
Harry Potter: Approaching the Magic World

When Jon receives his acceptance letter from Hogwarts School of Magic, his life takes an exciting turn. With his mother's guidance, he embarks on a journey to Diagon Alley to prepare for his new life at Hogwarts. From choosing his wand to selecting his magical pet, Jon's magical journey is just beginning

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Haloween party

When Flynn approached, Jon was cutting himself a piece of pumpkin pie. Upon hearing Flynn's question, he nodded.

"Almost done. The professor said she would take care of this matter and asked us to wait," Jon replied.

"Really?" Flynn appeared excited. Jon had previously told them about the club, and it was great news for Flynn, who came from a Muggle family.

Although Flynn studied magic under Jon's guidance, Jon's teaching style was sometimes difficult to understand. Many times, Flynn needed Stephen and Scali to help him understand Jon's lessons so that he could keep up with the progress of the other two.

It wasn't because Jon's content had any issues; it was mainly because Jon often skipped over some common knowledge in the wizarding world. However, as a wizard from a Muggle background, Flynn lacked this kind of knowledge the most.

Flynn smiled and took the chicken leg to join Stephen and the others, giving Jon some time to enjoy his meal. This was an unspoken understanding among them.

While eating, Jon's mind was always contemplating, and at this moment, he was recalling the part about the club. He had seriously considered the feasibility of implementing this club at Hogwarts, and the reason he had approached Professor Sprout with the request was because the benefits of the club outweighed the drawbacks.

The idea of having Professor Sprout as the club's founder, proposed in Professor Sprout's office, was an impromptu thought because she had reminded him that he was still a new student. It wasn't that there was any difference in status between new and old students, as Hogwarts always respected talent. But Jon felt that if he were to establish this club with his own efforts, combined with some of his influence, it would undoubtedly attract a lot of attention.

That's where his ideology conflicted.

He didn't like the feeling of living under the scrutiny of others. It made him uncomfortable and gave him a sense of being constantly watched and interpreted, which would undoubtedly cause him a lot of trouble.

And most importantly, Jon glanced at the tall figure sitting in the teacher's seat—it was Dumbledore. He wasn't prepared to face Dumbledore directly, especially after learning about Dumbledore's ultimate fate and his assistance to his own ancestor in secretly searching for the heir of the Hufflepuff family for many years. Jon didn't want to confront him. After all, he already owed Dumbledore a debt, and Helga, who currently resided in the portrait world, only had to drink "tea" and eat "snacks" every day. Jon, as the only blood descendant of the Hufflepuff family at Hogwarts, had to repay all these debts.

Just thinking about it gave him a headache.

Setting that aside, one of Jon's reasons for promoting the club was because Hufflepuff was the largest house. After experiencing the Ravenclaw common room, Jon suddenly realized something. Each house at Hogwarts had its glorious moments, but after several cycles, when Hufflepuff didn't have exceptionally outstanding students, it would fall to the bottom. The eagles of Ravenclaw looked down on others, the snakes of Slytherin considered themselves superior, and even the students of Gryffindor didn't pay much attention to Hufflepuff students.

Ultimately, this was because centuries ago, Helga Hufflepuff chose to accept all the students who were not accepted by other houses.

Jon couldn't let others think that this decision was incorrect—besides, this decision was the correct one. Every wizard was a treasure, regardless of their background. In the British Isles, these wizards were the most powerful force.

Especially at this time, with the increasing trend of magical elements in the world, the magical world would undergo a transformation, benefiting not only the British magical community but also the magical communities worldwide. Naturally, it wouldn't just be the kind-hearted wizards who would benefit, but also the dark wizards.

In the end, it all boiled down to one thing—the essence of wizards is humanity, and what is the essence of humanity? Certainly not pure goodness.

The strength of wizards lies in individuals, and when individual strength becomes extremely strong, it turns into extremes, such as Voldemort, a dark wizard, or Dumbledore, who single-handedly dominates the Western wizarding world—both are extreme manifestations. Facts proved that Jon's concerns were not unfounded.

Within the portrait, Helga absorbed magical energy through the magical array of Hogwarts Castle to maintain the stability of the portrait space. Thus, she was most sensitive to the increase in magical energy concentration. Having lived in the portrait space for nearly a thousand years, she would notice even the slightest refinement.

Helga conveyed all these changes to Jon, and Jon used them to support his views and conclusions.

This club was Jon's attempt. He wanted to change Hufflepuff because the students of Hufflepuff, after graduating, engaged in the most fundamental magical work in the wizarding world. They were the foundation of the magical world.

Although they might not reach the heights of legendary wizards, these people were numerous.

Regardless of the world, the majority led by certain individuals would inevitably have the last laugh.

Jon couldn't become one of those "certain individuals" just yet, but that was his goal. He wanted to become a catalyst, driving the entire magical world forward, rather than fighting for power and profit in some specific places.

His biggest difference from Voldemort was that he aspired to peaceful development and order.

Hmm? It seems like that was the ideology passed down by the Hufflepuff family. When did Helga mention it? Jon couldn't quite remember.

As Jon pondered these matters, he stuffed the last spoonful of pudding into his mouth.

At that moment, the music started playing again.

"Hogwarts, Hogwarts,

Hoggy Warty Hogwarts,

Teach us something please,

Whether we be old and bald,

Or young with scabby knees,


The Hogwarts school song resounded, announcing the end of the banquet.

"It must have been a fantastic evening," Dumbledore said with a smile, wiping his beard on the podium. "But now, everyone should go back and rest!"

As he spoke, the students began to file out of the Great Hall...

Jon couldn't help feeling strange because he didn't see Professor Sprout in the teacher's seat. Where did she go?

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