saw it and her eyes sparkled in recognition, Miss Granger had a smile on her face as she looked at her daughter, Fleur looked at Hermione with a certain murderous instinct.

After this event, everyone went to the new Mansion Harry bought for his family, there he saw two extremely cute babies, Harry freed Daisy from her cage and went straight to the babies, these were his new cousins ​​Alice and Edward, he helped in the children's name.

The atmosphere inside the mansion was high, everyone was happy, Hermione's parents started to get to know Harry and Fleur's families better.

Until they finally had to leave, life at the Manor had been good, the Delacour family had to return to France, but they visited them every now and then, the same was true for Hermione and her family.

Harry has been training during this time and continued with his experiments, he received the news about his potion, it was finally authorized, it took a long time as the remaining members of the Dark Faction who were wanting to sabotage, but got nothing.

All werewolves were happy with what was happening, they stopped suffering lycanthropy and registered as Animagus, werewolves in Britain and Europe singing the praises of Harry.

The families of the Imperial Faction were quite happy, not only did they win a share of the pie in the business, they also began to be loved by people, they began to want to serve Harry with all their strength, as it was clear that they would be rewarded depending on their loyalty.

They saw it when Harry declared that the Malfoy Family would receive the Ducal title, all the noble families knew about the titles that would come into effect when the Imperium was declared, they also knew about the benefits, the benefits were greater than they have now, as they control planetary systems never crossed their minds.

So this gave the motivation to show value to their Emperor, Lucius was doing a thousand wonders together with his family, as they received a Ducal title, this can already ensure that the Malfoy are being one of the most powerful families of the future Imperium of Man.

He and Harry had a conversation about the part of the title, it seemed Harry would give Ducal titles, Baronals and Earl titles to people of Western origin, while giving different titles to people of Asian origin, for example, people of origin from India, they would receive princely titles (as during British India times), or better example the Chinese and Japanese, those of Japanese ethnicity could be given the title of Daimyo while the Chinese could be given the title of Warlord/Lady.

They also talked about what would happen to some races on Earth, as Harry decided to change his views on some races, for example The Goblins, he doesn't like greedy bastards, so he was seriously thinking about exterminating this race.