

Hai guys it is my first time writing a novel so there will be so many grammatical mistakes so please do point it out for me and if there are any suggestions pls do mention them Two different people got a wish from R.O.B and they both are reincarcerated as cousins(boy/girl) in a muggle born with a soul connection and they both can use each other wishes. the whole story will be where MC will be mostly OP try reading it once and give me advise on how to develop the characters and how to be the dialogue writing. THANK YOU PLS ENJOY

Deathgamer_ · Movies
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20 Chs


Dora started to laugh when she saw me like that, I am a little bit angry at Aditi for pouring water on me but seeing Dora laughing again I thought I will take care of it another time

" ok are you calm now, " I asked Dora to confirm that she is calm

" No I am still angry " she replied pouting, I don't know what to do so I took out a jacket from my space ring and presented it to her

" ok come on this is our latest product we are using this one to gain a foothold in all remaining countries, ok this is the first product and I am giving this gift to you it cost 500 gallons so careful, "I said and gave it to her

" do you think I am dumb why will be a normal jacket be 500 gallons, there no design on it except an egg on the chest place," She asked me rhetorically

" Fuck are you giving it to her first piece even I didn't get mine up to now and I am the boss in the name for fuck sake so give me one right now" Aditi got angry seeing me give Dora the latest product which she was waiting for dearly and didn't even get a glimpse of it until now

" che even I didn't get it until now and I am the whole manager of this building " Narcissa also started a tantrum along with Aditi, Narcissa became like a family here after some hypnotic suggestion from Sister Yang in the start, and later she also saw the future in the shop and she also got to spend more time with her son so she started working wholeheartedly here

" what's so special about it " It Andromeda who asked this time and she was seeing me intensely I just smiled and let her watch

" ok now wear it on top and pour your magic into the jacket " I started instructing Dora, she also wants to see what made this jacket that costly and why everyone are fighting for it, she started following my orders slowly

As magic started pouring into the jacket Dora felt a connection with the jacket she can change the color, size and even change the whole jacket to any type of garment she want by imagining it and providing it with enough magic and the main thing she is feeling the egg is getting heated up on the jacket After a min she was not able to maintain pouring magic continuously she was sweating very much and then egg cracked and a small cat came out from the egg and it opened eyes and kept staring new environment the whole bottom of the jacket has small trees

Everyone is seeing that small cat on the jacket, there is only one thing in mind it is [ so cute ] Dora tried to touch the place where the cat is there and the cat started to purr under her rubbing after 10 secs Dora was not able to supply magic and she was slumped on to the chair and the cat went into sleep near her chest

" what the fuck was that " Dora shouted, "it's so cute " Aditi was screaming, " it's brilliant " both Narcissa and Andromeda spoke at the same time

" see it is our latest product it will be limited sales, for now, there are different types of animals like Phoenix, dragons, Wampus cat, Ravens, and so many others, the main part of the jacket is after you provide enough magic energy and you have enough bonding with your pet they can materialize beside you but it is a physical illusion, it can develop intelligence alongside you, it can share its vision with its master and send information also directly to the brain and the most important thing why the bond is most important is it even take Avada spell by sacrificing itself and act as a defensive shield, If they are not having good bond it won't sacrifice it will just leave your jacket and it can also jump from one jacket to another " I explained to them the uses of the jacket

" It fucking took so much time to create and the materials are also lot costly 500 gallons is production cost but when we sell it can even go to thousands of gallons, so how is my gift," I asked smugly

Dora still Didn't reply to me after a sec she stammered " can I keep it "

"haa sure " I replied

"what do you mean the pet has to sacrifice for it to act as a defensive shield then everyone will act like a good guy to let the pet sacrifice itself " Aditi shouted at me she only got news of pets and how they will act not regarding the spell sacrifice

" We can talk about it later so can you shut up " My anger In my tone is not at all concealed, they all can feel I am angry about Aditi shouting at me, but Sister Yang knows I am angry from the time Aditi poured water on me but I didn't show it at that time now It just burst out

Aditi also calmed down and didn't talk she spend nearly a year with and knows, even if she makes me angry it is no use

"ok let us talk about the Black family first Mrs tonks you know Sirius is innocent during what happened on that day, he was never the secret keeper and he was not the person who betrayed the potter family and killed all that muggles, so there are two offers for you the one I will help in releasing Sirius black and make sure the process is smooth in return I want alliance of black family for ouroboros two Dora here only awakened her bloodline partially which is very rare in nowadays due to intermarriages in wizarding communities so let's make a magical contract give us some blood of hers to experiment we will only use it to experiment the bloodline and in return, we will full help her unlock the bloodline by the time she graduates Hogwarts and help her in anything she wants, so what do you think "

Andromeda was still thinking was all I said was true regarding Sirius, Dora was thinking about her bloodline