
Harry Potter and Wicked Man

Something completely written for fun. I don't care about reviews, or stones, or praise, or criticism... I don't know when I will post the next chapter, maybe in a month, maybe in two. Basically anyone who has read my other stuff knows how I feel about everything. So if anyone feel offended... I don't care.

MedTryglaw · Movies
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6 Chs

006 Potential Profits

Over the next few days, after we settled down in the new place, I was able to recreate the smartmirror prototype and was ready to register my invention and patent. I also carried out additional research on the "capacity" of the crystal and it turned out that the one I use, the size of a fist, can be connected to 500 mirrors... assuming there are several thousand wizards in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland, I will need at least ten of these crystals, or will have to purchase several larger ones. A server room, or rather a crystal room, I decided to organize in the basement of our house, if there were any problems, I could always take care of them and it was safe here.

In addition, the production of mirrors is not demanding, and knowing the method of enchantment, it takes no more than five minutes, but doing it myself will take me a month, assuming that I have to produce 5000 mirrors... but with the help of parents, this time can be reduced by at least half. Additionally expenses and profits... phantom crystals are a one-time purchase worth 200 galleons, the purchase of an unconnected two-way mirror is approximately 15,000 galleons, decorations, covers, etc., in total, the entire investment will not exceed 20,000 galleons. Which was not a big sum, especially when looking at the profit potential. I can sell one mirror for 10 galleons and a monthly fee of 10 galleons for connecting to the crystal... So one smartmirror could bring me 130 galleons a year, multiplying that by five thousand... it would give me 650,000 galleons a year.

Now I just had to wrap it up nicely and sell it to my parent... which I decided to do at dinner.

"I told you that our son is geniuses ... come to mom and give me a kiss." It's humiliating to be trampled like a child, but what is not being done for the money.

"Son, you wrote everything beautifully and I am impressed, but you did not include employees, or the place where you will sell it, or the advertising cost." Fuck... my father was right, I didn't think about it. In my previous life and career, advertising was not a good idea. I also did not pay taxes or insurance for my employees, and I did not have a permanent office or company. "The things I mentioned will increase the cost of this investment by several thousand galleons... maybe even more if you want to buy a store, not rent it."

"You are acting like a goblin, there is only gold in your head... Honey, don't worry about your father, we will definitely help you, we have enough gold to invest in your idea." Sometimes having a mother lioness had its advantages... and this night I heard my parents conversations about my project, or rather my mother's monologue and my father's nodding.

Then everything happened very quickly, the next day my father went to the ministry to register the invention and the company, and then to Gringotts to look for a suitable location for my store, at that time, the mother ordered five large crystals, mirrors and several dozen meters of copper rods.

I also had some time to train my apportation, despite my initial fears, all my attempts were successful, but the feeling that accompanies apparation is difficult to describe... I will not like it for sure.

Everything took almost two months to prepare, and the biggest challenge was the bureaucracy and covers for the smartmirrors. As an underage wizard, I could neither open my own bank account nor be a business owner. Even though the patent was in my name, my parents had the right to use it, until I am an adult... problem with covers for smartmirrors was one of the prosaic ones, which caused companies to fail... fortunately, my father managed to find a muggle company that made wooden and metal covers. Owner of this company did not know what they should be used for, but the appropriate prepayment in pounds solved all his problems and doubts.

"We're opening a store soon, but we'll need an ad before we do. I'm going to buy a full page ad on the Daily Prophet." I could have expected it, Daily Prophet... CNN of the magic world, or rather the NYT just more credible, but this newspaper had a monopoly on the British and Irish market, so no matter what I thought about it, advertising in it was favorable.

"Dad, is Rita Skeeter writing for this newspaper?" I knew, and I didn't have to ask, but it looked more natural. "Yes, why are you asking? Her articles don't seem very credible."

"Invite her to us and I will give an interview, imagine this headline 'Boy Genius revolutionizes the way of communication'..." My father looked at me as if I was an idiot, he didn't seem to like the idea of ​​inviting Rita.

"Too long, no one will read it." Funny... but we'll see who has the last laugh. There was nothing left for me to do but take the ace out of my sleeve.

"MOM!" As they say, behind each man there is a woman who tells him what to do... my father was no exception. As for Rita... I had some plans. It's good to have my own journalist on a leash and let her off the leash when needed, but first I wanted to get to know her and assess how useful she would actually be.